
  • 网络naturalism;naturalistic literature;naturalist literature
  1. 德莱塞被认为是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表。

    Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism .

  2. 论日本自然主义文学的迷惘特质

    The Analysis on the " puzzle " Particularity of Japanese Naturalism Literature

  3. 法国与日本自然主义文学的异同

    A Comparative Study of French and Japanese Naturalist Literatures

  4. 张资平恋爱小说与日本自然主义文学

    ZHANG Zi-ping 's love novels and Japanese naturalistic literature

  5. 自然主义文学的现代性文化阐释

    Cultural - Interpretation to Contemporary Nature of Naturalistic Literature

  6. 左拉自然主义文学叙事的感受性与象征化

    The Feeling and Symbolization of Zola Naturalism Literary Narration

  7. 张资平的自然主义文学资源主要来自于日本自然主义文学。

    Zhang Zi Ping 's naturalist literary sauces are mainly from Japanese naturalist literature .

  8. 美国自然主义文学先驱:斯蒂芬·克莱恩

    Stephen Crane & pioneer of American naturalistic literature

  9. 他本人也因此而被赞誉为美国自然主义文学的先驱者。

    That is why he has been hailed as the forerunner of American naturalism .

  10. 田山花袋是明治时期日本自然主义文学的代表作家。

    Tayama Katai is the representative writer of the naturalistic novels in Meiji in Japan .

  11. 西奥多·德莱塞的小说《嘉莉妹妹》是美国自然主义文学的早期代表作。

    Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser is the early representative masterpiece of American naturalism in literature .

  12. 论日本自然主义文学&从作品看日本自然主义文学的特色

    On Japanese Naturalism Literature

  13. 第三章分析美国自然主义文学的理论基础和其在《嘉莉妹妹》中的体现。

    Chapter three is the analysis of the theoretical base of American naturalism and their application in Sister Carrie .

  14. 黄祸论滥觞于美国自然主义文学之中,与当时流行的社会达尔文主义同出一源;

    Yellow peril gets widest propaganda in American naturalism literature , which is in line with social Darwinism prevalent at that time ;

  15. 论文认为二十世纪三十年代美国自然主义文学作品中虽然包含着人们对未来的一丝希望,但是这点希望依然被悲观主义所笼罩和包围。

    The thesis argues that although American naturalistic literature does include a slight hope , the latter is still surrounded by pessimism .

  16. 19世纪后期,随着自然主义文学、象征主义诗歌、印象主义绘画的诞生,印象主义音乐也随之诞生。

    Impressionism music came into being in the late 19th century with the development of naturalism literature , symbolism poetry and impressionism painting .

  17. 其次,阐明自然主义文学以实证的手法、客观的态度,将隐秘的东西展现给读者。

    Second , from the biological perspective naturalistic literature describes the brutish nature of human beings by means of positivism and objective attitude .

  18. 但自然主义文学在对社会的认识和文学对社会自然的反作用问题上的认识和实证主义哲学相悖。

    However , naturalist literature is contrary to positivist philosphy in terms of social cognition and the retroaction of literature to society and nature .

  19. 日本自然主义文学是在基本具备了消化吸收欧洲特别是法国自然主义文学的本土化条件之后产生的。

    Japan produced its own naturalist literature after a basic absorption and assimilation of European , especially French , naturalist literature and its influences .

  20. 他是自然主义文学的奠基人和法国自由政治的主要支持者。

    He is the most important example of the literary school of naturalism , and a major figure in the political liberalization of France .

  21. 自然主义文学打破了以往文学与科学的分离状态,独创性的把文学与自然科学有机融为一体。

    It was beated to literature and science parting state ago , that creative hold the literature and natural science fuse to organic at the together .

  22. 德莱塞是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表,他用自然主义文学创作手法开创了美国文学的一个新时代。

    As an outstanding representative figure of the American naturalist literature , Dreiser creates a new era of the American literature by writing in naturalist style .

  23. 19世纪末到20世纪上半叶,科学技术飞速发展,科学精神日愈昌盛,对于文学领域的影响便是自然主义文学的出现。

    With science and technology progressing rapidly , naturalism came into being in literary circle between the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century .

  24. 日本自然主义文学、私小说再探讨&近代东西文化交融中的一个值得深思的问题

    A New Study on Japanese Naturalistic Literature and I Novel & A Question in the Mergence between the Culture of East and West in Modern Times

  25. 张资平的恋爱小说受到了日本自然主义文学的影响,他不仅接受了日本自然主义文学观念,还将日本自然主义代表人物的文学文本作为直接的模仿对象。

    ZHANG Zi-ping 's love novels were influenced by Japanese naturalistic literature . He not only accepted literary concepts of Japanese Naturalism but also directly imitated literary texts of its representatives .

  26. 潄石反对日本自然主义文学的无理想、无解决和宿命论的艺术观,尤其厌恶自然主义文学流派的作家们注重感官描写的鄙俗之气。

    He opposed the artistic view of " no ideals "," no solutions " and " fatalism " in Japanese naturalism literature , especially disliked the vulgar sensuous descriptions from naturalism writers .

  27. 首先,文章通过简要回顾美国自然主义文学产生的语境,指出美国自然主义独特的历史背景、文化环境和理论语境决定了美、法两国自然主义文学表达上存在的差异。

    First of all , a brief context of American naturalistic literature is given . The specific historical backgrounds and cultural context determine the differences in the expression of American and French naturalistic literature .

  28. 明治中后期的自然主义文学等在批判传统的同时伴随着选择传统,最终走向了回归传统。

    In the middle to late days of Mingzhi time , the various literatures , such as the naturalistic , went on regressing to tradition at last , which criticized the tradition while selected it .

  29. 19世纪中后期在法国出现的自然主义文学是现实主义文学向现代主义文学发展的中介,对各国文学均产生过重要影响。

    Naturalist literature that appeared France in the later half of the 19th Century is an intermedium from realistic literature to modernist literature , which has had great influence on the literature in many countries .

  30. 美国自然主义文学一方面深受法国自然主义的影响,另一方面又因其独特的文化背景和环境而具有其自身的特点。

    On one hand , American naturalistic literature was influenced by French Naturalism . On the other hand , because there exist different cultural backgrounds and social environment , American naturalistic novels showed its own characters .