
zì rán chónɡ bài
  • nature worship;worship of nature;physiolatry
  1. 论中国早期的自然崇拜

    On the Worship of Nature in Ancient China

  2. 稻荷信仰发源于原始宗教的自然崇拜、祖先崇拜,在其发展过程中又和神道教和佛教等人为宗教相习和,是杂糅性的综合信仰。

    It originates from worship of nature and ancestry of primitive religion and integrates with other religions such as Shintoism and Buddhism in its process of development . Thus , it is an intermixed and composite belief .

  3. 以大为美与华夏自然崇拜

    Da is Beautiful : Some Reflections on Chinese Worship of Nature

  4. 自然崇拜:人与自然对话的语境

    Nature Worship : Linguistic Context in Dialogue between Man and Nature

  5. 彝族自然崇拜与稻作祭仪

    Nature worship and rice culture sacrificial ceremonies of the Yi people

  6. 先秦海洋文学具有明显的自然崇拜特征。

    The sea literature has an apparent character of nature worship .

  7. 时至今日,土家族、苗族的自然崇拜的祭祀仪式依然频繁,在这些祭祀仪式中体育文化得到了充分地展示,体育的具体实践也得到了充分的体现。

    Sports culture and sports practice have fully embodied in these ceremonies .

  8. 门神崇拜起源于人类远古时期的自然崇拜观念和神灵信仰观念。

    Door-god worship originated from nature and manitou worship in ancient times .

  9. 在后期的海洋文学作品中,仍然可以依稀找寻到这一自然崇拜的意识存在。

    The following sea literature texts still show this sense .

  10. 太阳,色彩与日本的自然崇拜

    The Sun , the Color and Japanese Nature Worship

  11. 佤族的自然崇拜与生态保护

    The Nature Worship and Ecological Protection of Wa People

  12. 城隍信仰是自然崇拜而非鬼神崇拜。

    It is worship towards nature not ghosts .

  13. 图腾崇拜属于自然崇拜,祖先崇拜则来源于对亡灵的崇拜,这两种崇拜形式在许多情况下常常互为表里,相互交织。

    Totem belongs to the nature worship , while ancestry worship comes from ghost worship .

  14. 石崇拜是初民社会中自然崇拜的一种基本形式。

    Stone - worshiping is a basic form of nature worship in the primitive society .

  15. 中国先民就有自然崇拜、祖先崇拜的习俗。

    The ancient people of China have a custom of worshiping the nature and the ancestors .

  16. 鄂温克族萨满教信仰与自然崇拜

    Ewenkis ' Shamanism and Nature Worship

  17. 从自然崇拜、图腾崇拜到祖先崇拜的过程,是古蜀人不断强化人的尺度的过程。

    The process from nature worship , Totem worship to ancestor worship is continuously strengthening humans .

  18. 与此同时,它还反映蒙古族的生活环境、自然崇拜、图腾观念。

    At the same time , it reflects the Mongolian environment , the natural worship and totem concept .

  19. 在壮族的原始宗教中,有多元自然崇拜,也有鸟、蛙和牛等动物崇拜。

    In Zhuang original religion , there are many-sided natural worship , birds , frogs and oxen worship .

  20. 第二章讨论以大石崇拜为代表的古蜀人的自然崇拜。

    The second chapter discusses the nature worship with boulders worship as the representative of the ancient Shu people .

  21. 这是一种正向多神教发展的自然崇拜与自然力崇拜。

    Their religion is a cult of nature and of elemental forces , in process of development to polytheism .

  22. 土地崇拜是原始宗教中自然崇拜的一个重要组成部分。

    Worship to the land is one of the most important part of worship to nature in the primitive religion .

  23. 第二部分阐述了自然崇拜、原始巫术和哲学思想对服饰仿生的审美;

    In the second part have explained aesthetic of worshipping naturally , primitive wizardry and philosophy thought to dress bionic ;

  24. 在中国原始崇拜体系的形成中,自然崇拜、灵魂崇拜以及祖先崇拜占据着主导地位。

    Nature worship , spiritual worship and ancestor worship played a leading role in the formation of Chinese nature worship system .

  25. 宗法性传统宗教包括自然崇拜、人物崇拜以及祭祀、占卜、巫术等,它与等级社会制度相始终。

    Traditional religion in ancient clan system includes nature adoration , personal adoration and offering sacrifices to , practicing divination , witchcraft etc.

  26. 图腾崇拜是自然崇拜的前提,万物有灵是从图腾崇拜到自然崇拜的中介语言。

    Totem worship is the premise for worshiping Nature , while fetish is the media language from totem worship to nature worship .

  27. 少数民族的自然崇拜观念包含着极为丰富的生态环保思想,具有十分显明的生态环保功能。

    The sense of natural worship of minority nationalities contains extremely rich eco-environmental protection ideas and possesses very obvious eco-environmental protection functions .

  28. 《白鹿原》体现出寓意深刻的自然崇拜、神灵崇拜、祖先崇拜、英雄崇拜等思想观念。

    Bai Lu Yuan reflects many profound mythical conceptes , such as natural worship , gods worship , ancestores worship and hero worship .

  29. 原始宗教包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜、神灵观念、巫术、禁忌、宗教节日以及民间传说等。

    Primitive religion includes worship of natural , totem and ancestor , Manitou concept , witchery , taboos , religion festival and folk tales .

  30. 竹崇拜是南方少数民族的一大土著文化,是中国传统竹文化重要的组成部分,分为自然崇拜和图腾崇拜两个层面。

    Bamboo worship is a great native culture of the southern ethnic minorities . It is an important part of Chinese traditional bamboo culture .