
  • 网络basal leaf
  1. 基生叶长圆形,基部不心形。

    Basal leaf blade oblong , base not cordate .

  2. 基生叶长圆形或椭圆形,截形或楔形在基部。

    Basal leaf blade oblong or elliptic , truncate or cuneate at base .

  3. 一种长花距的兰花,有基生叶及靠合在上萼片之下的花瓣。

    A long-spurred orchid with base leaves and petals converging under the upper sepal .

  4. 多年生常绿植物,有巨大的基生叶;主要作为室内盆栽植物种植。

    Evergreen perennial with large handsome basal leaves ; grown primarily as a foliage houseplant .

  5. 美国东部毛茛科的一种高草本植物,具有大的基生叶和白色花瓣的花。

    Tall perennial of the eastern United States having large basal leaves and white summer flowers .

  6. 南美洲的秋海棠,有纤维性根,基生叶上有突出的裂片、像天使的翅膀,总状花序、花珊瑚红色。

    South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels ' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers .

  7. 认为番茄第一果穗下的基生叶,光合作用的产物主要用于自身建设。

    I thought that photosynthetic product of the basic leaves of tomato was mainly used to construction by itself .

  8. 一种旧大陆的绵枣儿属植物,具有窄的基生叶和粉红色的或蓝色的或白色的总状花序。

    An old world plant of the genus Scilla having narrow basal leaves and pink or blue or white racemose flowers .

  9. 报春花属任何一种短茎植物,具有簇生基生叶和丛生的伞状花序和头状花序的绚丽的花朵。

    Any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads .

  10. 欧洲和北美洲的一年生杂草,基生叶莲座状,花微小,继之是长圆形的荚果。

    Annual weed of Europe and North America having a rosette of basal leaves and tiny flowers followed by oblong seed capsules .

  11. 一种草本植物,有基生叶和多叶、有毛的茎,花单生,有白色或乳白色的边花;生在美国西北部。

    Herb with basal leaves and leafy hairy stems bearing solitary flower heads with white or pale cream rays ; northwestern United States .