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  • Slav
  1. 他有一点斯拉夫人的脾性。

    He had something of the Slav temperament .

  2. 应为巴尔干地区斯拉夫人的骑兵用剑。刀柄的铜钉具有显著的游牧风格

    It'should be cavalry Jian.The copper nail on grip has nomadism style .

  3. 与此同时,特朗斯尼斯蒂尔(Transnistria)(那里罗马尼亚人比斯拉夫人多)联合其余的民族成立了“摩尔达维亚苏联社会主义共和国”,与现在的摩尔多瓦领土相同。

    At the same time , Transnistria ( where ethnic Romanians outnumbered Slavs ) was joined to the remainder to form the " Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic ", identical in territory to present-day Moldova .

  4. 他长着斯拉夫人的宽颧骨。

    He had broad , Slavonic cheekbones .

  5. 她的斯拉夫人血统是再明显不过的。

    Her Slavonic ancestry was unmistakeable .

  6. 世界上所有斯拉夫人的利益都是相同的。

    The interests of all the Slavic people of the world are , of course , identical .

  7. 当他们入侵了盎格鲁-撒克逊人(生活在大不列颠东部、南部)、凯尔特人或者斯拉夫人的居住地之后,会抓住当地的女人和年轻男人作为奴隶。

    They would capture and enslave women and young men while pillaging Anglo-Saxon , Celtic and Slavic settlements .

  8. 斯拉夫人认为,生前是狼人的死后就会变成吸血鬼。

    There was a Slavic belief that those who had been werewolves in life would become vampires after death .

  9. 欧洲第三大的家族是斯拉夫人,其中最重要的是俄罗斯人。

    The third big " family " in Europe are the Slavs , of whom the most important are the Russians .

  10. 古代斯拉夫人的各部落在民族大迁移的过程中进入巴尔干半岛,于6&7世纪分散在各地并定居下来。

    They all descended from the ancient Slavs , and settled in the Balkan Peninsular in the 6th and 7th centuries .

  11. 在南方,有研究员斯拉夫人和东正教徒在巴尔干地区纳入大俄罗斯帝国。

    To the south , there are fellow Slavs and Orthodox Christians in the Balkans to be incorporated into a Greater Russian empire .

  12. 罗马尼亚精英分子和中产阶级遭到破坏,替代他们的是苏联人(主要是斯拉夫人)。

    The overall result was the destruction of Romanian elites and middle-classes , and their replacement with Soviet ( mostly Slavic ) elements .

  13. 该市最初为斯拉夫人的城堡,1218年被授予特权,是14世纪汉萨同盟的重要成员之一。

    Originally a Slavic fortress , it was chartered in1218 and was an important member of the Hanseatic League in the14th century . Population , 241,146 .

  14. 我想我不至弄错,我认出其中有爱尔兰人、法国人、好几个斯拉夫人、一个希腊人或克里特岛人。

    If I 'm not mistaken , I recognized some Irishmen , some Frenchmen , a few Slavs , and a native of either Greece or Crete .

  15. 其主体包括凯尔特人血统的法德混血儿,葡萄牙人,意大利人,斯拉夫人(来自黑山、阿尔巴尼亚和科索沃)以及其他欧洲人(包括游客和客工)。

    The ethnic groups comprise Celtic base with French and German blend , Portuguese , Italian , Slavs ( from Montenegro , Albania , and Kosovo ) and European ( guest and resident workers )

  16. 一旦掌握俄语,你或许就可以和说斯拉夫语的人沟通。

    Once you have Russian you can probably communicate with other Slav speakers .

  17. 那些希望专攻斯拉夫语言学的人。

    Those wishing to specialize in Slavonic philology .

  18. 作为欧盟高级代表,我最初的经历之一,就是与北约秘书长在斯科普里就斯拉夫与阿尔巴尼亚人之间的宪法安排展开合作。

    One of my first experiences as EU high representative was working with the NATO Secretary-General in Skopje on a constitutional settlement between Slav and Albanian communities .

  19. 更小的斯拉夫教会是波兰人和捷克斯洛伐克人的东正教会。

    Smaller Slav Churches are the Polish and Czechoslovak Orthodox Churches .

  20. 生活在克罗地亚的斯拉夫语民族的人。

    A member of the Slavic people living in Croatia .

  21. 在六世纪和七世纪,定居在塞尔维亚及其邻近地区的斯拉夫语民族的人。

    A member of a Slavic people who settled in Serbia and neighboring areas in the6th and7th centuries .