
háng bān
  • flight;flight number;scheduled flight;sailing
航班 [háng bān]
  • [flight number;scheduled flight] 客轮或客机航行的班次,也指某一班次的客轮或客机

航班[háng bān]
  1. 本文通过对综合通信网络的分析、设计以及开发实践,对多通信方式的融合技术、方法进行了一些探讨,着重对GPRS通信方式进行了研究,并模拟了基于GPRS的民航航班动态信息发布系统。

    This paper explores the syncretic techniques of multimode communication , especially the GPRS mode and simulates the issuance of civil aviation scheduled flight based on GPRS .

  2. 详细阐述了LED显示技术及其在机场航班信息显示中的应用、功能、特点等,并介绍了机场信息流程,以利于大家对LED显示屏作用的认识

    It is expounded in detail that LED display technique and its application , function , characteristic and etc in information display of scheduled flight in airport , and introduce the information flow in airport It is useful to understand the function of the LED display screen

  3. 必须在乘飞机之前24小时再次确认你的航班。

    You have to reconfirm your flight 24 hours before travelling .

  4. 今天航班的详细情况都列在显示屏上。

    The details of today 's flights are displayed on the monitor .

  5. 乘客取消航班订位,定金概不退还。

    If you cancel your flight , you will forfeit your deposit .

  6. 因天气恶劣,所有航班均被取消。

    All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather .

  7. 我们不能保证我们的所有航班均不误点。

    We cannot guarantee our flights will never be delayed .

  8. 我们建议你早点儿预订航班。

    We 'd recommend you to book your flight early .

  9. 尼克总能找到价格便宜的航班。

    Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights .

  10. 我们要是现在动身,我就可以赶上早一点的航班。

    If we leave now , I can catch the earlier flight .

  11. 本航班起飞延误,谨致歉意。

    We apologize for the late departure of this flight .

  12. 海上起风浪会导致渡轮航班取消。

    Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services .

  13. 他飞往阿姆斯特丹的班机与下午飞往纽约的一趟航班相衔接。

    His flight to Amsterdam connects with an afternoon flight to New York .

  14. 广播通知,该航班将误点。

    They announced that the flight would be delayed .

  15. 我们每天有两次航班穿梭于罗马和巴黎之间。

    We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily .

  16. 航班应在起飞前48小时予以确认。

    Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure .

  17. 那次航班没座位了。

    There are no seats left on that flight .

  18. 酒店有车在机场迎接各航班的旅客。

    The hotel bus meets all incoming flights .

  19. 这家航空公司经营飞往25个国家的航班。

    The airline operates flights to 25 countries .

  20. 中午有一趟相衔接的航班。

    There 's a connecting flight at noon .

  21. 这次航班的延误是由于必须做进一步的安全检查。

    The flight delay was occasioned by the need for a further security check .

  22. 一切都定下来了——我们乘九点的航班走。

    It 's all settled ─ we 're leaving on the nine o'clock plane .

  23. 长途航班上的乘客须注意可能出现深静脉血栓。

    Passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis .

  24. 我那趟航班晚点了一小时。

    My flight was an hour late .

  25. 今天航班误点,敬请原谅。

    We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today .

  26. 请仔细核对航班时间。

    Please check your flight timings carefully .

  27. 每天有六个船运航班。

    There are six sailings a day .

  28. 假定那天的航班都订满了——我们还可以在哪天走呢?

    Suppose flights are fully booked on that day ─ which other day could we go ?

  29. 我们正在想法子,好坐上同一个航班。

    We 're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same flight .

  30. 英国航空公司明天将增加一班到伦敦的航班。

    British Airways is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow