
  • 网络Flower City;the city of Flowers
  1. 谈新都市主义&以北京万年花城为例

    Read new urbanism & With Beijing Wannian Flower City for instance

  2. 在一片花田中有座空中花城,游客可在此休息、住宿,享受五星级服务。

    Spend Tienchung to have the air the flower city in the one , visitor can at this rest , accommodation , enjoy a five-star service .

  3. 珠江新城花城大道下沉式广场防水工程设计与施工

    Waterproof Design and Construction of Sunken Plaza in Zhujiang New District , Guangzhou

  4. 2006年&诗集《拷问灵魂》由广州花城出版社出版。

    In2006 , The Poetry inquisition of the soul was published by Guangzhou Huacheng Press .

  5. 广州市花城制药厂-消化不良,脘腹胀满,口苦口臭。

    Pharmaceutical Factory , Guangzhou , Flower City-indigestion , abdominal distention , pain bad breath mouth .

  6. 千年帝都,牡丹花城&洛阳城市园林特色探究

    The Empire Capital and Peony City & A Research on the Styles of Luoyang City Landscape

  7. 万科四季花城西半岛

    West Byland of Vanke Wonderland

  8. 澳斯迪中国大陆的营销中心总部设在中国花城广州市美国银行大厦。

    The sals and marketing centre of AuXdiO in China locates in bank of America plaza , Guangzhou .

  9. 形态变异及实证&杭州金渡花城小区中心会馆形态生成过程描写

    The Demonstration and Metamorphosis of the Form & the Description of Morphogenesis Course of Service Center in Hangzhou Garden Town

  10. 作为国际花城的广州市,在十年绿化后,森林面积大大增加,极易发生森林火灾。

    The forestland area in Guangdong has increase greatly after ten years ' forestation so forest fire can occurs easily .

  11. 创造生活美好寻找心灵快乐&长沙四季花城玫瑰苑家居设计个案

    Create Wonderful Life Seek Happiness at Heart & A interior design case of Rose garden of Mayflower Town in Chang Sha

  12. 有了烛光和音乐,也不要忘记在家中摆放鲜花才是花城中人。

    Had candle power and music , also forgetting to put a flower in the home just is beautiful city go-between .

  13. 瀑布左右各有一座高9米的雕塑台,台上将放置主题为“花城情”的大型雕塑。

    There is one9-meter-high sculpture platform on each side of the waterfall , on which stand large sculptures featuring local customs and culture .

  14. 广州市花都粤华食品厂广州又被誉为花城,一年四季鲜花盛开。

    Guangzhou Huadu Yuehua Foodstuff Factory Guangzhou is also dubbed admiringly " the City of Flowers ", as here flowers bloom luxuriantly all the year round .

  15. 本文就花城出版社1996年出版的《最后的收获》(艾米莉·狄金森诗选)一书进行了评论,认为存在三点不足之处:第一,词的误译;

    This paper points out three deficiencies in the translated version Final Harvest ( Emily Dickin-son 's poems ): firstly , errors in the translation of single words ;

  16. 那场比赛对于这位卫林花城出生的官员或许是一次愉快的经历,但是对维根来说却不是。维根只希望这次的比赛会愉快一些。

    The day was an emotional one for the Welwyn Garden City-born official , but not so for Latics , who will be hoping for better fortunes on this occasion .

  17. 对花城广场设计建设的目的与建成使用情况进行比较分析,总结经验,为花城广场未来发展提出建议。

    City of the construction of the square design for the purpose and use built the comparison and analysis , summarizing the experience , for the future development of city square are proposed .

  18. 得出了南昌万科四季花城三楼的评估案例的市场价值和内在价值,由于其内在价值低于市场价值,所以该评估案例目前不值得投资。

    Getting the market value and intrinsic value of the case , because of its intrinsic value less than the market value , the assessment of the case at present is not worth investing .

  19. 如何更好地控制森林火灾和有效地利用林火,就迫切需要对林火实施动态监测。作为国际花城的广州市,地形复杂,光热资源充足。

    How can we effectively control firing disaster and make use of forest fire it is urgent to implement dynamically monitoring for forest fire . The city of Guangzhou , as an international flower city , which has complicated topography and plenty of lighting and heating resource .

  20. 结合北京万年花城居住区规划实例,指出了新都市主义对居住区规划发展的积极意义,同时也指出了新都市主义在我国实施的困难和发展前景。

    Then taking the Beijing Wannian Hua City Community Master Plan for example , The author points out the active significance of the new urbanism f or the community planning development , and presents the difficulties of the implementation and the future of the new urbanism as well .