
jiāo shuǐ
  • glue;gluewater;mucilage;gum water
胶水 [jiāo shuǐ]
  • [glue] 液态的胶,用于粘东西

胶水[jiāo shuǐ]
  1. 这种新型胶水可迅速粘牢各种材质的面板。

    This new glue bonds a variety of surfaces in seconds .

  2. 用少许胶水把它们贴上。

    Stick them on using a small amount of glue .

  3. 强力胶水可能无法粘住某些塑料。

    The superglue may not create a bond with some plastics

  4. 我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。

    I made a model out of paper and glue .

  5. 工厂里弥漫着锯屑和胶水的气味。

    The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory

  6. 用几滴胶水粘住。

    Secure with a few spots of glue .

  7. 用胶水把布料粘在窗户周围。

    Glue the fabric around the window

  8. 每次只需一点点胶水而已,因此一管可以用很长时间。

    You only need a very small blob of glue , so one tube lasts for ages

  9. 用强力胶水把这两段管子黏合起来。

    Join the two sections of pipe with strong glue .

  10. 这种胶水粘不牢。

    This glue doesn 't stick very well .

  11. 我们可用胶水把这几张画粘贴在书里。

    We can stick these pictures into the book with gum .

  12. 你可以用这种胶水将玩具飞机的机尾粘住。

    You can fix the toy plane 's tail with this glue .

  13. 用橡胶胶水把画贴在墙上。

    Paste the picture on the wall with rubber cement .

  14. 他用胶水把两块木头黏合起来。

    He joined two blocks of wood with glue .

  15. 他用夹子将扶手夹在椅子上,直到胶水干后再取下。

    He used a clamp to hold the arm on the chair until the glue dried .

  16. 我费了好几个小时用胶水把相片粘贴在家庭相册上,弄得手指都粘在一起了。

    I spent hours sticking the photographs into the family book , and my fingers got all gummed up .

  17. 如果没有专用的固定物把相片固定在相册中的话,你就得用胶水粘。

    If you haven 't got the special fasteners to fix your photographs into the book , you 'll have to gum them on .

  18. 这封信上有一些胶水,对信件有一些轻微的染色,但并不影响我们使用它。

    It has some glue on it that has colored it slightly , but nothing that will prevent us from using it .

  19. 你只需要你的Acme火箭发射器和一些简单的家用材料:一个500毫升的塑料可乐瓶、彩色记号笔、剪刀、胶水、海报板

    All you need is your Acme Rocket Launcher and a few simple household materials : a 500ml plastic cola bottle 、 colored markers 、 scissors 、 glue 、 poster board

  20. 用胶水粘住圆锥体的侧面,使其定型。

    Glue the sides of the cone so that it holds its shape .

  21. 这个设计灵感源于蜘蛛在雨中捕猎时分泌的“胶水”。让身体组织形成紧密的密封是十分困难的,因为它们表面的水分会使组织变得光滑。

    Getting tissues in the body to form a tight seal is difficult because water on their surface makes them slippery .

  22. 举个例子,为了让图片上的汉堡包看起来很美味,食物造型师会在面包上用胶水整齐有序地粘上一粒粒芝麻。

    For example , to make a photo of a hamburger that looks delicious , food stylist may use glue to cover the bun methodically with sesame seeds .

  23. LED自动注胶机胶水气泡去除系统的设计

    Design of System of Removing Glue Bubbles in LED Fully-Automatic Glue-Injection Machine

  24. Spring的胶水代码使得只要编写很少的代码就可以轻松插入企业服务。

    Spring 's glue code makes it much easier to plug in enterprise services with very little programming .

  25. Spring的大部分价值来源于支持该框架的数千行胶水代码。

    Most of Spring 's value comes from the thousands of lines of glue code supporting the framework .

  26. Spring通过使用胶水代码添加大量的bean,从而超越了轻量级容器。

    Spring goes beyond its lightweight container by adding a whole host of beans with glue code .

  27. 通过为其他服务提供同种的胶水代码,Spring减轻了应用程序编程人员的负担。

    By providing the same kind of glue code for other services , Spring eases my burden as an application programmer .

  28. b.接着用胶水把薄纸粘到框上。

    B. Next , use glue to stick thin paper onto the frame .

  29. 在我决定使用Spring的胶水代码替代自己的胶水代码时,我自己构建了Spring框架的依赖关系。

    When I decide to use Spring 's glue code instead of my own , I do build a dependency on the Spring framework .

  30. 荷电杂化膜浓缩明胶水溶液的初步研究:pH值对明胶截留率的影响

    The Preliminary Study of the Charged Hybrid Membrane for Concentrating Gelatin Solution : the Effect of pH Value on the Intercepting Rate of Gelatin