
zì gǔ yǐ lái
  • since ancient times;from the old;down the ages;from ancient times to the present;from everlasting
自古以来[zì gǔ yǐ lái]
  1. 翻译的忠实标准自古以来是翻译界备受关注和争论的话题之一。

    Faithfulness , as a translation criterion , has been one of the hottest and the most controversial topics from ancient times to the present .

  2. 自古以来,人们一直重视知识的语言表征,而知识的非语言表征(表象表征)没有被足够认识;另外,教师课堂教学中的非语言信息也会对学生的学习产生重要影响。

    From ancient times to the present , it is the representation of language that is considered important , while the non-linguistic characterization of language is neglected , which in fact has inestimable effects on students ' study .

  3. 实际上,自古以来它几乎没有任何改变。

    It has remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial

  4. 农民正在掘除自古以来就一直种植的各种作物。

    Farmers are grubbing up ancient varieties of crops

  5. 自古以来,我们的祖先就劳动、生息、繁衍在这块土地上。

    From ancient times our forefathers have laboured , lived and multiplied on this land .

  6. 自古以来,人们就幻想能在天空飞行。

    People have dreamed of flying ever since ancient times .

  7. 自古以来,某些传染性疾病就是人类的灾祸。

    Communicable diseases have been a curse of mankind since time immemorial .

  8. 自古以来,治乱无常。

    From ancient times , periods of order and disorder have alternated unpredictably .

  9. 这一类型中最简单的实例就是世界各地自古以来使用算盘。

    The simplest example of this type is the abacus , which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times .

  10. 亲仁善邻,是中国自古以来的传统。

    Promoting good neighborliness is a time-honored tradition of China .

  11. 自古以来,中华文明在继承创新中不断发展,在应时处变中不断升华,积淀着中华民族最深沉的精神追求,是中华民族生生不息、发展壮大的丰厚滋养。

    Chinese civilization has , since its early days , evolved and grown by drawing on its past achievement , exploring new ground and adapting to changes . It represents the profound pursuit of the Chinese nation and provides a rich source of strength for its lasting development .

  12. 菊花(Chrysanthemum×morifoliumRamat.)是中国的传统名花,自古以来,以其奇特的姿态、绚丽的色彩深受人们的喜爱。

    Chrysanthemum ( Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat . ) is one of the traditional flowers in China since ancient times . With them peculiar morphology and brilliant colors , Chrysanthemum are very popular .

  13. 自古以来,向往追求美丽的女人都喜欢涂脂抹粉。

    Beauty-conscious women have been powdering their skin since ancient times .

  14. 中华民族自古以来就是礼仪之邦。

    Chinese nation has been state of ceremonies since ancient times .

  15. 中华民族自古以来就有优良的传统。

    The Chinese nation has had good traditions since ancient times .

  16. 自古以来该部落就把死者埋葬在这里。

    From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here .

  17. 宁波自古以来是个重要的沿海港口城市,港口的地理优势决定了宁波这座城市港口导向型的经济体系。

    Ningbo is an important coastal port city since ancient times .

  18. 黄金自古以来就是财富的象征。

    Gold has been a symbol of wealth since ancient times .

  19. 自古以来色彩与商业活动就有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Colors and commercial activities are inextricably linked since ancient times .

  20. 自古以来,醉酒都是一个严重的社会问题。

    Drunkenness has been a serious social problem since ancient times .

  21. 戏剧起源于仪式,戏剧与仪式自古以来就密不可分。

    From of old , drama and ritual are inseparable .

  22. 他们自古以来就拥有该岛。

    They have been in possession of the island for time immemorial .

  23. 正义问题自古以来就是人们纷争不断的话题。

    Justice has been a disputable subject since ancient times .

  24. 巴顿家族自古以来就住在这个村里。

    The Barton family have lived in this village since time immemorial .

  25. 自古以来人们为了取乐就将身边的东西踢来踢去。

    People have been kicking objects around for fun since time immemorial .

  26. 自古以来品茶和下棋经常会结合在一起。

    Tea-tasting has always been accompanying playing Chinese go since ancient times .

  27. 自古以来人们就喜欢小孩胜过世界上的其他任何东西

    Throughout history People have loved babies more than anything in the world

  28. 广州自古以来就是一座开放的城市。

    Guangzhou has been an open city since ancient times .

  29. 自古以来,哲学家就教导我们提出问题。

    Throughout the ages , philosophers have taught us to ask questions .

  30. 而且我们认为自古以来就是这样。

    And we think it 's always been that way .