
  • 网络Top Asian Energy Companies
  1. 能源企业ReliantEnergy表示,德克萨斯州的人均用电量自2005年以来减少了8%。

    In Texas , Reliant Energy reports an 8 % drop in per-customer energy use since 2005 .

  2. 专注于研究先进商业规划的咨询公司&全球商业网络公司(GlobalBusinessNetwork)负责人皮特•舒瓦茨认为,(清洁能源企业的)创造性毁灭将会带来科技进步。

    Progress will be aided by a wave of creative destruction , said Peter Schwartz , head of the global business network , a consulting firm that specializes in advanced business planning .

  3. 中国国家电力投资集团(StatePowerInvestmentCorporation,简称:国家电投)已就收购可再生能源企业太平洋水电(PacificHydro)签署协议,这是一连串中澳基础设施交易中的最新一笔。

    China 's State Power Investment Corporation has agreed to buy Pacific Hydro , a renewable energy business , in the latest in a string of Sino-Australian infrastructure deals .

  4. 借款方是项目发起人、中国的华电(Huadian)与俄罗斯能源企业“领土发电公司”(TerritorialGenerationCompany)的合资公司。

    The borrower is a joint venture between Huadian , the Chinese sponsor , and Territorial Generation Company , a Russian energy business .

  5. 作为回报,东方电气(DongfangElectric)、哈尔滨动力设备(HarbinPowerEquipment)和上海电气(ShanghaiElectric)等中国大型能源企业从越南获得了利润丰厚的电力设备供应合同,并在越南各地建设发电站。

    In return , large Chinese energy groups such as Dongfang Electric , Harbin Power Equipment and Shanghai Electric have been awarded lucrative contracts to provide equipment and build power stations across Vietnam .

  6. X公司是新成立的管道能源企业,业务增长迅速,机构分布广,人员不集中,需要培训的员工比例较大。

    Company X is a newly established pipeline energy Enterprise which has features as follows : the business increased rapidly , institutional distribution of concentration , a larger proportion of new employees .

  7. 招聘mem毕业生的雇主包括能源企业、金融服务企业以及管理咨询公司。

    Recruiters of MEM graduates include , energy companies , financial services companies and management consulting firms .

  8. R公司是国内知名的软件行业,其业务涵盖国家重要军事及能源企业,技术水平及市场占有率在国际同类产品中领先,在软件行业中R公司具有鲜明的代表性。

    R Company is a leading software industry ; its business covers important national military and energy companies , and leads the technology level and market share among the international similar products in the software industry with a distinct representation .

  9. 达信(Marsh)的经纪人表示,由于能源企业很少或没有投保,猛烈的暴风雨季节将给墨西哥湾能源产业带来巨大压力。

    A severe storm season would put big pressure on the Gulf energy industry , according to brokers at Marsh , as producers have been left with little or no insurance cover .

  10. 这些制裁限制了某些俄罗斯能源企业的美元和欧元融资,其中包括GazpromNeft。

    Those sanctions restricted financing in dollars and euros for certain Russian energy companies , including Gazprom Neft .

  11. 俄罗斯可能还会邀请gopec成员国能源企业帮助开发其天然气储备。

    Russia may also invite Gopec energy companies to help exploit its gas reserves .

  12. 2012年,中海油以大约150亿美元的价格收购加拿大能源企业尼克森(Nexen)。此举是为了努力提升自身能力。

    Cnooc has tried to improve its capabilities through the purchase in 2012 of a Canadian company , Nexen , for about $ 15 billion .

  13. 同时,埃克森(Exxon)和雪佛龙(Chevron)等大型能源企业在寻找和开发新化石燃料资源方面遇到的高成本阻力让人望而却步。

    And then there are energy giants like Exxon and Chevron , which are facing daunting , expensive headwinds in the search for and cultivation of additional sources of fossil fuel .

  14. 俄罗斯石油公司上周在欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)的普通法院对欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)提起诉讼,请求废除后者在7月份作出的决定,即禁止该公司、俄罗斯其它能源企业以及国有银行在欧洲资本市场上筹集资金。

    Rosneft filed a case against the European Council in the general court under the European Court of Justice last week , requesting an annulment of the council 's July decision that largely barred it and other Russian energy companies and state banks from raising funds on European capital markets .

  15. 但2008年,bp判定俄罗斯的最终权力掌握在国有能源企业手中,就背着这些俄罗斯私营合作伙伴,私下与国营天然气巨头gazprom公司谈判交易。

    But in 2008 , having judged that the ultimate power in Russia lay with state energy companies , BP went behind the backs of its private Russian partners to negotiate a deal with Gazprom , the state-controlled gas behemoth .

  16. 但是,油田服务集团DNVGL的区域总监理查德贝利(RichardBailey)表示,中国能源企业不妨利用这个机会推进一些成本较低的项目,以提高能源独立程度。

    But Chinese energy companies might take the opportunity to push ahead with some of their lower-cost projects to increase energy independence , said Richard Bailey , regional director for oil services group DNV GL .

  17. 这项研究由加拿大几家知名的能源企业承揽,其中包括Hydro-Quebec。

    The study was undertaken by Canada 's more prestigious energy companies , including the utility and power generator Hydro-Quebec .

  18. 其中清洁发展机制(CDM)的国际合作就是发展中国家的新能源企业可以利用获得发达国家的资金和先进技术的支持,减少二氧化碳排量的排放。

    The Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is one of the international cooperation , a new energy enterprise in developed countries can get the support of funds and advanced technology from developed countries to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide emissions .

  19. 莫斯科&正在协助一家俄罗斯国有能源企业进行北冰洋石油和天然气勘探的埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil),上周末迈出了推进这一合作计划的关键一步。

    MOSCOW & Exxon Mobil , which is assisting a Russian state energy company in exploring the Arctic Ocean for oil and natural gas , took a pivotal step to further this project over the weekend .

  20. 作为山西省重要能源企业的GL能源公司,如何面对多变的外部环境,把握机遇,规避风险,培育长期竞争优势,探讨和实施其发展战略已成为GL能源公司改革和发展中的第一要务。

    As an important energy company in Shanxi Province , how the GL energy company to deal with the changing external environment , how to grasp the opportunity , how to avoid risks , how to maintain long-term competitive advantage .

  21. 中国第三大产油企业中国海洋石油有限公司(Cnooc),将把今年的资本支出削减至多35%(与2014年相比),这是原油价格暴跌以来中国能源企业首次宣布此类决定。

    Cnooc , China 's third-largest oil producer , is to cut capital spending by up to 35 per cent this year compared with 2014 , in the first such announcement by a Chinese energy company following the plunge in crude prices .

  22. 之前他还执掌过其他一些能源企业。

    He had previously chaired a string of other energy companies .

  23. 建立西部能源企业环境会计体系的构想

    Initially researches in the environmental accounting of western energy enterprises

  24. 我国政府和能源企业对此应当加以重视。

    Our government and energy companies shall pay attention to these issues .

  25. 如今,破产的能源企业安然公司也出现了类似局面。

    Now , bankrupt energy trader Enron is adding its own chapter .

  26. 能源企业构成了俄罗斯经济的中流砥柱。

    Energy companies form the backbone of the Russian economy .

  27. 外观像沥青的油砂已经引起了越来越多中国能源企业的兴趣。

    The bitumen-like oil sands have drawn growing interest from Chinese energy groups .

  28. 深化国有能源企业的改革;

    Further promoting the restructuring of state-owned energy enterprises ;

  29. 事实证明,我们对能源企业的投资是很正确的。

    The facts show that our investmentin the energy business is very correct .

  30. 现金流量表在我国能源企业应用现状的研究

    Research on the Application Status of Cash flow statement of Chinese Energy Enterpris