
fù héng jī
  • Transversus abdominis muscle;musculus trasversus abdominis;transverse muscle of abdomen
腹横肌[fù héng jī]
  1. 腹横肌起于髂耻束者占10.7%。

    The percentage that transversus abdominis originates from iliopubic was 10.7 % .

  2. 腹横肌平面阻滞用于剖宫产术后镇痛

    Analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block after cesarean section

  3. 我想你的意思是激活腹横肌,即紧身衣肌肉。

    I think you mean to activate the transversus abdominis , ie corset muscles .

  4. 或者说是腹横肌。

    Or more importantly the transversus abdominus .

  5. 第1步,游离肾旁脂肪浅面和腹横肌深面、膈肌深面之间的间隙,扩大后腹腔肾部。

    Step 1 , the space between pararenal fat and transversus abdominis and diaphragmatic muscle was enlarged ;

  6. 本方法不破坏结节组织。腹横肌起于髂耻束者占10.7%。

    The labial tubercle was not damaged . The percentage that transversus abdominis originates from iliopubic was 10.7 % .

  7. 目的:为带蒂腹横肌瓣转位修复膈缺损提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomic basis for the pedicled transverses abdomen displacement for repairing the defect of diaphragm .

  8. 方法:在40侧新生儿尸体标本上,解剖观测腹横肌的形态、血供及神经支配。

    Methods : The morphology , vessels of transverses , abdomen were observed and measured on 40 sides of infant cadavers .

  9. 目的:观察和评价腹横肌低频电刺激对腰椎间盘突出症的临床疗效,对其结果进行统计分析,为治疗腰椎间盘突出症的提供有效的方法和临床依据。

    Objective : The observation and evaluation of Low-frequency electric stimulation transverse abdominal muscle for Lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion ( LIDP ) of clinical curative effect .

  10. 腹横肌是深层腹肌,做一下几个动作:平躺,膝盖弯曲,把上放在屁股上,正常呼吸。然后吸气,让肚脐慢慢贴近脊椎。

    To do this : lay on your back with your knees bent , put your hands on your hips , breathe normally , and pull your belly button straight down to your spine .

  11. 腹内斜肌腱膜与腹横肌腱膜融合形成联合腱者仅占5.6%,其余均不融合。

    In all the sides observed , only 5.6 % of them belong to the types in which the internal oblique muscle aponeurosis and transversus abdominis aponeurosis were fused to form the conjoined tendon , whereas the rest are not .

  12. 在125侧成人腹股沟区标本上,解剖观察并测量了腹内斜肌、腹横肌、腹横肌腱膜筋膜层和髂耻束。

    In present study , 125 sides of the inguinal regions in the chinese adults were used for the anatomical observation and measuring on the internal oblique muscle , the transversus abdominis muscle , the transversus abdominis aponeurosis layers , and iliopubic tract .

  13. 腹股沟镰表现为四种类型:联合腱型55侧、结合型12侧、腹横肌腱膜型4侧、肌-腱膜混合型9侧。腹壁下动脉的行程异常占11.3%。

    Four types of inguinal canal were observed in both sides of 40 corpses : the conjoined tendon in 55 sides , conjunction in 12 , transversus abdominia aponeurosis in 4 and sarco-aponeurosis in 9 . Inferior epigastric artery was abnormal in 9 cases ( 11.3 % ) .

  14. 结果:侧路穿刺路径由浅入深的主要结构有腰背筋膜中层结构(腹外斜肌、腹内斜肌、腹横肌、腰方肌)、腰背筋膜深层、腰大肌、椎间孔和椎管。

    Result : The important structures from outside to inside using lateral puncture were medium structures of lumbodorsal fascia ( obliquus externus abdominis , obliquus internus abdominis , transversus abdominis , lumbar quadrate muscle ), deep lamella of lumbodorsal fascia , greater psoas muscle , intervertebra foramina and vertebral canal .

  15. 方法不缝合腹膜,在腹膜外将皮肤、皮下组织、腹外斜肌腱膜、腹内斜肌、腹横肌一层缝合。

    Methods Full thickness suture out of the peritoneum which consist of skin , subcutaneous tissues , aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis , obliquus internus abdominis , transverses abdominis .

  16. 腹侧肌,特别是腹壁斜和横肌,比其它躯干肌参与更多的躯干稳定功能,尤其见于轻负重侧放情况。

    It is speculated that ventral muscles may have more function in trunk stabilization than the dorsal muscles .