
  • 网络BP PLC;British Petroleum;B.P.;British Petroleum Company
  1. 这些人接受来自受害者补偿基金的检查他们的长期损失,就不得不放弃控告英国石油公司的权利。

    Those who accept a check for their long-term losses from the victims'compensation fund will have to give up their right to sue BP PLC .

  2. 消防队正在奋力扑灭井架大火油井位于路易斯安那海岸线41英里远的地方,为Transocean公司所有和运营,正受托于石油巨头英国石油公司(BPPLC,下称英国石油)进行钻探作业。

    The rig , about 41 miles off the Louisiana coast , is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd. and contracted to British oil major BP PLC .

  3. 霍顿在英国石油公司漫长的职业生涯中曾经让两个部门整体上起死回生。

    In his long career at BP , Horton turned around two entire divisions

  4. 英国石油公司(P)着手部分关闭位于阿拉斯加的一个大油田。

    BP is shutting down part of a major oil field in Alaska .

  5. 英国石油公司(BP)已被授权在该地区开采石油。

    BP has been licensed to drill for oil in the area .

  6. 他们人数众多,被英国石油公司BP招募来进行清理工作。

    They come in large numbers , recruited by BP to help in the clean up .

  7. 英国石油公司(BP)声辩,考虑到通货紧缩,其小幅减少投资并不代表真正的减资。

    BP argues its slight cut in investment does not really represent a reduction , thanks to deflation .

  8. 让我们比照一下过去十年中另一场重大的公关危机:2010年英国石油公司(BP)墨西哥湾漏油事件。

    Compare that to one of the other big public relations crises of the past decade : the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill .

  9. 这张图片中的鸟儿泡在油污中,惨不忍睹,在去年墨西哥海湾那场可怕的英国石油公司(BP)漏油事件之后,这批图片最终被曝光,

    When these heartbreaking images of oiled birds finally began to emerge from the Gulf of Mexico last year during the horrific BP oil spill ,

  10. 沙特阿拉伯是全球常规石油储量最大的国家,根据《英国石油公司世界能源统计年鉴》(BPStatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)的数据,去年底该国已探明石油储量是2660亿桶。

    Saudi Arabia 's proven oil reserves , the world 's largest conventional ones , were 266bn barrels at the end of last year , according to the BP Statistical Review .

  11. 英国石油公司(BP)最新的《世界能源统计年鉴》(StatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)显示,虽然能源效率有所提高,但全球对商业能源的需求仍在继续增长,主要受新兴国家增长的驱动。

    BP 's latest Statistical Review of World Energy shows that global demand for commercial energy continues to grow , largely driven by growth of emerging countries , despite improvements in energy efficiency .

  12. 第三章则侧重于对国外跨国公司在企业社会责任实践方面的研究和分析,其中样本采集上为英国石油公司(BP)。

    The chapter three is the analysis and research on the multinational corporate social responsibility in practice , the BP oil company has been taken as an example .

  13. 9月8号,BP英国石油公司就4个月前墨西哥湾漏油事故原因,发表了一份引起争议的报告。

    This month , the British oil company BP issued a controversial report on the cause of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico four months ago .

  14. 虽然汉德曾在英国石油公司(BritishPetroleum)担任过多年全球品牌、营销与创新高级副总裁,但她现在却在从事更加环保的事业。

    Though Hand was British Petroleum 's SVP of Global Brand , Marketing and Innovation , for several years , she 's on a much more environmentally friendly mission today .

  15. 英国石油公司(BP)最新一版《世界能源统计年鉴》(StatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)显示,去年,可再生能源及核能在世界能源结构中的占比上升至13.7%的新高。

    The share of renewables and nuclear power in the world 's energy mix rose to a new high of 13.7 per cent last year , according to the latest BP Statistical Review of World Energy .

  16. 第一石油(PremierOil)、塔洛石油(TullowOil)等英国石油公司在今年剩余时间里必须更加努力,才能让它们的债主安心。

    UK groups like Premier Oil and Tullow Oil will have to work ever harder to keep their lenders happy as the year goes on .

  17. 根据项目要求,从2019年开始,英国石油公司每年要向中国海洋石油总公司(ChinaNationalOffshoreOilCompany,简称中海油)供应150万吨液化天然气,相当于720亿立方英尺的天然气,为期20年。

    It will see BP will deliver up to 1.5 million tons a year of LNG-equivalent to 72 billion cubic feet of gas-to China National Offshore Oil Company , or CNOOC , for 20 years from 2019 onwards .

  18. 近日,民众广泛预测英国石油公司CEO托尼·海沃德(TonyHayward)将退位。英国石油公司董事会现在已经确认了这种预测。

    BP 's board also confirmed what had been widely ed in recent days , company 's CEO Tony Hayward is .

  19. 英国石油公司时任CEO托尼•海沃德在接受《每日电讯报》(Telegraph)采访时称,杜德利感到他不得不“考虑自己的人身安全。”

    Tony Hayward , BP 's then-CEO , told the Telegraph that Dudley felt he had to " think about his safety . "

  20. 大约在10年前,英国石油公司(BP)收购了Arco石油公司。

    About a decade ago , when BP ( BP ) acquired Arco , Lois Frankel coached managers from both companies .

  21. 从那时起,英国石油公司(BP)这样的业内厂商一直在努力寻找办法以具有成本效益的方式向这种“先进生物燃料”过渡,现在一项科研突破可能最终使这一切成为现实。

    Since then , industry players like BP have been seeking ways to make a cost-efficient transition to the " advanced biofuel , " and now a scientific breakthrough might finally make that possible .

  22. 商界人士都记得(或许还带着一丝苦笑),英国石油公司(BP)前CEO唐熙华曾在墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件后表示&他渴望重新过上安生的日子。

    Everyone in the business world remembers , perhaps with a sad laugh , when BP ( BP ) leader Tony Hayward said that he wanted his life back after the Gulf spill .

  23. 英国石油公司还在Rosneft的九人董事会中获得一个席位,目前由英国石油首席执行长达德利(BobDudley)出任这一董事。

    BP also gained a seat on Rosneft 's nine-member board , currently held by BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley .

  24. 该课程包括一个案例研究,内容是关于英国石油公司(BP)应对气候变化的举措,以强迫学生思考企业能够在多大程度上在市场体系允许的范畴内应对环境问题。

    It includes a case study on British Petroleum 's initiatives on climate change and compels students to consider the extent to which companies – within the constraints of a market system – can address the issue .

  25. 英国石油公司时任CEO布朗勋爵声称,这份协议是“一个重大的战略步骤,英国石油公司将由此进入一个石油和天然气储量丰富、拥有巨大增长潜力的国家。”

    Lord Browne , then CEO of BP , called the deal " a major strategic step into a country with massive oil and gas reserves and immense potential for future growth . "

  26. EricKrieg同意这种观点,他是在印第安纳东北部的英国石油公司Whiting炼油厂的一名工程师。

    Eric Crag agrees . He 's an engineer at British Petroleum 's Whiting Refinery in North East Indiana .

  27. 英国石油公司负责人称这次漏油是由于瑞士跨洋公司(Transocean)操作不当所致。

    The chief of British Petroleum blames failures by the rig 's operator , Transocean of Switzerland .

  28. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)预计如果英国石油公司剥离其冶炼及营销部门,交易水平与同业公司看齐,公司将拿下150亿&200亿的额外市值。

    Deutsche Bank estimates that if BP were to spin off its refining and marketing unit , it could unlock $ 15 to $ 20 billion in value if it were to trade in line with its peers .

  29. 时任英国石油公司(BP)老板的罗伯特•霍顿(RobertHorton)自豪地解释,为了减少来访者对与他见面的恐惧感,他请人将他那间巨大办公室的天花板特别降低了一些。

    Robert Horton , then boss of BP , proudly explained how he had had the ceiling of his vast office specially lowered in order to make visitors feel less daunted by meeting him .

  30. 据NPR新闻的杰夫·布雷迪报道,新奥尔良第五巡回上诉法庭拒绝了英国石油公司限制向一些企业支付罚金的请求。

    NPR 's Jeff Brady reports the 5th circuit court of appeals in New Orleans rejected BP 's efforts to block payments to some businesses .