
  • 网络Autotroph;autotrophic
  1. 它是指在厌氧条件下由自养型ANAMMOX细菌将NH4+-N直接转化为N2。

    It is characterized of autotrophic ANAMMOX bacteria transferring NH4 + - N to N2 in anaerobic condition .

  2. 这些菌株都具有在自养型培养基上生长的能力。从这些温泉中没有分离出Thermus。

    These strains possess the ability to grow on the autotrophic media , Thermus , an extremely thermophilic bacterium was not isolated from these hot springs .

  3. 通过分离鉴定或悬浮、附着生长培养等手段,发现能降解气相硫化物的主要是化能自养型和甲基营养型的微生物,它们能将硫化物定量地氧化为SO4~(2-)和CO2。

    On the bases of isolation and identification and with the help of batch or continuous suspended-growth and attach-growth culture , the microorganisms being able to degrade gaseous sulfide are mainly methylotrophy and chemoautotrophy which can oxidize sulfide to sulfate and carbon dioxide quantitatively .

  4. 利用严格无机化能自养型嗜热嗜酸菌(KY-2菌株)对低品位原生硫化铜矿进行柱浸试验研究。

    The column leaching experiments of the primary ore of copper sulfide with thermoacidophile , KY-2 strain , are conducted .

  5. 化能自养型微生物利用太阳能途径的实验研究

    Experimental researches on the pathway of the chemoautotroph microbes utilizing solar energy

  6. 共分析鉴定出孢囊类型29种,其中自养型11种,异养型18种。

    Among them , there were 11 autotrophic species and 18 heterotrophic ones .

  7. 研究了以自养型硝化生物膜启动厌氧氨氧化反应器的可行性。

    The start-up of the ANAMMOX bioreactor by autotrophic nitrifying biofilm was studied .

  8. 自养型生物过滤器硝化氧化一氧化氮

    Autotrophic Biofilters for Oxidation of Nitric Oxide

  9. 自养型硝化细菌生物膜氧化NO的研究及生物膜空间结构定量化的探索

    Study on Oxidation of NO by Biofilm of Autotrophic Nitrobacteria and Exploring on the Quantification of Biofilm Spatial Structure

  10. 自养型硝化细菌是参与生物脱氮过程中起硝化作用的主要菌群,其硝化速率直接影响污水处理系统的硝化效果和生物脱氮效率,是污水生物脱氮的限制性因素。

    Autotrophic nitrobacteria is the main microflora in biological nitrogen removal process , its nitrification rate impact nitrification effect and nitrogen removal efficiency of wastewater treatment system directly .

  11. 植物是能进行光合作用,将无机物转化为有机物,独立生活的一类自养型生物。

    The plant can carry on the photosynthesis , turn the inorganic matter into the organic matter , a kind of raising by oneself type living beings living independently .

  12. 综上,系统达到了新的平衡,好氧硝化颗粒污泥由先前的混合型转变为完全自养型。

    In summary , the system reached a new equilibrium . The aerobic nitrifying granules changed from the previous hybrid of heterotrophic and autotrophic kinds to the completely autotrophic type .

  13. 此外,如研究证实元素硫为超高硫煤中有机相硫的一部分,化能自养型硫杆菌也将能用于脱除煤中该部分有机硫。

    Furthermore , if it is substantiated that element sulphur exists in organic sulphur of coal , chemoautotrophic Thiobacillus will be used to remove the fraction of organic sulphur in coal .