
  • 网络Spin Axis
  1. 科学双星自旋轴姿态漂移的仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis for Attitude Drift of Spin Satellite in Double Star Project

  2. 确定自旋航天器旋转轴的动平衡方法

    A Dynamic Balancing Method for Determining the Axis of Rotation of Spinning Spacecraft

  3. 砂轮本身的结构特点可保证高点磨削的实现,而磨削等概率性则依赖于:生坯球合适的自旋速度及自旋轴方向的随机变化。

    The structure of grinding wheels can realize high point grinding , and the good grinding equiprobability lies on a proper spinning speed and the random variation of the spinning axis .

  4. 方法25例不同类型的主动脉夹层患者,应用心电门控多层自旋回波序列行轴位、左前斜位磁共振成像以及左前斜位磁共振电影。

    Methods 25 patients with different types aortic dissection were examined using ECG gated spin echo sequence and gradient echo sequence to get axial or left anterior oblique section MR image and cine MR image .

  5. 本章展示了这种电荷流的整流效应。我们发现当自旋偏压的极化方向(同时也是自旋的量子化轴)沿着QPC的横向时,两个自旋守恒的传输系数随入射能量的变化显著不同。

    We demonstrate the rectification of such a current in Chapter 2 . When the polarization orientation of the spin bias ( which is the spin-quantization axis ) is along the transverse direction of the QPC , the two spin-conserved transmissions show a distinct variation with the incident energy .