
  • 网络Decomposition rate;resolution;npcr;PCR
  1. 系统已于2004年7月投入运行,实际运行情况表明,分解率合格率达到98%,槽样硅合格率达到95.2%,对提高Al(OH)3产品的质量和产量作出了贡献。

    The system has been in operation in July , 2004 . The practical running results indicate that not only the qualified rate of the resolution ratio reaches 98 % , and the qualified rate of Silicon reaches 95.2 % , but also the product quality and quantity are improved .

  2. 此条件下,菱镁矿分解率可达99%以上,氧化镁化学活性好,其吸收氯离子值为36mol/kg,与水反应速度快。

    On this condition , the resolution ratio of magnesite can get to 99 % , and the achieved MgO is with good chemical activity , the adsorption to chloride ion is 36mol / kg , and hydrated reaction is prompt .

  3. 对发泡PP产品进行热重分析,提出了一种测量AC分解率的新方法。

    TG analyse for foamed PP , received a new method of measure AC decomposability .

  4. 结果表明:累积腐解率和有机C的分解率随时间的延长呈上升的趋势。

    Results showed that Accumulative decay rate and organic C decomposition rate of bean residue increased followed by the increasing of decomposition time .

  5. 计算结果证明,在自由基簇射系统中,烟气中N2的分解率较小,而O2和H2O分解率相对较高。

    The dissociated probability of the N2 in the flue-gas is low , but the dissociated probabilities of O2 and H2O are high comparatively .

  6. 由此推论,1nvs与1/T(vs为沉碳速度,T为热解沉碳绝对温度)在甲烷低分解率条件下,应近似呈线性关系。

    Consequently , an approximate linear relationship between ln v_5 ( carbon deposition rate ) and 1 / T is obtained with low methane decomposition .

  7. 分解率大小的比较表明,水合硅酸钙在苛性碱溶液中的稳定性明显大于dηSiO2为水合在碳酸钠溶液中的稳定性。

    The comparison on decomposition ratio in different solution indicate that calcium hydrate silicate is unstable in soda solution .

  8. NH3分解率对GaN半导体MOVPE外延生长成分空间的影响

    Effect of NH_3 Pyrolysis Rate on Composition Region for MOVPE Growth of GaN Semiconductor

  9. 不同高硫煤粒径条件下的CaO含量随分解率、脱硫率的相互影响而变化。

    In different particle size of high-sulphur coal condition , the CaO content change with the decomposition rate and the desulfurization rate .

  10. B1型水稻种衣剂经加速贮藏后其有效成分之一的多菌灵分解率为6.75%。

    The decomposition rate of Carbendazim in the A B1 soakable rice seed coating was6.75 % after accelerating storage .

  11. 提高石灰分解率和活性度,在保证溶出性能的前提下,尽量减少进入溶出系统的CO2量和石灰加入量。

    Increasing decomposition rate and activity of lime and decreasing quantities of CO 2 and lime into digestion system as much as possible under assuring proper digestion performances .

  12. 利用XRD研究了采用不同稳定剂制备的钛酸铝陶瓷在850℃还原气氛下(铝熔体中)的热分解率。

    The thermal decomposition behaviors of aluminum titanate ceramic prepared with various stabilization additives at reducing atmosphere at 850 ℃( aluminum melt ) were studied by means of XRD .

  13. 该水乳剂储藏稳定性好,在(54±2)℃热贮14d,分解率小于2%。

    Decomposition rate less than 2 % at ( 54 ± 2 ) ℃× 14 d.

  14. 在测定科尔沁沙地小麦凋落物分解率的基础上,对分解残留物中的N、P、Ca和S等元素含量进行了测定与分析。

    Based on the measurement of decomposition rate of wheat litter , dynamics of four nutrient elements , N , P , Ca and S , in remained decomposed organic matter of wheat litter had been analyzed quantitatively .

  15. 并选择了焙烧温度、CaO加入量、NaCl加入量为影响因素,用二次正交回归实验设计方法研究了混合稀土精矿分解率随三因素而变化的规律,得出了相应的回归方程。

    The relationship between decomposition rate and roasting temperature , CaO-NaCl amount was studied by the quadratic regression orthogonal analysis , and then the regression equation was obtained .

  16. 采用X射线衍射仪和化学分析方法测定了3种磷矿的物相组成,并用动力学的方法研究了磷矿中铁铝杂质的分解率。

    The phase compositions of three phosphate rocks are determined by the X ray diffractometer and chemical analytical methods , and the decomposition rate of iron and aluminum impurities in the rocks are studied by the kinetic method .

  17. 其原理是根据氨气极易溶于水的特点,利用可编程控制器PLC、压力传感器、电磁阀等元件实现了氨分解率的自动测量。

    Based on the principle that ammonia can easily dissolve into the water , this instrument achieves the auto-measuring of ammonia dissociation rate by applying the components such as the PLC , pressure sensor , magnetic valve , etc.

  18. 氟石膏中CaF2质量分数为2%时,分解率和脱硫率出现低谷;

    The decomposition ratio and desulfuration ratio were in the lowest point with CaF 2 content of 2 % .

  19. 根据腐解残留量和有机C分解率的变化可将腐解过程分为三个阶段:快速分解阶段,缓慢分解阶段,趋于稳定阶段。

    According to the changes of the amounts of decaying remainders and the decomposition rate of organic C , the decaying process could be divided into 3 stage : the fast decomposition stage → the slow decomposition stage → the stage tending to be stable .

  20. VB2可以提高纤维素的分解率,VC使酶活力和纤维素的分解率明显升高。

    VB_2 could improve the decomposition rate of cellulase , while it was possible to improve the decomposition rate of enzyme activity and cellulase distinctly by adding VC .

  21. 经测定,H2O2分解率和漂白产品白度、毛效、撕破强力均达到使用要求,织物手感柔软。

    The H_2O_2 degradation rate , whiteness , and capillary effect and tensile strength of bleached fabrics was tested , they are fulfilled the requirements , and the handle of the fabrics is soft .

  22. 以粉状无机半导体(ZnO)为催化剂,探讨了水溶夜中四环素经光催化氧化后分解率和COD去除率之间的关系。

    N this paper , the relation between the photocatalytic decomposition and COD removing efficiencies after using powdered inorganic semiconductor zinc oxide ( ZnO ) as photocatalyst to decompose the tetracycline aqueous solution with light as energy source was discussed .

  23. 实验结果表明,臭氧在加速段分解率在45%左右,约占总分解率的90%,其随颗粒循环量(Gs)的增加略有上升。

    The experimental results show that about 45 % of ozone is decomposed in the acceleration zone of the downer reactor which is more than 90 % of total ozone decomposed in the downer .

  24. 在影响H13钢氮化工艺的因素中,对渗层硬度和渗层深度影响最显著的分别为氮化温度和氨气分解率。

    The factors which affected surface hardness and depth of nitrided layer most were nitriding temperature and resolve rate of NH3 respectively .

  25. 结果:治疗组28例中所测得的平均时间尿素氮浓度(TACurea)、蛋白质分解率(PCR)及G&S指数(KT/V值)均明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results : Time - averaged urea concentration , protein decomposition rate ( PCR ) and C - S indexes ( KT / V ) in the treatment group were significantly superior to those in the control group ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  26. 在菌株Z-1的酶解作用下,6d后羽毛角蛋白分解率高达91.4%.一株羽毛角蛋白降解菌的分离与鉴定

    After six days ' conversion , the feather degradation rate was 91.4 % . Isolation and Characterization of a Strain of New Feather-Degrading Bacteria

  27. 在多功能热重反应器(TGR)内就化学循环反应过程中的颗粒尺寸、温度煅烧分解率等对吸附剂煅烧分解和吸收特性的影响进行了比较充分的实验研究。

    Influence of particle size , temperature and calcination extent on limestone calcination and carbonation of calcium oxide is analyzed in the dual-environment thermal gravimetric reactor in detail .

  28. 木霉单菌种发酵8d后,粗纤维分解率可达到65%,其中,纤维素分解率达到57%;

    After 8 days fermentation by Trichoderma only , the degradation rate of the pretreated corn stalk is 65 % , and that of cellulose inside is 57 % .

  29. 血透组计算透前血尿素氮与CarHb比值(BUN/CarHb),并与血清白蛋白(Alb)、校正蛋白质分解率(nPCR)作相关性分析;

    The correlation between BUN / CarHb ratio in hemodialysis group and serum albumin ( Alb ) and the normalized protein catabolic rate ( nPCR ) was analyzed .

  30. 按患者标准化蛋白分解率(nPCR)水平分为nPCR≥1.0级及nPCR<1.0组,分析两组患者临床指标及颈动脉硬化情况。

    Based on the normalized protein catabolic rate ( nPCR ), these patients were divided into two groups , i. e. nPCR ≥ 1.0 group and nPCR < 1.0 group .