
  1. 说V不得论背书连续

    To Discuss about V Bude The Continuity of the Endorsement

  2. 试论逐次逼近法票据背书连续相关法律问题研究

    Research on Correlative Legal Problems of Negotiable Instruments Successive Endorsement

  3. 背书连续认定规则之探讨

    Discussion of the Recognition Rules of Series of Endorsements

  4. 背书连续的认定是一项重要的票据业务和司法审判活动。

    The recognition of uninterrupted series of endorsements is an important bill operation and judicial judgment .

  5. 论背书连续

    The Continuity of the Endorsement

  6. 背书连续应从背书的形式有效、背书依次连续和背书签名的同一性三个方面加以认定。

    The determination rules of the continuous endorsement are the effective form of endorsement , a continuous endorsement and the identity of endorsement signature .

  7. 因此,本文从背书连续的基础理论研究出发,采用制度探讨、比较分析的方法对背书连续制度的相关规则进行深入分析。

    Therefore , from the study of basic theory on continuous endorsement , this paper studies the relevant rules in the continuous endorsement system by in-depth analysis with the method of research on the system and comparative analysis .

  8. 一方面,在转让形式上,尽管人们认同背书的连续性,对背书未连续的法律后果却认识不一。

    On the one hand , in the form of transfer , people agree with the continuity of endorsement , but can not agree with the legal effects of absence of continuity .

  9. 票据流通的形式主要是背书转让,而背书连续则是票据背书行为的关键规则。

    The form of notes in circulation is mainly negotiable endorsement , and the continuous act of endorsement is the key rule of negotiable endorsement .

  10. 背书是一切有价证券权利转让的重要方式,而背书的连续性是影响票据权利人的票据权利的重要因素。

    Indorsement is fundamental way that the rights of all kinds of active securities transfer , and the uninterrupted series of indorsement is the most important factor which decides the bill rights of holders .