
  • 网络Natural Fibre;Natural fiber
  1. 自然纤维材料&麻

    Natural Fiber - Flax

  2. 棉花是我国最重要的经济作物之一,也是主要的自然纤维作物。

    Cotton ( Gossypium spp. ) is one of the most important economic crops due to its excellent natural fiber properties .

  3. 当然,记得衣服最好是自然纤维并且要宽松哦。

    Be sure your clothing is natural fabrics , and loose .

  4. 我使用自然纤维和生态方法来手工制作纸张。

    I use natural fibres and ecological methods to make paper by hand .

  5. 穿棉质或其它自然纤维制成的衣服,这些材料不容易产生静电。

    Wear clothes made from cotton and other natural fibers , which are low-static materials .

  6. 尽量穿棉、丝、亚麻等自然纤维材质的衣服,不穿人造纤维。

    Wear natural fabrics ( cotton , silk , linen ) rather than artificial fibers .

  7. 上衣应该是防水的,最好是用自然纤维制作的,这样靠近火的时候更安全。

    Your jacket should waterproof , and preferably made of natural fabrics . This will be safer around fires .

  8. 如有痕迹,自然纤维丝绸织物将衣物干洗液喷施在污垢的表面;

    If traces of natural fibers woven silk Of Will be clothing in dry lotion spraying dirt on the surface ;

  9. 如果顶部有泥土斑点,污点或鸟类粪便的话,用小张的硬的自然纤维的毛刷刮掉。

    If the top has soil marks , stains or bird droppings , use a small , stiff , natural fibre scrubbing brush .

  10. 自然纤维可以让皮肤更好地呼吸,所以寝具和睡衣最好选择自然材料。睡前冷水洗澡也有帮助。

    Natural fibres allow the skin to breathe better , so use those for night wear and bedding . A cold shower before bed may also help .

  11. 棉纤维是世界上最重要的自然纤维,也是一种重要的油料作物,我国是棉花生产和消费大国。

    Cotton fiber is the most important natural textile fiber and a significant oilseed crop , and China is a big country of cotton production and consumption in the world .

  12. 通过实验研究了以稻草为主要原料的自然纤维复合缓冲材料制作过程中,自然纤维表面处理对复合材料性能的影响。

    The effect of surface treatment of natural fiber on the mechanical properties of composite material were discussed through the study of the manufacturing process of cushion composite material made from natural fiber such as straw fiber .

  13. 能处理各种各样的自然和合成纤维纱、混纺纱线。

    Can handle all kinds of natural and synthetic fiber yarn , blended yarn .

  14. 同样,他们购买“自然”的纤维,比如棉花,认为棉花对环境有利。

    Likewise , they purchase " natural " fibers like cotton , believing they are good for the environment .

  15. m2/kg~187A.m2/Kg(emu·g-1)之间,快速降温铁纤维的矫顽力(Hc)比自然降温的铁纤维高12倍,达70.6KA/m。

    Its specific saturation magnetization (σ s ) ranges from 128A · m2 / Kg to 187A · m2 / Kg , while the coercive force of iron fiber with quick cooling is 12 times higher than spontaneous cooling iron fiber .

  16. 天然珍珠;钾盐的自然沉淀物;自然资源;天然纤维;天生的金发;生丝的天然色彩。

    A natural pearl ; natural deposits of potassium salts ; natural resources ; natural fibers ; natural blonde hair ; the natural color of raw silk .