
lián hé kāi fā
  • Joint development;jointly developed;co-development;joint exploitation
  1. 我们其它的客户经常使用的GDD解决方案包括模块化团队开发以及紧密连接的联合开发。

    Other GDD approaches that our customers frequently employ include componentized team development and tightly coupled co-development .

  2. 例子包括联合开发疟疾疫苗或者低成本的艾滋病疗法、解决与水传播疾病相关或者与特定气候区域相关的问题。

    Examples include co-development of a malaria vaccine or low-cost HIV / AIDS treatments , tackling problems associated with water-borne diseases , or those relevant to certain climatic zones .

  3. 如何用Visualc++和MATLAB联合开发软件

    How to Develop Software by Combining Visual C + + with Matlab

  4. 利用Access和Delphi联合开发焊接材料数据库系统

    Development of welding materials database system by Access and Delphi

  5. 介绍了EUROSTRIP○R联合开发计划及相关欧洲网络。

    The EUROSTRIP ○ R joint programme and its associated European network are reviewed .

  6. 该数据库采用VB和MSACCESS软件联合开发,可以查询到最新的超临界基础物性近4000条。

    The database , including nearly 4000 records of the last fundamental properties , was developed by VB and MS Access development tools .

  7. ORACLE7与Foxpro联合开发异构分布式数据库

    Developing heterogeneous distributed database by Oracle 7 and FoxPro

  8. 大连港和中石油(PetroChina)还在联合开发一个液化天然气加工厂。

    Dalian Port and PetroChina are also developing a liquefied natural gas processing plant .

  9. 本文以南水北调工程水泵模型同台测试成果为主要资料,在Microsoftwindows操作系统下用Visualc++和Matlab联合开发了轴流泵水力模型系列型谱及其应用软件。

    In this paper , the application software of spectrum for the hydraulic model of axial flow pump is developed by Visual C + + and Matlab under Microsoft Windows .

  10. 通用显示器公司与三星和LG联合开发柔性屏幕。

    Universal Display , which does joint development on flexible screens with Samsung and LG .

  11. MTU和DDC联合开发的新型2000和4000系列柴油机

    Series 2000 and 4000 Diesel Engines Newly Developed by MTU and DDC

  12. 或者你可以买这种我和Monsanto公司联合开发的玉米。

    Or you can buy this corn I 've been developing with Monsanto .

  13. 这项名为“数字新闻计划”(DigitalNewsInitiative)的合作方案,将包括联合开发产品、帮助新闻编辑室提供数字培训,以及在未来三年提供1.5亿欧元支持数字项目。

    Known as the Digital News Initiative , it will include joint work on product development , assistance with digital training for newsrooms and 150m in grants to back digital projects over the next three years .

  14. 同时,提出铣削加工振动仿真系统的总体框架,基于VB和MATLAB联合开发了数控铣削加工振动仿真系统。

    At the same time , the overall frame of milling vibration simulation system , NC milling vibration simulation system developed based on VB and MATLAB , is put forward .

  15. 联合开发mRNA疫苗的一家公司的创始人表示,第一阶段和第二阶段的试验表明,其可以与使用相同技术的辉瑞和莫德纳疫苗相媲美。

    The founder of one of the companies that jointly developed the mRNA vaccine says phase I and II trials show it the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines which used the same technology .

  16. 一个联合开发组,由来自PLA海军、许多的工厂和研究所的工程师组成,去解决这些问题。

    A joint development team with engineers from the PLA Navy , a number of factories and research institutes was formed to solve these problems .

  17. 这项名为数字新闻计划(DigitalNewsInitiative)的合作方案,将包括联合开发产品、帮助新闻编辑室提供数字培训,以及在未来三年提供1.5亿欧元支持数字项目。

    Known as the Digital News Initiative , it will include joint work on product development , assistance with digital training for newsrooms and € 150m in grants to back digital projects over the next three years .

  18. DP-51型单片机仿真试验仪与ISA板卡的联合开发

    Unit Exploitation Of DP-51 Microcontroller Simulation Tester and ISA Board

  19. 该DNA基准材料由F.D.A.和标准学会联合开发,它也给了监管部门一个评估检测准确性的新工具。

    The F.D.A. worked with the standards institute to develop the DNA reference material , which gives regulators a new tool to assess the accuracy of tests .

  20. 另外,王传福表示,比亚迪和戴姆勒(Daimler)将于2013年在中国推出它们联合开发的电动汽车。

    Separately , Mr Wang said that BYD and Daimler would launch their jointly developed electric car in China in 2013 .

  21. 整个软件系统采用Visualc++和matlab联合开发实现,利用Visualc++易于编程及matlab易于矩阵计算的特点,较好的完成了带钢表面缺陷图像典型噪声滤除任务。

    The entire software system using Visual C + + and matlab achieve joint development , using Visual C + + easy to program and matlab easy to matrix calculate the characteristics , a better image denoising completed the task .

  22. Android设备的复杂性导致管理联合开发生命周期,测试序列,交付后监管和管理这些系统的挑战性增加了。

    The complexity of Android devices leads to increasing challenges in managing joint development lifecycles , testing sequences , and rollouts , and in monitoring and managing these systems after they are delivered .

  23. 简茨在20世纪80年代由LouisRoedererChampagne香槟酒厂联合开发,它开辟了一种被戏称为“MethodeTasmanoise”(塔斯马尼亚法)工艺的香槟酒式酿造方法。

    Co-founded in the 1980s by the Louis Roederer Champagne house , Jansz pioneered a Champagne-like process wryly known as Methode Tasmanoise .

  24. 介绍了IBM和Microsoft联合开发的Web服务安全规范(WS-Security),讨论了WebServices所面临的安全挑战,最终针对潜在的安全威胁给出了一个WebServices防火墙模型及其防火墙架构。

    This paper simply introduces the web services security specification proposed by IBM and microsoft ( WS-Security ), then describes the security challenges of web services , eventually presents a model for web services firewall and its architecture based on the potential security threaten .

  25. 艾萨熔炼法是芒特艾萨矿业有限公司(MIM)和澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究机构(CSIRO)联合开发的浸没式喷枪顶吹熔炼技术,是一种高强度有色金属冶炼方法。

    The Isa smelting process , a submerged lance top-blown smelting technology jointly developed by MIM and CSIRO is a high-intensity nonferrous smelting process .

  26. 利用VC++与MATLAB联合开发了工件表面烧伤度分级系统。

    In combination of the percentage burn area and the burn degree expression , the whole machining burn degree of the workpiece is discriminated . ( 5 ) The grading system of the workpiece surface burn is developed by VC + + and MATLAB .

  27. ET是由美国埃莫里大学和三角药物公司联合开发的核苷类逆转录酶抑制剂(口服用药或静脉注射),2003年7月再美国上市。它是再拉米夫定的基础上开发出的核苷类抗病毒药。

    It was a kind of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor drug , which was developed jointly by American Emory university and triangle pharmic company and marketed in july , 2003.It is a kind of nucleoside antivirus drug developed in the base of lamivudine .

  28. 而第一台专门用于治疗的回旋加速器是由比利时的IBA公司和哈佛大学联合开发的,1998年开始在美国麻省总医院(MGH)启用。

    The first specialties cyclotron used in tumor therapy is empoldered by IBA ( Belgium ) and Harvard University , and in1998 started to use at MGH .

  29. 本单位和西安铁路信号工厂联合开发了一种新型计算机联锁表示盘系统,介绍了该表示盘系统的硬件结构和软件结构,对CAD软件中涉及到的搜索算法进行了详细的阐述。

    A new type of computer-based interlock indication panel system has been developed by us with Xi'an Railway Signal Factory . The paper introduces the hardware structures and software structures of the system , and illustrates in detail the search algorithm of the CAD software of the system .

  30. 但那之后,两家公司就变成了竞争关系,那年的11月,谷歌声称正在与硬件公司联合开发安卓系统,安卓系统被视为直接挑战iphone的软件平台。

    But since then , competition has been building . In November of that year , Google said it was coorporating with alliance of hardware companies to develop Android , a software platform for mobile phones to directly challenge the iPhone .