
  • 网络discrepancy
  1. 信用证项下相符交单与不符点问题研究

    Study on Complying Presentation and Discrepancy under Documentary Credits

  2. 保险单发出日期后于装船日期,在何种情况下可以不当做不符点?

    Under which condition that an insurance policy bearing a date of issue later than the date of shipment cannot be regarded as a discrepancy ?

  3. 如果拒绝不符点的话,单据将由B银行退回交单人。

    If rejected , the documents will be returned by Bank B to the presenter .

  4. 银行向开证申请人征询是否放弃不符点,然后通知B银行接受或是拒绝不符点。

    Bank A will then inform Bank B of acceptance or rejection of the discrepancies after seeking a waiver from the applicant .

  5. 即使ucp500有规定,我行拒付了该信用证下提交的单据后,我行也保留开证人接受不符点后的我行的权利。

    Notwithstanding the PROVISONG of ucp500 , if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant .

  6. 出口业务信用证不符点分析

    Study on the discrepancies in documents for export settlement by letter of credit

  7. 请确认是否接受这些不符点。

    Please confirm whether you will accept these discrepancies ?

  8. 有不符点的单据将收取80美元的费用。

    A handing fee of usd80 . 00 to be deducted for all discrepant .

  9. 如果我方得到同意放弃不符点,我方可以放单并进行结算。

    We may release the documents and effect settlement should such a waiver be obtained .

  10. 大部分有经验的单证员,尽管对单据比较熟悉,但是依然存在不符点问题。

    Majority of experienced document specialists , although familiar with documents , but they still .

  11. 单据包含任何不符点,而没有我们的预先核准,即便是在担保条件下也不能议付。

    47a10.documents containing any discrepancies must not be negotiated even under guarantee or reserve without our prior approval .

  12. 商店在帐单上增收了一笔费用。有不符点的单据将收取80美元的费用。

    The shop stuck an additional charge on the bill . A HANDING FEE OF USD80 . 00 TO BE DEDUCTED FOR ALL DISCREPANT .

  13. 如果在该信用证项下的单据存在不符点,我行会要求申请人宽容此不符点。

    In the event that documents presented hereunder are determined to be discrepant , we may seek a waiver of such discrepancies from the applicant .

  14. 如果是前者,也就是两部分都被删除了,那么需要关注的是,不符点通知何时以及用何种方式发送给指定银行?

    If the former and both sections are being deleted , then the concern is when and how a notice of discrepancies must reach a nominated bank ?

  15. 大多数银行没有议付,但是,仅仅在收到开证行的付款后才支付受益人,即使受益人出示的单据没有不符点。

    Majority of them does not negotiate but pays beneficiary only upon receipt of funds from the issuing bank even though a complying presentation has been made by the beneficiary .

  16. 如果提示的单据中有受益人和你方银行的不符点,或者我们收到单据后发现任何不符之处,每一不符点,我们将扣除50美元。

    If the documents presented with any discrepancies from beneficiary to your good bank or we find any discrepancies when we received the documents we will claim USD50.00 for each discrepant .

  17. 本信用证项下,即便是呈递的单据认定存在不符点,我们有权寻求申请人对于不符点的弃权,除非收到来自交单人的反对的指示。

    In the event that documents presented under this credit are determined to be discrepant , we may seek a waiver of such discrepancy ( ies ) from the applicant at our sole discretion .

  18. 请注意如果我行必须联系开证申请人以使其宽容提交单据中的不符点,那么50美元(等值)费用将从支付金额中扣除。

    Please note that a fee of USD50 or the equivalent will be deducted from the amount paid , if we have to contact applicant in order to waive discrepancies in the presented documents .

  19. 基于跟单信用证交易的国际特点,各银行在处理信用证时会不可避免地考虑对方银行的审单标准:单据中不符点的认定和拒付的合理期限。

    Owing to international characteristics in handling documentary credit , each bank will inevitably consider the documentary examination standards of the bank of opposite side , documentary discrepancies and reasonable time limit of dishonor .

  20. 此声明并不意味着对存有不符点的单据一定会付款,或者即使这次接受不符点并付款了,并不代表将来出现的同样的不符点也会被接受并付款。

    This statement is not construed to mean that documents with discrepancies will be honoured by us , nor that , in the event of payment despite discrepancies , similar discrepancies in future drawings will be waived .

  21. 此外,信用证收费高、流程复杂而且存在欺骗和敲诈,尤其是不符点问题导致约3/4的单据在第一次交单时被拒付,使得信用证使用率大幅下降。

    In addition , the high fees of letter of credit , complex process and the existed fraud and extortion , especially about 3 / 4 of the documents are refused due to discrepancies in the first delivery , making the credit utilization rate dropped significantly .

  22. 如提示不符单据,每一不符点,我行将扣除55美元。

    In case discrepant documents are presented , we shall deduct USD55.00 for each discrepant .

  23. 如果寄来的单据和信用证上所要求的不符,受益人将会被扣除80美圆的不符点费。

    If documents presented do not comply with the terms and conditions of this credit , a discrepancy fee of USD80.00 will be deducted from proceeds to the beneficiary .

  24. 如开证行已确定单据表面与信用证条款不符,它可以自行确定申请人联系请其对不符点予以接受。

    If the Issuing Bank determines that the documents appear on their face not to be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Credit , it may in its sole judgment approach the Applicant for a waiver of the discrepancy ( ies ) .

  25. 当开证行确定提示不符时,可以依据其独立的判断联系申请人放弃有关不符点。

    B.When an issuing bank determines that a presentation does not comply , it may in its sole judgement approach the applicant for a waiver of the discrepancies .