
jiǎo zhù
  • footnote;foot notation
脚注 [jiǎo zhù]
  • [footnote] 在印刷的书页正文下面或在各表下面的附注

脚注[jiǎo zhù]
  1. 星号是让读者参看脚注。

    The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote .

  2. 几年后,这份MBA誓言能否超越历史脚注的地位?

    In a few years , will the MBA oath be more than a footnote ?

  3. 脚注附于每页的下端。

    Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page .

  4. 该文件附加了脚注。

    Footnotes have been appended to the document .

  5. 我们略掉了我们认为对正文不甚紧要的脚注。

    We have omitted footnotes which we judged inessential to the text .

  6. 页面模式可以显示页眉、页脚、脚注和页码。

    Page Mode shows headers , footers , footnotes and page numbers .

  7. 在每个页面上为标题、脚注和正文组件创建Style类型的组件。

    Create components of type Style for header , footer and body components , on each page .

  8. 引用以前创建的标题、风格、脚注ComponentLibrary对象和正确的模板组件属性,在这些属性中应该可以添加内容。

    Reference the previously created header , style , footer Component Library objects and the right template component attributes where content should be added .

  9. 一将导致本脚注未反映的相应修正,因为其并非直接源自对附件B的修正。

    I would result in consequential amendments that are not reflected in this note since they do not flow directly from an amendment to Annex B.

  10. 另外,通过AJAX在HTML中附加几个包含脚注的元素。

    In addition some element containing a footnote will be appended to the HTML by AJAX as well .

  11. 我也可以把脚注,放到QA中。

    I could have used a subscript A here and put in here QA .

  12. 德迪欧在图表的脚注中提到,2012年,他曾预测iOS以及OSX设备的总销量将在2013或2014年赶上Windows设备。

    In footnote , dediu mentions that in 2012 he predicted that IOS plus OS X would catch up to windows in 2013 or 2014 .

  13. 核心层之上是shellSWF,这里包含了所有通用的网站元素,诸如导航栏、脚注等等。

    On top of that is the shell SWF , which contains all of the constant site elements , such as navigation , footers , etc.

  14. 在ComponentLibrary列表中创建脚注HTML组件,引用IBM徽标组件,如果单击这个IBM徽标,则还需要添加一个引用标签来打开IBM主页。

    Create a footer HTML component object in the Component Library list referencing the IBM logo component , add a reference tag to open the IBM homepage , if the IBM logo is clicked .

  15. 该方法与将PHP函数收集到模块中的方法相结合的另一好处就是,您可以容易地将PHP页面的标题和脚注标准化为一个单独模块。

    Another advantage of combining this approach with collecting PHP functions into modules is that you can easily standardize the header and footer for your PHP pages into a separate module .

  16. (胡佛同年在连任选举中被击败。)这次会议如今在历史书上占用的脚注主要与富兰克林罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的莽撞有关。

    ( Hoover was voted out in the meantime . ) The footnotes the conference now occupies in the history book relate mainly to Franklin Roosevelt 's petulance .

  17. 如果已定义,则为datalist的脚注部分提供内容和布局。

    If defined , provides the content and layout for the footer section of the datalist .

  18. 对于市场资本超过7000亿美元的公司,首次提交XBRL格式的财务报表时不能带详细脚注。

    Those with market capitalization above $ 700 million must make their initial submission in XBRL without detailed tagging of footnotes .

  19. 市场资本超过50亿美元的公司从2009年就开始使用XBRL填充财务数据,但今年它们必须提交带有更详细的脚注的财务报表。

    Companies with market capitalization above $ 5 billion began filing in XBRL in2009 , but this year they must submit financial statements with more detailed tagging of footnotes .

  20. 然而,RTF的微软实现却规定脚注、注释、页眉和页脚(在本章的后边将有叙述)不会继承其之前文本的格式。

    However , Microsoft implementations of RTF assume that the footnote , annotation , header , and footer groups ( described later in this chapter ) do not inherit the formatting of the preceding text .

  21. 读者只有在阅读了脚注后才能明白双关之所在。

    Readers cannot understand the pun until they read the footnotes .

  22. 遗憾的是,这些死亡案例并非历史脚注。

    Such deaths are , sadly , not a historical footnote .

  23. 地点在脚注说明问题,而不是在标题中。

    Place explanatory matter in footnotes , not in the heading .

  24. 中国的汽车市场是最好的脚注消费心理。

    China 's auto market is the best footnote to consumer psychology .

  25. 评论,文字注释,定义,标题,脚注

    Commentaries , textual notes , definitions , headings , footnotes

  26. 图4c:[右]一个脚注或附录的标注

    Figure4c : [ right ] A footnote or appendix reference

  27. 对象的作用是:在页面区域内定义一个脚注。

    The object defines a footnote within the region-body of a page .

  28. 我建议你别和汤姆说这只是脚注。

    I 'd rather you not refer to Tom as a footnote .

  29. 获取列的脚注部分的样式属性。

    Gets the style properties for the footer section of the column .

  30. 给本章最后三节所加的一个很长的脚注。

    A lengthy footnote to the last three sections of this chapter .