
  • 网络ancient nation;ancient nationality
  1. 本文论述了黑龙江省地名学与古代民族的历史关系。

    This article discussed the historical relations between toponymy and ancient nationality in Heilongjiang province .

  2. 东北古代民族文化特征论略

    Discussing Briefly the Ancient National and Cultural Features of Northeastern Region

  3. 中国古代民族观研究的回顾与思考

    The Retrospection and Reflection on the Concept of Nations in Ancient China

  4. 东地中海地区古代民族的交流及其文化特性

    Exchanges between Ancient Ethnic Groups in East Mediterranean Region and Their Cultural Features

  5. 契丹与中国古代民族音乐文化之研究

    Researching of Qi Dan Music and the Music of Other Minorities of Ancient China

  6. 中国古代民族文化心理结构中的山水生命意识

    On the Consciousness of Life and Nature in the Psychological Structure of Ancient Chinese

  7. 中国古代民族收继婚探讨

    A Study on Levirate Antiquity Nationalities in China

  8. 从图腾文化痕迹看中韩古代民族之关系

    Relation between the Chinese people and the Korean people in perspective of the vestiges of Totem

  9. 话说伏羲文化&中国古代民族史研究札记

    On the Fuxi Culture & Reading Notes of the Research of the Chinese Ancient National History

  10. 但是,古代民族意识中的血缘认同至少在两个方面根本不同于部族意识中的血缘认同。

    But there are two kind of difference in consanguinity approving between ancient nationalities and clans .

  11. 回鹘是敦煌历史上比较重要而富有影响的古代民族之一。

    Uyghurs were one of the most important and influential ancient nationalities in Dunhuangs ' history .

  12. 上古时期的欧亚草原地带居住着一系列现已消亡的古代民族。

    In the primitive ages there lived on the European-Asian grassland a number of ancient tribes which already disappeared nowadays .

  13. 亚洲东北部、美洲西北部的古代民族具有丰富多样的制陶工艺。

    The ancient tribes in northeast of Asia and northwest of America had abundant and various pottery - made arts .

  14. 此墓的主人是古代民族“昆明族”农耕部落的酋长、领人物。

    The owner of the tomb was the chief or monarch of an agricultural tribe Kunming tribe in the ancient time .

  15. 族群迁徙在古代民族中是经常发生的,祖源记忆则构成族群自我认同最重要的内容之一。

    Besides , origin memory is one of the most important elements for self-identity as ethnic migrations frequently occur in ancient times .

  16. 古羌文化的断想与新探&中国古代民族史研究札记之三

    Thought Fragments and New Probes into the Ancient Qiang Culture-The Third Reading Notes on the Research of the Ancient National History in China

  17. 蒙古族法制史在中国古代民族法制史上具有举足轻重的地位,成为自成体系的蒙古法系。

    The Mongolian legal history has an important status in national legal history in ancient times of China and has become Mongolian legal system .

  18. 收继婚是中国古代民族中普遍盛行的一种婚姻制度,也是中国婚姻史上的一种特殊形式。

    Levirate was a prevalent marriage system among antiquity nationalities in China . And it was also a special form in the marriage history of China .

  19. 日耳曼人是北欧的古代民族,哥特人是日耳曼人的一支,也是日耳曼人中人数最多,繁衍最快,势力最强的一支。

    Germans belongs to the ancient Northern Europe nations , Goths belongs to the Germans as the strongest one who has multitudinous numerous population and multiply fast .

  20. 它的基本结构不是成文法法典,而是一个关于一个古代民族起源的叙事,只不过它将律法传统隐含在故事当中。

    The basic framework is not for a written legal code , but for a narrative of ethnic origin , where the legal tradition was hided in stories .

  21. 古代民族用青铜制成矛、剑、头盔、铃、号角、战车、椅子、锅、盘等许多青铜制品。

    Ancient peoples made spears , swords , helmets , bells , horns , chariots , chairs , pots , pans and a host of other things from bronze .

  22. 本章探讨中华古代民族精神的萌芽、产生、形成和发展演变过程,总结古代民族精神的内在特征。

    This chapter explores the process of evolution of the National Spirit of the Ancient Times , summing up the inherent characteristics of National Spirit of the Ancient Times .

  23. 蒙古人自古至今使用的蒙古文是从回鹘人那里学来的,但回鹘人也曾一度使用过蒙古八思巴字,这是古代民族相互学习的结果。

    It is well known Mongolian character is what the Mongolian have learned from ancient Uighur , but few people knew ancient Uighur once used Ph'ags-pa Script in the Yuan dynasty .

  24. 肃北蒙古族自治县境内的野马山北麓和马宗山一带,分布着大量的古代民族的岩刻遗址。

    Subei Mongolian Autonomous County in the northern foothills and Majumdar Mustang Mountain , the area , the distribution of a large number of ancient ruins Rock carvings of the nation .

  25. 在西南古代民族的宗教信仰中,认为击鼓可同神灵,因此,铜鼓成为祭祀中必用之物。

    In the religious belief of the ancient nationalities in southwest China , drumming was considered to be able to connect to gods and so bronze drum was a must in sacrificial ceremony .

  26. 从白蛇传传说的历史渊源和发展演变来看,白蛇传传说与我国古代民族蛇文化的崇拜密切相关。

    From the historical origin and development process , the Legend of White Snake is closely related to the adorn for snakes in ancient China , and shows the cultural origin of snake totem .

  27. 在多元一体的中华文化格局中,东北古代民族文化以刚劲质朴、雄健豪迈、清新自然的风格为中华文化的发展注入了新的生机与活力。

    In the plural and integrative culture pattern , the ancient national culture of the northeastern region inspires livingness and energy into the Chinese culture development by its powerful , vigorous and natural style .

  28. 本文从北方古代民族的萨满教信仰论起,直到现代民族的萨满教传承与遗存,对北方民族与萨满教的关系进行了阐述。

    This article from the belief of Shamanism of the ancient northern nationalities , ended at the inheriting and keeping of historical remains by modern nationalities , and expounded the relations between the northern nationalities and the Shamanism .

  29. 由于战争动荡、文化变革、朝代更迭等原因,许多关于庆阳地区民族状况的史料堙没无存,这为我们研究庆阳地区古代民族发展状况造成了诸多不便。

    As the unrest of war and changes of culture and dynasties , lots of national research materials about Qingyang were lost in the history , also it makes us inconvenient to study about the ancient national development conditions around Qingyang District .

  30. 蛮族发展史是中国古代民族史中的重要一环,魏晋南北朝时期蛮族的发展尤以南朝江沔地区为甚。

    The development history of savage nationality is an important link in China 's ancient national history . In Wei , Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties period , the development of savage nationalities of the Southern Dynasties especially in Jiang-Mian region .