
We have a great admiration for the gold medalists .
This week , Piers Morgan , a British journalist , embraced an ugly new ethos , when he commented that he was interested only in gold medal winners .
The IOC minimum requirement for a gold medal is 6g of the pure yellow metal .
The cash prize for gold is five times theamount promised to athletes in past Olympic meets .
Some Chinese observers also appealed to their compatriots to give up the obsession with gold medals .
The extent that sports items influence total games gold quantity is discussed by grey incidence degree analysis .
Given China 's focus on gold ( athletes are trained to consider silver or bronze a defeat ), some observers suggest a local triumph is almost assured .
This study uses mathematical statistics and logic analysis to analyses the gold medal ownership according to the documents of the28th Olympic Games and the10th world track and field championships , and finds the current pattern change of world track and field sports .
China in particular spooks America-and may do so even more over the next few weeks of Olympic medal-gathering .
The service is available with a gold Xbox Live membership , now at $ 60 a year , plus fees to cable providers .
Powers take the initiative to adapt to global changes in competitive sports in order to seek their own political , cultural and economic interests .
Many collectors and fans at the auction had expected the club to bid hard for the world cup medal , arguing that the club had a moral duty to Stiles , its own history and its fans to do so .
Eight years ago , before the Salt Lake City Winter Games , there were high hopes that he would win multiple gold medals .
The wait for the Olympic title has become a national obsession - football is not only Brazil 's most popular sport but also one of the few Olympic events at which it competes at the top level .
But some Chinese are openly questioning China 's route to Olympic triumph : unfettered investment by a gold-fixated government that controls the careers of athletes .