
  • 网络pedal boat;pedalo;Pedalos;MJ-FW
  1. 我们雇了一辆脚踏船在湖上玩了一个小时。

    We hired a pedal boat and went out on the lake for an hour .

  2. 德国一个小镇上的一只天鹅爱上了一艘天鹅形状的脚踏船,过去三周他一直和这只船调情。

    A swan has fallen in love with a plastic swan-shaped paddle boat on a pond in a German town and has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel .

  3. Herboyfriendwastwo-timingher.她男朋友脚踏两只船。乔希和交往的男孩儿分手了。

    A : Josic broke up with the guy she was dating .

  4. 你确定他没有脚踏两只船?

    Are you sure he is not two-timing you ?

  5. 冷战时期的超级大国为扩大在这个地区的影响而进行了激烈的竞争,而埃及则脚踏两只船,待价而沽。美国人出价更高并最终赢得了这场影响力之争。

    The cold-war superpowers vied for influence too ; Egypt flirted with both , but America bid higher and won .

  6. 判断你完美情人是不是脚踏两只船,观察他是在社交环境中是怎么陪伴你的。

    To determine if your charmer might become a two-timer , watch how he interacts with you in social settings .

  7. 确保自己在争论中获利的惟一方法是脚踏两只船。

    The only way to make sure of one 's own gain in an argument is to have a foot in both camps .

  8. 哦,我们已经看穿你了,约翰-希尔弗,你想脚踏两只船,这就是你的罪过。

    Oh , we see through you , John Silver ; you want to play booty , that 's what 's wrong with you .

  9. 不要白白享受着她的照顾和温柔,然后漫不经心地寻找着别的女孩,在找到之后才说我们分手吧,又或者干脆脚踏两只船。

    Do not simply enjoy her care and tenderness , and then carelessly looking forward to another girl , found in only after that we Fen Shouba , or simply .

  10. 她脚踏两条船,所以我们就分手了。

    She was two-timing on me , so we broke up .

  11. 脚踏两条船?你不像这种人。

    Two dates in one day ? That 's so unlike you .

  12. 不可脚踏二条船。

    You cannot run with the hare and hunt .

  13. 他同时脚踏两条船。

    He is dating another girl on the side .

  14. 你不可以边跟著野兔跑,边带猎犬去打猎。不可脚踏两条船;不可两面讨好。

    You can 't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds .

  15. 史考特:因为我脚踏多条船,游戏人间啊!

    Scott : Because I 'm playing the field .

  16. 她在脚踏两条船!

    She is being two timing me !

  17. 杰克总是脚踏几只船。

    Jack always plays the field .

  18. 晓燕告诉大伟,如果他敢脚踏两条船,那他肯定也没好日子过了。

    Xiaoyan told Dawei that if he ever two-timed her , she would cause him a lot of trouble .

  19. 当我发现我男朋友脚踏两条船的时候,我气得火冒三丈。

    E.g.It made my blood boil when I found out my boyfriend was dating another girl on the side .

  20. 当问到脚踏多只船、性经历等问题时,学生们的反应大多是震惊或矛盾。

    When asked about dating multiple people at once or being sexually active , students answer with shock or ambivalence .

  21. 史考特:但我们现在上大学了。你可以脚踏多条船,认识更多新的大学美眉。

    Scott : But we 're in college now . You can play the field and meet lots of new college girls .

  22. 我认为脚踏多条船没什么大不了的,只不过你要对每一条船诚实。

    I think it 's not that big of a deal to date multiplepeople , but you have to be honest with everyone of them .

  23. 在长期恋爱中,最常见的分手原因是“争吵”、“脚踏几条船”和“丧失信任”。

    In long-term partners , the top deal breakers were " anger issues , " " is currently dating multiple partners " and " person is untrustworthy . "