
yuè xínɡ
  • Moon-shaped;crescent-shaped figure
  1. 分析fθ透镜的光学系统设计方面的一些问题,叙述由多片分离的弯月形透镜构成的超广角大口径fθ镜头的设计。

    Some design problems in an optical system with f θ lens are analysed , and the design of super wide angle and large aperture f θ lens which consists of separate multi element meniscus lenses is described .

  2. 玻璃复盘,用于皮革抛光圆盘月形孔抛光工具

    Disc , glass , for glazing hides or skins roller crescent tool

  3. 这些卵是淡绿色月形天蚕蛾的。

    These eggs belong to the pale green luna moth .

  4. 耐酸性反刍兽月形单胞菌构建及对瘤胃微生物发酵的影响

    Construction of Acid-tolerant Selenomonas Ruminantium and Effect on the Fermentation of Ruminal Microorganisms

  5. 反刍月形单胞菌乙酸激酶基因缺陷株的构建及特性分析

    Construction and in Vitro Metabolic Characterization of Ack Gene Deleted Mutant of Selenomonas Ruminantium

  6. 带钢月形弯对螺旋埋弧焊管成型质量的影响

    Influence of Curved Strip Steel on The Forming Quality of Spirally Submerged Arc Welded Pipe

  7. 树脂镜片的镀膜分析弯月形厚透镜的基点和基面

    Analysis on Coating of Colophony Eyeglass The cardinal point and cardinal plane of lune thick-lens

  8. 取下注射器并在球囊腔的针座内留下一半月形的液面。

    Detach syringe and leave a meniscus of mixture on the hub of the balloon lumen .

  9. 月形修正法

    The Crescent Modification Method

  10. 在浅地层剖面图上,海底管道具有较强能量的弯月形绕射特征。

    On the sub-bottom profiling , the pipeline 's reflection has strong diffraction which shows " Crescent-shaped " .

  11. 研究结果表明,斜生栅藻对铜最敏感,而月形藻对铜有很强的抵抗能力。

    It was found that S.obliquus was most sensitive to copper but C.lunula had a strong resistibility to copper .

  12. 作为具有强氧化性的高铁酸钾,在反应中可以破坏废水中月形藻的细胞壁,使其营养物质流失,而最终死亡。

    The potassium ferrate strong oxidability , may destroy the lune algae in the response the cell wall , causes its nutrients outflow , and finally died .

  13. 横向剖面的观察结果表明,随着冲压次数的增加,翅片横向截面由长方形逐渐向弯月形变化。

    From the transverse section observations , with the mould pressing times increasing , the fin transverse sections of ' rectangle ' shape become ' meniscus ' shape .

  14. 分析结果表明,当抽运光输入振幅超过临界抽运光输入振幅时,信号光出现聚焦且信号光束面在演化过程中由圆形逐渐演化为弯月形。

    When the input amplitude of pump beam exceeds the critical amplitude , the probe beam begins to focus , and its spot size gradually becomes a crescent moon shape .

  15. 用非对称介质厚透镜基点位置公式讨论了弯月形厚透镜基点位置对透镜系统参数的依赖关系;

    The cardinal point formula of thick lens of unsymmetrical medium has been derived . The relation between the cardinal points of the lune thick lens and the lens parameters has been reviewed .

  16. 本文报告我院自1966年10月~1983年3月共收治哑铃形椎管肿瘤23例,男12例,女11例,年龄8~54岁,平均31.9岁;

    Twenty-three causes of hourglass tumor of spinal canal are reported from october , 1966 to march , 1983 in our hospital . Twelve cases were males and 11 females . The patients ranged in age from 8 to 54 years , with an average of 31.9 years .