
jiǎo liào
  • shackles;fetter;leg-iron;manacle
脚镣 [jiǎo liào]
  • [shackles] 套在囚犯脚腕上的刑具,是两个铁箍,中间用铁链相连

  1. 钝化之脚镣增加延长目标50%施法时间的效果且提高了命中率。

    Spiritmaster 's Shackles of Blunting now inflicts-50 % cast time debuff , and increased skill accuracy .

  2. 对于法律翻译工作者来说,法律法规的翻译是跨文化交际的范畴,从事法律翻译似乎是戴着脚镣跳舞。

    For law-translation professionals , the work is a cross-cultural matter , which can be compared to dancing with shackles .

  3. 他在地牢里看见一个戴着脚镣的男孩。

    He saw a boy in fetters in the dungeons .

  4. 他们拖着疲倦的脚步走动时,脚镣发出当啷当啷的响声。

    Shackles clanked between their ankles as they moved tiredly .

  5. 电影中,CharltonHeston被种类繁多、济济为患的猿猴们俘虏,他戴着脚镣,近乎赤裸,并被看作是一个有趣的外物种标本。

    In that mock epic , the manacled , nearly naked Charlton Heston is rated an interesting specimen by a variety of simian overlords .

  6. 脚镣;手铐vt.束缚;加枷锁例句互联网发明是为了丰富我们的生活,连接你和我,为提高工作效率,而非束缚我们的枷锁.迷信是人们思想的一大桎梏。

    Internet is invented to enrich our life , and to improve the efficiency of our rather than shackle us with a chain . Superstition is a great shackle on men 's minds .

  7. 即使脚镣黄金铸,无人爱上这刑具。

    No man loves his fetters be they made of gold .

  8. 然而事与愿违,这款“脚镣鞋”引发了众怒。

    Instead , the " shackle shoe " kicked up controversy .

  9. 罪犯带着手铐和脚镣。

    The prisoners wore handcuffs , and iron chains on their legs .

  10. 犯人走路时脚镣叮当作响。

    The prisoner 's ankle chains clanked as they walked .

  11. 教师的品质是戴着脚镣跳舞者的品质。

    The quality of teachers is the quality with the dancers in fetters .

  12. 羁绊;脚镣例句你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵。

    You may imprison my body , actually could not fetter my mind .

  13. 戴着脚镣跳舞:戏剧本体特征对诗化要素的制约

    Dancing in Fetlers : The Limitation of Theatrically Essential Features on Poetic Elements

  14. 如果我叫哈利解开你的脚镣手铐。

    I let Harry take those chains off you .

  15. 永远不要戴着脚镣,过奴隶的生活。

    Then never live within the bond of slavery .

  16. 在他们的监狱里,你还可以听到脚镣的响声。

    In their prisons today you will still hear the clank of leg irons .

  17. 她坚强不屈得就象一副脚镣。

    She 's tough as a boot .

  18. 再没有任何手铐和脚镣了。

    No more ball and chain .

  19. 他戴着手铐脚镣。

    He was chained and fettered .

  20. 跳好带着脚镣的舞蹈&大学英语教学中翻译学科建设问题探究

    Dancing with Fetters around the Feet & Constructing Translation Studies as a Discipline in College English Teaching

  21. 关于在与警察争论之后,他带着手铐和脚镣遭受9天的强制管教

    On a nine-day solitary confinement when he was handcuffed and shackled in jail after an argument with the police

  22. 身穿短裤,铐着脚镣的他只能缓慢地移动,他的双手被铐在背后。

    Mr. Harris-Moore was wearing short pants and shuffling with shackles around his ankles and handcuffs behind his back .

  23. 有时那卡车一阵颠簸,便是一声金属的铿锵&敢情所有的战俘,居然全戴了脚镣。

    Occasionally when a truck jolted there was a clank-clank of metal : all the prisoners were wearing leg-irons .

  24. 纪律为愚昧人,就如脚镣,和右手上的手铐。

    Doctrine to a fool is as fetters on the feet , and like manacles on the right hand .

  25. 仁义的另一层意义,其实就是脚镣手铐,专门陷人于不义以及罪恶之中。

    The other side of benevolence and righteousness is the handcuff and fetters , devised to trap people in guilt .

  26. 并当污秽没办法更多时,谦虚不就是一副脚镣以及一个心灵的腐败?

    And when the unclean shall be no more , what were modesty but a fetter and a fouling of the mind ?

  27. 德国推广电子脚镣制度的成功理论与实践,对改革和完善我国现行的司法制度有较强的借鉴意义。

    We can learn from the successful experience in theory and practice of electronic monitoring in Germany to reform Chinese criminal justice system .

  28. 任何抛弃脚镣的人连最小的沟坎都无法稳步跨过,因为他已不习惯这样自由地移动。

    Whoever threw it off would make an uncertain jump over the smallest trench because he is not accustomed to such free movement .

  29. 其实,对于一个戴着如此沉重的脚镣的人来说,这番告诫根本是多余的。

    In fact the exhortation seemed rather a superfluous one to a man with a great pair of iron fetters on his feet .

  30. 黄金所造的脚镣,也没有人愿意戴上它。《金瓶梅》人物形象塑造的美学价值

    No man loves his fetters be they made of gold . The Aesthetic Value of The Character Portrayal in " The Golden Lotus "