
  • 网络phragmites;phragmites communis;Phragmites Adans
  1. 多年生高大木头般的草,茎细而空,特别是芦竹属和芦苇属。

    Tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially of the genera Arundo and phragmites .

  2. 有相对宽大的叶子和羽毛状圆锥花序的一个高大北美芦苇属;广泛分布于潮湿地区;用作席子筛子和矢柄。

    Tall North American reed having relative wide leaves and large plumelike panicles ; widely distributed in moist areas ; used for mats , screens and arrow shafts .

  3. 热带或温带地区生长在沼泽地或河岸的一个芦苇状植物属。

    Reeds of marshes and riversides in tropical or temperate regions .

  4. 热带美洲一个高大芦苇状兰花属;包括一些类型,其果实当地用作香子兰的代用品。

    Genus of tall reedlike tropical American orchids ; includes species with pods used locally as a substitute for vanilla .

  5. 该湿地的植物区系优势种多,典型的种类为芦苇、香蒲属以及沉水植物。

    The wetland flora of the dominant species more typical of the species are reed , Typha , and submerged plants .

  6. 一个芦苇状的禾草属,其穗状花序密集成圆锥状,密生长绢质毛。心灵预言系许多异能的影响区域是锥状。

    Genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs . Many Clairsentience powers have cone-shaped areas .

  7. 温度对芦苇不同部位分解动态的影响一个芦苇状的禾草属,其穗状花序密集成圆锥状,密生长绢质毛。

    Effect of temperatures on leaf , sheath and stem decomposition dynamic of Phragmites Australis genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs .