
  1. 人生只若如初见,那么我有如何告诉你。

    If , as has shown signs of life only , I have to tell you how .

  2. 那些时光流转的日子,有一个暖和的名字若如初见。

    The time the day of circulation , have a warm name first sight of the odds .

  3. 这种增长模式若要如政府所希望的那样发生逆转,那么投资增长必须远远低于GDP的增长。

    If this pattern of growth is to reverse , as the government wishes , the growth of investment must fall well below that of GDP .

  4. 组成中若包括如H2O2,S(Ⅳ)等活性组分,云水组成不同于雨水组成,因为云水中H2O2浓度高。

    If active components , such as H2O2 , S ( IV ), were included , the rainwater composition was very different from that of cloud-water , because of high level of H2O2 in cloud-water .

  5. 亼玍,若只如初见。

    Life , if only as in the beginning sees .

  6. 若浮云如人,人亦如浮云,

    If clouds are beings , and beings are clouds ,

  7. 人生若只如初见,何事西风悲画扇。

    Life if only as strike through , what has drawn westerly sad fan .

  8. 人生若只如初见,那这一切都将完美的不像话!

    If the life only as in the beginning sees , that all these perfect unreasonable !

  9. 人生若只如初见的美好果然只是书里说的。

    As shown signs of a better life , if only just turned the book said .

  10. 楼主很无聊,从论坛里挑了一个主题“人生若只如初见,魔兽世界六周年”发过去,等了很久,回复如下。

    Be life what it was the first time we met , World of Warcraft is the sixth anniversary .

  11. 人若做如是说:“我欲得美妙之经历,故而应勉励求静”,则必不能成。

    The entity that says ," I would like to have marvelous experiences , therefore I must force my brain to be quiet ," will never do it .

  12. 人生若只如初见,诗坛的放翁便真当得起一个“放”字,一生不羁,了无牵挂。

    If only life , such as strike through , poetry Fangweng it really Dang Deqi a " release " of the word life unruly , had no worried about .

  13. 若浮云如人,人亦如浮云,我们是否都应该飘,感受风的力量,让我们一时扎根这里,一时又把我们拔起吹走?

    If clouds are beings , and beings are clouds , are we not all well advised to drift , to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there ?

  14. “人生若只如初见”,当真只是擦肩而过的瞬间相识,当真只是笑语嫣然的霎那回眸,当真只是蓦然回首间的灯火阑珊,此时又当如何?

    " Life if only as first ", really just met miss moments , really just laughter and smiling at me , really just feels so instantly lights wanes between suddenly look back , then again be how ?

  15. 他还说,若中国内地如外界所料为IPO松绑,市场可能很快就开始涌现大量新问题。

    He added that new issues could start flooding the market soon if the mainland lifts its current moratorium on IPOs , as expected .

  16. 若你爱人如己时,你会偏心待人吗?

    Will you show favoritism when you really love others as yourself ?

  17. 若可能、如有机会,我们会选择什么重新来过?

    What we 'd do over -- if we possibly could -- if given the chance ?

  18. 你若寻求她如寻求银子,搜索她如搜索宝藏。

    If thou shalt seek her as money , and shalt dig for her as for a treasure .

  19. “一语未了,只见房中又走出几个仙子来,皆是荷袂蹁跹,羽衣飘舞,姣若春花,媚如秋月。”

    " At once out came several fairies , lotus sleeves swaying , feathery garments fluttering , lovely as spring blossom , entrancing as the autumn moon . "

  20. 然而,若斑块类型(如建筑物)的高度发生变化,比表面积值随之发生变化,各斑块的重要性也会发生变化。

    However , if the patch type ( such as buildings ) by the change in specific surface area will result change in value , the importance of each patch will also change .

  21. 并且让我籍着你的沉默与你说话你的沉默亮若明灯,简单如环你如黑夜,拥有寂静与群星你的沉默就是星星的力量,遥远而明亮

    And let me talk to you with your silence That is bright like a lamp , simple as a ring You are like the night , with its stillness and constellations Your silence is that of a star , as remount and candid