
zì rán rén
  • natural person;physical person
  1. 第二章公民(自然人)第一节民事权利能力和民事行为能力

    Chapter II Citizen ( Natural Person ) Section 1 Capacity for Civil Rights and Capacity for Civil Conduct .

  2. 自然人享有姓名权,有权依法决定、使用、变更或者许可他人使用自己的姓名,但是不得违背公序良俗。

    A natural person enjoys the right to name and is entitled to determine , use , change , or allow others to use his name in accordance with law , provided that public order and good morals are not offended .

  3. 《条例》规定,市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的生物识别信息以及宗教信仰、血型、疾病和病史等其他个人信息。

    Market credit information providers will be banned from collecting information needed for biorecognition and other personal data , including religion , blood type , and medical history .

  4. 市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的收入、存款、纳税数额等信息,但是明确告知提供该信息可能产生的不利后果并取得其书面同意的除外。

    Personal income , savings , and tax records are also protected from information harvesting unless the collectors informed the clients of possible consequence and sought their written permission .

  5. 认证机构(CA,CertificationAuthority),是指签发电子证书、提供与电子签名相关的服务的自然人或法人。

    Certification authority ( short for CA ) is the nature person or legal man that signs the digital certification and provides services related to the digital signature .

  6. GATS下自然人流动及其自由化的经济影响:微观视角

    The Economic Impacts of the Movement of Natural Persons under the GATS and Its Liberalization : Micro-perspective

  7. X市农村商业银行是在原农村信用合作联社的基础上,由自然人、境内非金融机构共同发起设立组建的股份制商业银行。

    X Rural Commercial Bank is in the original rural credit cooperative association , based on a natural person , co-sponsored by domestic non-financial institutions to establish the formation of joint-stock commercial banks .

  8. 侵权行为(TORT)是对他人(自然人和法人)合法利益的不法侵害行为,而新闻评论侵权则指新闻评论在写作和传播过程中侵害公民和法人人格权的行为。

    Tort is illegal infringement of others ' legitimate benefit including natural persons and corporation . While news review means that news review encroach on the right to human dignity of citizen and corporation in the course of writing and propagation .

  9. 本文在简要回顾了乌拉圭回合的自然人流动谈判历史的基础上,详细分析了GATS框架下自然人流动的法律界定问题及其缺陷。

    This article , therefore , after briefly reviewing the history of Uruguay Round negotiations on MONP , elaborates on legal boundary of MONP under the GATS framework and its defections .

  10. 本文论述了自然人流动的概念和特征,详细分析了GATS下自然人流动的承诺方式及其近年来的发展趋势,最后就中国自然人流动发展提出几点建议。

    The paper discusses the definition and features of natural person movement , analyses in detail its commitment patterns under GATS and its tendency , and finally , it offers some suggestions on the development of natural person movement in China .

  11. 自然人流动是GATS协定下的四种国际服务贸易方式之一,即一成员方的自然人服务提供者在任何其他成员方境内提供短期服务的贸易方式。

    Movement of Natural Persons ( MNP ), that is supplying a service by a service supplier of one member , through presence of natural persons of a member in the territory of any other member , is one of the four modes of conducting international trade in services .

  12. 兼顾债务人的利益是现代自然人破产制度的一项进步。

    It is an important progress of natural person bankruptcy system .

  13. 第一部分是自然人破产制度的概述,主要介绍自然人破产的概念,适用对象和自然人破产制度的法律特征。

    The first part summarize the Natural Person Bankruptcy Law system .

  14. 单位实施自然人犯罪问题之探讨

    A Discussion on the Crime by A Natural Person in An Institution

  15. 自然人流动壁垒研究

    A Belief Analysis on Barriers to Movement of Natural Persons

  16. 笔者从程序制度和实体制度两方面论证了我国自然人破产制度的初步构想。

    The author demonstrates this system from procedure and entity .

  17. 自然人具体人格权的法律探讨

    Legal Discussion on the Concrete Personal Right of Natural Person

  18. 自然人;法人具有法律权利和义务的自然人和组织。

    A human being or an organization with legal rights and duties .

  19. 单位共同犯罪的主体包括单位和自然人。

    The subject of unit joint crime includes unit and natural person .

  20. 自然人的社会与自然人的法律

    Natural Persons ' Society and Natural Persons ' Law

  21. 犯罪主体包括自然人和单位;

    The subject consists of natural person and unit ;

  22. 上一季评级下降,结果自然人尽皆知。

    Ratings plummeted last season , so the writing was on the wall .

  23. 自然人·社会人·文化人&论人的生存特性与生存使命

    Natural Man , Social Man , and Cultural Man

  24. 自然人破产制度对构建个人信用体系的意义

    The Meaning of Natural Person Bankruptcy in the Establishment of Personal Credit System

  25. 身份犯一般可分为纯正身份犯和不纯正身份犯两种,从我国现行刑法的规定来看,身份犯亦可分为自然人身份犯和单位身份犯。

    They can be classified into standard status crime and nonstandard status crime .

  26. 经济犯罪中单位与自然人共同犯罪研究

    An Exploration of Joint Offense of Unit and Individual in the Economic Crime

  27. 隐私权是自然人享有的,与公共利益无关的,个人对其个人信息,私人活动和私有领域进行支配和控制的权利。

    Right of privacy is natural personal private business .

  28. 对自然人内涵和外延的异议

    The Connotation and Extension of the Natural Person

  29. 建立自然人破产制度

    Establishing the Bankruptcy System of the Natural Person

  30. 人身自由权到底是不是自然人的一项民事权利。

    Is the right of personal liberty one civil right of the natural persona ?