
  • 网络display advertising;Super Pop Under
  1. 时至今日,一切都清楚了,Facebook公司价值连城——堪称背投广告的领导者,2013年进账了27.5亿美元。

    But it 's much clearer today that Facebook is valuable - it 's a leader in display advertising , raking in $ 2.75 billion in 2013 .

  2. 根据OC&C战略咨询公司(OC&CStrategyConsultants)的一项最新研究,80%的美国零售商正在各自站点上使用背投广告、特色产品和赞助商链接来宣传商品。

    Eight out of ten US retailers now use display advertising , featured products and sponsored links to advertise the wares on their sites , according to a recent study by OC & C Strategy Consultants .

  3. 根据OC&C战略咨询公司(OCCStrategyConsultants)的一项最新研究,80%的美国零售商正在各自站点上使用背投广告、特色产品和赞助商链接来宣传商品。

    Eight out of ten US retailers now use display advertising , featured products and sponsored links to advertise the wares on their sites , according to a recent study by OCC Strategy Consultants .

  4. 雅虎还必须在其最大的优势领域:背投广告领域领先于竞争对手。

    It also has to remain ahead of rivals in its biggest area of strength : display advertising .

  5. 以及利用其生产的100英寸背投建立广告平台,进行广告经营的,由产品到服务的战略构想。

    A from-product-to-service strategic idea of utilizing its 100-inch-screen projection TV-set to set up a advertising platform and deal in advertisement business .