
  • 网络energy resources
  1. 本文的主要贡献如下:1.对于基于IP的低功耗有损网络路由协议RPL(IPv6RoutingProtocolforLLN),已有的组播路由算法存在大量冗余的数据传输,浪费节点有限的能量资源。

    The main contribution of this paper is as follows : 1 . For IP-based low-power lossy network routing protocol RPL ( IPv6Routing Protocol for LLN ), existing algorithms transmit a large number of redundant data , and waste limited node energy resources .

  2. 巴蜀园林就是这一巨大的能量资源之一。

    Bashu garden is the enormous energy resources .

  3. 我们的煤炭供应是一个巨大的能量资源。

    Our coal supplies are a great energy resource .

  4. 这样,传感器网络中的能量资源必须进行很好的管理从而延长网络的寿命。

    Therefore , energy for sensor networks should be managed carefully to extend the lifetime of sensor networks .

  5. 如果各个节点单独将数据传输到汇聚节点,使网络存在大量的冗余信息,从而浪费大量的通信带宽和宝贵的能量资源。

    The single node transmits data to the Sink individually which causes large waste in communication bandwidth and valuable energy resource .

  6. 无线传感器网络的能量资源有限,数据汇聚是减少能耗最重要的技术之一,但数据汇聚可能导致信息泄露。

    Data aggregation techniques can greatly help conserve the scarce energy resources in sensor networks by minimizing the number of data transmissions .

  7. 但是,无线传感器网络中节点的能量资源、通信能力、计算机和存储能力非常有限。

    However , the energy resources , communication capabilities , computers , and storage capacity are badly limited in the node of wireless sensor network .

  8. 与此同时,在信息社会,信息资源与物质资源、能量资源一起,被称为现代人类社会的三大资源。

    Meanwhile , in the information society , the information , material and energy resource together , are called three main resources in modern human society .

  9. 长江、黄河流域是中国最大的两个流域,支撑着中国人口最密集地区的水分和能量资源。

    The Yangtze and Yellow River basins , the largest river basins in China , sustain the most densely populated region of China by providing water and energy resources .

  10. 当体内的蛋白质及碳水化合物被作为能量资源消耗时,身体将失水,因为蛋白质及碳水化合物两者细胞中皆含水。

    Whencarbohydrates and protein that are alreadyin your body are used as the energy source , your body will losewater weight because both carbohydrates and protein hold waterin the cells .

  11. 水和某种能量资源是生命存在的必要条件,某些行星、地外行星和卫星能满足这些条件不足为奇。

    The main necessities for life are water and some form of energy source . Not surprisingly , there are some planets , exoplanets , and moons that fit the bill .

  12. 现有的自适应调度算法大多是考虑单波束驻留的,基于相对简单的数学模型,没有考虑完备的雷达资源约束条件,特别是忽略了二维相控阵雷达系统的能量资源限制和同时多波束工作的特点。

    The existing adaptive scheduling algorithms are based on a simple mathematical model , without considering the complete radar resource constraints and ignoring the energy resource constraints of two-dimensional phased array radar system .

  13. 资源管理问题的实质为雷达任务参数配置,时间资源由控制采样次数的采样周期控制,能量资源由发射波形的相关参数控制。

    The essence of resource management is the configuration of radar task parameters , where time resource is controlled by the revisit interval and energy resource is controlled by the parameters of transmitting waveform .

  14. 目前无线传感器网络节点仍然使用电池供电,能量资源有限使得如何提高节点能效,延长网络寿命成为了一个重要挑战。

    Nowadays the wireless sensor networks nodes are still powered by battery , so the limited energy resource makes that how to improve node energy efficiency and prolong network lifetime have become an important challenge .

  15. 进入21世纪,信息资源与物质资源和能量资源一起构成了支撑现代经济和社会发展的一个资源体系,也是现代社会重要的生产力要素。

    Entered 21st century , information resources and physical resources formed a resource system of supporting modern economic and social development with energy resource , it is a modern society 's important productivity key element too .

  16. 因此对次用户设置频率切换操作,设置一个次用户灵活感知多条信道,在适当付出时间开销和能量资源开销的基础上,提高感知效率,获得开销和感知准确率之间的平衡。

    So set channel switching to the second users in this system , which means a second user need to detect several channels . This will get the balance of system cost and sensing perception based on acceptable time cost and energy cost .

  17. 天然气水合物是一种极具潜力的能量资源,在世界各地海洋和永冻土中都有广泛分布,我国也在南海海底和祁连山冻土带中发现了水合物。

    Gas hydrates , recognized as a potential of energy resources , are distributed in oceanic seabed or permafrost all over the world . Both oceanic and permafrost gas hydrates are found respectively in South China Sea ( SCS ) and Qilian Mountain , China .

  18. 首先,应用提出了苛刻的端到端可靠性要求;其次,底层的无线通信链路受各种因素的影响极不可靠,而系统资源尤其是能量资源极其有限。

    Firstly , strict requirement of end-to-end reliability is brought forward by application ; secondly , wireless communication link , which is influenced by all kinds of unpredictable factor , becomes extremely unreliable . Meanwhile , system resource is rather limited , especially for the energy resource .

  19. Vice最关注自己在网络上的能量与资源。

    Vice has focused most of its energy and resources on the web .

  20. 显然,虽然在教育方面集中了强大的政治能量和资源,我们的成员依然认为,政府在这个关键领域总体表现不佳,董事学会会长迈尔斯•坦普尔曼(MilesTempleman)表示。

    It is clear that , despite the impressive political energy and resources focused on education , our members believe the government has generally performed poorly in this critical arena , Miles Templeman , director-general of the institute , said .

  21. 现代工业文明很好的利用了时间、能量和资源。

    Modern industrial civilizations make good use of time , energy and resources .

  22. 政府能力是一个政府实现自己职能时所具有的能量和资源。

    The governmental capacity refers to the energy and resources to perform the functions of a government .

  23. 人类要从海洋中获取能量、资源和生存空间,就得首先借助于船舶。

    With the first aid of ship , human can get energy , resources and living space .

  24. 职业倦怠是指个体无法应付外界超出个人能量和资源的过度要求而产生的身心耗竭状态。

    Professional sluggishness means the physically and psychologically exhausted situation that an individual cannot satisfy the requirements beyond his power and resources .

  25. 而对于低成本、低功耗、能量等资源受限的传感器网络来说,在链路层实现协作转发机制更为适合。

    For the low-cost , low-power , resource-constrained WSNs , it is more practical to implement cooperative forwarding at the MAC layer .

  26. 为了使其充分发挥多功能优势,必须对系统有限的时间、能量等资源进行有效管理与合理分配。

    To utilize its multi-function advantage , it is essential to manage and distribute the limited time , energy and other resources effectively .

  27. 传感器节点的计算、存储、通信、能量等资源有限,同时传感器节点承担着数据感知和路由的双重功能。

    Sensor nodes have very limited resources of computing , storage , communications and energy , and need undertake sensing and routing tasks .

  28. 为此,需要一种雷达资源调度策略以有效地分配雷达时间、能量等资源,达到优化雷达整体性能的目的。

    Therefore an effective scheduling mechanism is required that allocates the time and energy resources of radar to the radar functions in such a way that the overall performance of MFPAR is optimized .

  29. 北京市森林生态系统是城市生态系统的重要辅助系统,它不仅为城市生态系统提供必需的能量和资源输入,同时对城市生态系中排出的污染物起着重要的净化功能。

    Beijing forest ecosystem is an important auxiliary system of the urban ecosystem , not only because of the necessary energy and resource forest ecosystem inputs , but also due to the important purification function to the waste that urban ecosystem produces .

  30. 但是RFID在能量和计算资源上的限制使人们很难利用公钥密码的优势来解决RFID认证问题,而对称密码技术又很难适应大规模RFID网络认证需求。

    As is well known the traditional RFID authentication based on symmetric cryptography does not fit the large scale RFID network . But the limited computation ability and energy make it difficult to apply traditional public-key cryptography to RFID authentication .