
  1. 随着网络和Internet的快速发展,人类的交往方式也逐渐多样化,办公手段也不断多样化。

    With the fast development of the internet , the ways of communication between human beings are diversifying and office instruments also diversifying .

  2. 通识教育(Liberalartseducation)放弃培养同质的学生,转而创造这样的校园:在其中人们能够从他们的差异中学到东西,同时发现新的交往方式。

    Liberal arts education has moved away from cultivating homogeneity and toward creating a campus community in which people can learn from their differences while finding new ways to connect .

  3. 博客(Blog),是继E-mail、BBS、QQ之后的第四种网络交往方式,可以作为高校思政教育的有效载体。

    Blog is a means of Internet communication as well as E-mail , BBS , QQ , and can be an effective vehicle of college ideological and political education .

  4. 互联网对大学生交往方式的影响

    The Influence to College Students ' Communication Patterns of the Internet

  5. 网络带来了人类交往方式的一次革命;

    Network has brought a revolution to people 's way of contact ;

  6. 我们可以发现人与人之间的交往方式。

    We can discover how people dealt with one another .

  7. 不同层次、不同年龄患者的交往方式。

    Understanding of communicative modes of people of different ages and classes ;

  8. 现代社会交往方式变革对人的全面发展的影响

    The Change of Modern Communication and its Influence to All-round Development of People

  9. 认真搞好人际关系建设,提倡健康文明的交往方式;

    Having a good personal relationship to advocate a healthy mode of association ;

  10. 一位重听聋学生交往方式的调查与思考

    A research on the communication style of a student with profound hearing impairment

  11. 果敢自信的交往方式的学习包括做到为人诚实、坦率和直言不讳。

    Learning to communicate assertively involves learning to be honest , open and direct .

  12. 电视媒介对农村社会交往方式的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of the Television Medium to the Social Contact of Countryside Society

  13. 在现代社会中,旅游是一种十分重要的交往方式。

    In modern society , travel is a kind of very important way of interaction .

  14. 交往方式上演进出新型的网络交往与知识交往;

    The type of association develops the new " internet-association " and " knowledge-association " .

  15. 人际网络、市场网络:农户社会交往方式的比较

    Interpersonal Network or Market Network : A Comparative Study on Social Communication Patterns of Farmers

  16. 网络社会改变了人的交往方式,丰富了人的社会关系;

    The network society has changed people 's association ways and enriched people 's social connections ;

  17. 在信息社会里,信息是现代社会生活的重要组成部分,已成为人与人之间的基本交往方式。

    Information is an important component in it and has become the basic communication mode between people .

  18. 人际交往方式对人际互动的效果有着重要的意义。

    The manners of human association plays a very important part in the effect of human relationships .

  19. 信息生态视域中的交往方式兼论对思想政治教育的影响

    The Communication Way in the View of Information Ecology and Its Influence on Ideological and Political Education

  20. 经济全球化在实质上是交往方式一体化过程,是人类发展生产力和扩大交往而展开的现实的历史过程。

    Economic globalization in essence is a historical process during which man develops productive forces and promotes association .

  21. 在社会生活中,个体之间、个人与群体之间、群体与群体之间存在多样的交往方式。

    In social life , there are communications between individuals , individual and group , group and group .

  22. 第二部分论述了网络人际交往方式的特征。

    Internet interpersonal communication . The author discusses the traits of the internet interpersonal communication in the second part .

  23. 并以其特有的方式改变着人们的学习方式、思考方式和交往方式和沟通方式。

    And its unique way of changing the way people learn , ways of thinking and way of communication .

  24. 交往方式必须与相应的生产力发展水平相适应。

    The mode of communication must be in accordance with the level of the development of the force of production.

  25. 学校文化建设就是要通过对学校师生员工英雄人物的塑造,相互交往方式的确立等来孕育学校的价值观。

    School culture construction is a process to form school values by moulding school heroes , establishing ways of interaction .

  26. 它们不一定取代我们今天所熟悉的具体的交往方式,但是会补充这些方式。

    They won 't necessarily replace the kind of physical transactions we know today , but they will augment them .

  27. 第五章为规范网络交往方式促进人的全面发展,本章由三个部分组成。

    Chapter V : Management of network communication methods , Promoting all-round development of people. This chapter consists of three parts .

  28. 以计算机为中心的互连网、多媒体技术的飞速发展正在以惊人的速度改变着人们的工作方式、交往方式和生活方式。

    The rapid development of the computer-centered internet and multimedia technologies is fundamentally changing our ways of work , communion and life .

  29. 随着科技的进步,人类的交往方式也处于不断的变革和发展过程中。

    With the progress of science and technology , the human communication mode , also is in constant change and development process .

  30. 本文以角色关系人情化概括了传统社会中差序格局之类特殊主义的交往方式对现代社会的介入。

    By the term of ″ Humanization of Role Relarionship ″ this article summarizes the involvement of communicative ways in modern society .