
ròu zhì pǐn
  • meat products
  1. 把所有的肉制品都冷藏起来。

    Keep all meat products under refrigeration .

  2. 延长肉制品货架寿命的研究

    Research on Shelf Life Extension of Meat Products

  3. 该组织发布的报告还称,每天食用50克的加工肉制品会使患结直肠癌的风险增加18%。

    Its report also said 50g of processed meat a day increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18 % .

  4. 澳大利亚的优质乳、肉制品、葡萄酒也越来越多地摆上中国民众的餐桌。

    Meanwhile , the premium10 dairy , meat and wine products of Australia are increasingly served at the dining tables of Chinese households .

  5. GB/T9695.29-1991肉制品维生素c含量测定

    Meat products-Method for determination of vitamin C content

  6. 肉制品中志贺氏菌DNA的快速提取方法

    The Study on Rapid DNA Extraction Method of Shigella from Meat Products

  7. HPLC测定肉制品中山梨酸方法的改进

    Improved HPLC method to detect the sorbic acid in meat products

  8. 结果表明,用氯化苄法提取的DNA条带清晰、条带数多,适合发酵肉制品中微生物总DNA的提取。

    Results showed that the benzyl chloride method was the most suitable for extracting genomic DNA from microorganisms in fermented meat . 3 .

  9. 3采用单因子梯度试验法对影响发酵肉制品微生物RAPD反应体系进行优化。

    Single factor gradient method was carried out to optimize the reaction system of RAPD-PCR .

  10. 发酵肉制品生产加工中HACCP的应用研究

    Application of HACCP system in the fermentation meat products

  11. 红肠生产HACCP的建立及蔬菜营养低温肉制品的开发

    Set up HACCP System of Sausage and Study on Vegetable Nutrition Low Temperature of Meat Food

  12. 肉制品中牛源性成分的PCR-RFLP检测

    Detection of bovine derived material in meat products by PCR-RFLP assay

  13. 上海地区家畜、家禽及肉制品大肠杆菌O157∶H7监测

    Surveillance of E.coli O157 : H7 in Meat Food of Shanghai District

  14. Nisin复合防腐剂在低温灌肠肉制品中的应用

    Research of Antiseptic Nisin Compounds Application in Meat Products of Low Temperature

  15. 常见的维生素B12饮食来源包括鱼、家禽和肉制品。

    Common dietary sources of vitamin B12 include fish , poultry , and meat products .

  16. 去年,肉制品生产商泰森食品(TysonFoods)以86亿美元收购了竞争对手Hillshire。

    Last year , meat producer Tyson Foods bought rival Hillshire for $ 8.6bn .

  17. 介绍了HACCP系统在猪肉灌肠加工工艺中的应用,及其肉制品的安全性的控制。

    HACCP ( hazard analysis and critical control point ) applied in pork sausage processing technology to control safety of meat products were introduced .

  18. 在栅栏技术的基础上结合微生物预测技术和HACCP技术使传统肉制品更易于保藏。

    Combined with predictive microbiological technology and HACCP , the hurdle technology can make the traditional meat products much easier to preserve .

  19. 肉制品中合成着色剂和苏丹红染料的改进HPLC法测定固相萃取高效液相色谱法测定辣椒油中苏丹红和对位红染料

    Determination of Four Edible Synthesized Coloring Matter and Sudan Dyes in Meat Products by Performance Liquid Chromatography ; Solid-phase Extraction and HPLC Determination of Six Sudan Reds and Para Red in Pepper Oil

  20. 欧睿(Euromonitor)表示,预计中国今年将超过美国,成为全球最大的加工肉制品市场。

    Euromonitor says it expects China to overtake the US as the world 's biggest processed meat market this year .

  21. 第三步,构建构建肉制品企业在微博传播环境的预警指标体系,把BP神经网络模型与指标体系相结合,构建数量模型,进行微博环境下危机预警。

    The third step is to build the meat production companies to build early warning indicator system microblogging propagation environment , the BP neural network model and index system are combined to build the number of model for the next crisis warning microblogging environment .

  22. 国际癌症研究属KurtStraif说,因为食用加工肉制品患癌症的风险仍然很低,但是随着食用量的增加,风险会增加。

    Kurt Straif of the International Agency for Cancer Research said the risk of developing colorectal cancer from eating processed meat remains small but rises with the amount consumed .

  23. 含pvL的金葡菌主要在生牛乳、肉制品、速冻食品中,这些二次加工的食品与温度,卫生,人口流动性大有关。

    PvL containing Staphylococcus aureus in raw milk , meat products , frozen food , these two processing of food and temperature , health , population mobility related .

  24. 肉制品保藏实验表明:六氢β-酸的防腐保鲜能力明显优于目前常用的食品防腐剂乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)、山梨酸钾及苯甲酸。

    Experimental results of meat preservation showed that the antibacterial activity of 6H - β - acid was obviously superior to the common antiseptic such as Nisin , Benzoic acid and Potassium sorbate .

  25. 结论以EB为预增菌的肉制品沙门菌分步检测流程,节省了增菌时间,提高常规平板分离的检测敏感性。

    It is concluded that the protocol by using EB as the pre-enrichment medium for detection of Salmonella from meat products can save the time for enrichment and increase the sensitivity of conventional plating method in isolation of bacteria .

  26. 58岁的波普领导Smithfield更加深入地进军美国的品牌包装肉制品行业,并扩大了Smithfield对中国的猪肉出口。

    Mr. Pope , 58 , led a deeper Smithfield push into branded packaged meats in the U.S. and expanded Smithfield 's pork exports to China .

  27. 改性SPI在低能量肉制品中适宜的添加量为5%,改性SPI使产品的固体脂肪乳化稳定性、得率分别比肉用SPI提高了14%和7%,产品的感官指标也明显好于肉用SPI。

    The best concertration of modified SPI was 5 % in low-fat meat products . Emulsion stability and product yield of the modified SPI in the meat products increased by 14 % and 7 % , compared with that of meat-used SPI , respectively .

  28. 而且红肉并未像加工肉制品那样,被标为1级致癌物,IARC表示只发现“有限证据”表明红肉致癌,但红肉有很高的营养价值,不应将它从饮食中去掉。

    And red meat has not been tarnished with the same carcinogenic brush as processed - the IARC said there was only " limited evidence " that red meat caused cancer and that its nutritional value meant it should not be cut out of diets .

  29. 低胆固醇发酵肉制品的研究与开发

    Research and Development on the Low Cholesterol of Fermented Meat Products

  30. 发酵肉制品中乳酸菌的主要发酵特性

    Important fermentation characteristics of lactic acid bacteria in fermented meat production