
lú huì
  • barbados aloe;aloes;Chinese aloe
芦荟 [lú huì]
  • [Chinese aloe] 一种多年生常绿草本植物( Aloe vera var. chinensis ),叶大而肥厚、基出、簇生、狭长披针形,花黄色或有赤色斑点,多产于热带地方。又名油葱,叶边缘有尖锐的锯齿,花像穗子,叶汁可入药

芦荟[lú huì]
  1. 浅谈芦荟药品的开发

    Superficially Talking about the Development of Barbados aloe Drugs

  2. 芦荟的药用功效及其开发利用

    Medicinal effect and development of Barbados Aloe

  3. 芦荟可能对发炎以及轻微的皮肤炎症具有镇痛作用。

    Aloe may have an analgesic effect on inflammation and minor skin irritations .

  4. 芦荟用于润肤霜中,使之具有美妙的丝般润滑感。

    Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture

  5. 木立芦荟组织培养pH分化特性及快速繁殖的研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture of Aloe arborescens Mill

  6. 芦荟提取物对衰老模型鼠抗自由基氧化损伤DNA作用的实验研究

    Experimental Research of Action of Aloe Extracts on Anti - free Radical Oxidation Damage DNA in Senile Model Rats

  7. 对一年生芦荟来说,30%海水胁迫显著降低了植株含水量和叶片对N、P、K营养元素的积累。

    30 % seawater stress markedly reduced N , P , K contents in leaves of 1 yeared aloe .

  8. 成份:含天然芦荟萃取液,蛋白质酸,维他命E及多种植物精华素。

    Ingredients : Natural aloe extract , amino acids , vitamin E and varieties of plant essences .

  9. 目的维生素E、芦荟、珍珠霜的质量控制及临床应用。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the quality control and clinical application of the cream of vitamin E , aloe and pteria .

  10. 金思黛尔羊毛脂润肤皂富含羊毛脂、芦荟、维生素E及保湿因子,提供深层保湿作用。

    LANOLIN é Lanolin Soap is enriched with Lanolin , Aloe Vera , Vitamin E and Moisteriser to provide intensive moisturising .

  11. 方法采用国家规定的环境质量及其分析方法标准和相关的文献方法对库拉索芦荟GAP种植基地规划区环境空气、土壤环境和水资源进行评价。

    Method The analyzed methods used for environment quality of country standard and other methods used in references were adopted in this study .

  12. 通过提取芦荟多糖,制备了含芦荟多糖、维生素E的乳状化妆品。

    Aloe polysaccharide was separated from fresh aloe leaves and cosmetics containing the aloe polysaccharide and vitamin E based emulsion was prepared .

  13. 目的:研究芦荟多糖(AP)的抗瘤作用及其机制。

    Objectrive : To study the antitumor activity and mechanism of aloe polysaccharides ( AP ) .

  14. 主要成份:雪绒花精华、天然滤光元素、芍药精华、芦荟精华、安定型VC衍生物。

    Main compositions : Edelweiss Extract , Natural filtering element , peony extract , Aloe , Quiet type VC ramification .

  15. 芦荟中芦荟苷清除超氧阴离子自由基的ESR研究

    ESR studies on the eliminating effect on the superoxide anion free radical of aloin in Aloe

  16. 结果:芦荟烧伤膏中的多糖平均回收率为99.7%,RSD为1.4%。

    RESULTS The average recovery of polysaccharide was 99.7 % with RSD of 1.4 % .

  17. 芦荟多糖对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞NO生成和iNOS酶活性的影响

    Effects of Aloe Polysaccharides on the Nitric Oxide Production and iNOS activity of Mice Peritoneal Macrophages

  18. 结果表明:库拉索芦荟、斑纹芦荟、木立芦荟和开普芦荟的液汁密度相差不显著,pH值均在4.24~5.25范围之间。

    Results show that there are no significant differences in the density , and pH values which range from 4.24 to 5.25 , between the four aloe juices .

  19. 针对芦荟叶片中果胶和钙盐含量较高等特点,通过比较2种不同的工艺路线,确定了2步沉淀与超滤相结合制备芦荟多糖(AP)的方法。

    In order to get rid of pectic substances and calcium from aloe polysaccharide ( AP ), two methods were compared .

  20. 成份:薰衣草精华萃取液,皂角、甘草、芦荟、CAB、氨基酸活性剂等。

    Ingredients : Lavender Liquid Extract , Saponin , liquorice , aloe , CAB , amino acid derived surfactant , etc.

  21. 目的:研究芦荟提取物C(aloeextractC,AEC)对小鼠移植性肿瘤(实体瘤)的抑制作用和其对脾细胞IL2分泌活性及NK细胞杀伤活性的影响。

    Objective We studied the effect of AE C ( Aloe Extract C ) for parenchymatous tumor and immunity function in mice .

  22. 目的:对芦荟抗氧化活性组分FA进行结构鉴定分析,考察组分FA对老龄鼠体内抗氧化能力的影响。

    Objective : To identify an antioxidant component FA from Aloe and investigate its effects on antioxidant function in aged rats .

  23. 此外本文还采用H2O2/NaOH/DMSO反应体系,利用ESR技术对芦荟双氢异香豆素A及芦荟双氢异香豆素B清除自由基的能力进行了初步研究。

    Additionally , the free radical scavenging activities of compounds G and H with an H2O2 / NaOH / DMSO system by Electron Spin Resonance were briefly studied .

  24. 随海水胁迫时间增加芦荟叶片质膜透性呈显著上升,MDA含量呈波动变化。

    And ( 3 ) seawater made the plasma-membrane permeability of Aloe vera leaves tend to increase and the MDA content vary in a wavy manner .

  25. 目的探讨茶多酚、芦荟甙对中波紫外线(UVB)辐射引起皮肤损伤的保护机理。

    Objective To study the protective mechanism of tea polyphenol and aloin on ultraviolet-induced skin damage .

  26. 结论:芦荟凝胶对大鼠Ⅱ度放射性皮炎的发生有抑制作用,机理与ICAM-1分泌的抑制及EGF,bFGF分泌的促进相关。

    Conclusion : The aloe gel could depress radioactive dermatitis vesicular reaction by increasing the EGF , bFGF release and decrease ICAM-1 secretion .

  27. 研究了pH值、NaCl和温度对芦荟凝胶的黏度、溶解度、持水性、pH值、凝固点及耐冷冻性和热可逆性的影响。

    The effects of pH , NaCl and temperature on viscosity , solubility , the water holding , pH value , freezing point , cold resistance and heat reversibility characteristic were studied .

  28. 与BHT和α-tocopherol相比,芦荟皮的超临界CO2提取物和乙醇提取物表现出了更强的抗氧化效果。

    Compared to BHT and a-tocopherol , the extracts of Aloe vera skin by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and ethanol showed stronger antioxidant activities .

  29. 结论芦荟粗多糖和芦荟凝胶能有效减少烫伤后早期创面组织NO的释放、优化NO/ET值、减轻血管炎性反应、减少渗出和水肿。

    Conclusion Both aloe raw polysaccharide and aloe gel can decrease wound tissue NO release , optimize NO / ET ratio , lighten vascular inflammatory reaction , and lessen permeability and edema .

  30. HPLC-DAD和LC-MS/MS法对各种芦荟样品中蒽醌类成分的分析研究

    Analysis of Anthraquinones in Different Samples of Aloe with HPLC-DAD and LC-MS / MS