
zì gēng nóng
  • owner-peasant;yeomanry;land-holding peasant;dirt farmer
自耕农 [zì gēng nóng]
  • [owner-peasant] 旧指自己耕种自己土地的农民

自耕农[zì gēng nóng]
  1. 其目的是要使农民成为具有独立经济地位和独立人格的自耕农,随着农村经济的发展,形成农村中的中产阶级。

    The purpose was to turn peasant into owner-peasant with independent economic statues and independent personality , and to come into being middle class in rural urea , with the development of rural economy .

  2. 该部分大致以时间为顺序,阐述了中央政府施行的二五减租、地籍整理、自耕农运动三项地政活动。

    This section , largely on the time of order , described the central government implemented the " 25 percent reduction in rent ," " Cadastral Arrangement ", " Owner-peasant Movement " 3 Lands activities .

  3. 自耕农武士(yeomanwarrior)所扮演的角色使得城邦国家成为例外。

    The role of the yeoman warrior helped make the city states exceptional .

  4. 小自耕农正被推入贫困的境地,成为无地的劳动者。

    Small holders are being pauperized and turned into landless labourers .

  5. 曹魏自耕农经济的恢复与发展

    Recovery and Development of the Yeoman Economy in the Wei Dynasty

  6. 垄断竞争中自耕农定价模式。

    A yeoman farmer model of price setting under monopolistic competition .

  7. 新的战斗初现端倪,牛仔与自耕农之战

    A new battle rages , Cattle rancher versus homesteader .

  8. 他们把一片大领地变成自耕农地区。

    They changed a region of latifundium into one of peasant proprietors .

  9. 中国封建社会的自耕农

    Land - holding peasant of feudal society in China

  10. 自耕农们用粪便和其他肥料增强土地的肥力。

    The dirt farmers improved the land with dung and other sort of soils .

  11. 自耕农在夏天农忙季节每星期劳动55到60小时。

    Self-employed farmers work from 55 to 60 hours per week during the peak summer mouths .

  12. 向自耕农让步问题:尚未详细讨论。

    The question of concessions to the owner-peasants . This has not yet been discussed in detail .

  13. 因此,可供选择的农地制度应该是自耕农所有制。

    Therefore , an alternative ownership institution should be the ownership of farming land by the owner-peasant .

  14. 它暂时缓解了农民的生存危机,造就了普遍的小自耕农经济。

    It temporarily soothes the survival crisis of the peasants , and brings up prevalent yeoman farming economy .

  15. 故半自耕农的革命性优于自耕农而不及贫农。

    The semi-owner peasants are therefore more revolutionary than the owner-peasants , but less revolutionary than the poor peasants .

  16. 西汉以自耕农为主体的经济结构到东汉以庄园为主体经济结构的转变,客观上形成了汉晋之际社会思潮变迁的重要依托。

    The transformation of economic structure from Western Han to Eastern Han , is a important basis to the change of society thought .

  17. 民国闽西扶植自耕农研究(1941-1948)

    A Study on the Fostering the Owner-farmers in the Area of West Fujian during the Period of the Republic of China ( 1941-1948 )

  18. 该公司与一些有机食品相关组织开展业务,现有客户和潜在客户还能收到该公司的自耕农产品。

    The company does business with a number of organic food related organizations , and current and potential clients receive some of the bounty .

  19. 中国传统社会自耕农产权问题的考察&与西欧中世纪农民的比较研究

    Survey of the Farmers ' Title Rights in the Traditional Chinese Society & A comparative study of the issue with the farmers in Medieval Europe

  20. 经过元末农民战争之后,土地占有关系发生了一些变化,自耕农的数量增加了。

    The ownership of the land had certain changes after the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty . The number of owner-peasants had increased .

  21. 春秋战国后随着私有制的产生出现了地主和自耕农,个体劳作的生产方式一直延续到近现代。

    With the emergence of private ownership after the Spring and Autumn there landlords and farmers , and individual labor mode of production has continued to modern times .

  22. 19世纪晚期,英国形成了以地块集中的大地产为主、自耕农及其他种类的小土地所有者广泛存在的地产结构。

    In the late19th century , Britain had an estate structure that concentrated large estate was the major actor , while owner-occupiers and other small landowners existed extensively .

  23. 英历史上都曾经出现了自耕农或自耕农阶层,然而在社会的不断发展中,却各自走出了不同的道路。

    The yeomanry has been appearing in the history of China and England , however , they walk out different roads by themselves with the development of human society .

  24. 其次,这次起义沉重打击了封建农奴制度。最后,起义产生了全新的自耕农阶级,为资本主义发展铺设了道路。

    Second , it dealt a telling blow to villeinage , and third , a new class of yeomen farmers emerged , paving the way to the development of capitalism .

  25. 厄泼克劳斯是个不大不小的村子,就在几年前,还完全保持着英格兰的古老风格,村上只有两座房子看上去胜过自耕农和雇农的住宅。

    Uppercross was a moderate-sized village , which a few years back had been completely in the old English style , containing only two houses superior in appearance to those of the yeomen and labourers ;

  26. 他们多半出身自耕农阶层,因此可出资购置轻型盔甲和长剑,以备近身搏杀,自身亦对这种血肉横飞的作战方式情有独钟。

    Drawn from the ranks of free farmers , they are able to afford some light protection , and a sword for close combat , for which they have far more appetite than other light archers .

  27. 到五世子孙牟墨林时,家业以渐成规模。牟墨林抓住灾年的时机,采取以粮换地等办法,兼并栖霞境内众多自耕农及其他地主大量土地,而一跃成为栖霞最大的地主。

    During the famine period , Molin Mou seized the opportunity to adopt a land-for-food approach , merged many farmers and other landowners with a lot of land , and became the largest landlord in Qixia .

  28. 在吠陀时代,雅利安人中大部分是自耕农,他们拥有自己的土地,“我们确信,当时没有地主,没有贫民,也没有百万富翁,更不会有赤贫。”

    In the Vedic era , most of Aryan farmers , they have their own land ," We are confident that there was no landlord , no poor , no millionaire , but not extreme . "

  29. 省钱妙招可谓五花八门,比如购买本地出产的应季产品;尽量不在雨雪天买菜,因为天气恶劣时运输费也会增加,到时羊毛全都出在羊身上;通过网上购物;还有在阳台上做“自耕农”。

    The collection provides tips such aschoosing local and seasonal products , avoiding buying vegetables on rainy orsnowy days when higher transport costs increase prices , using e-commercewebsites for purchases , and planting vegetables on the balcony .

  30. 自耕农中之富农,自己提出要求,欲以生产力为标准,即人工和资本农具等多的多分田。

    Among the owner-peasants , the rich peasants have requested that productive capacity should be taken as the criterion , that is , that those with more manpower and capital such as farm implements should be allotted more land .