
  • 网络co-founder;Evan Williams;co-founders
  1. "如果可以的话,合乎逻辑的做法是从你的银行获得一张芯片密码卡,"CreditCardlnsider.com联合创始人埃里克·阿达莫夫斯基说。

    " If it 's available , the logical thing is to get a chip-and-PIN card from your bank , says Eric Adamowsky , a co-founder of Credit Cardlnsider . com .

  2. 作为全国青年农民联盟(NYFC)的联合创始人,并且自己本身也是一个农户,我在改变行业的小农创新中占据了前排位置。

    As the co-founder of the National Young Farmers Coalition ( NYFC ) and a family farmer myself , I have a front-row seat to the innovations among small farmers that are transforming the industry .

  3. 法律业招聘公司LawAbsolute的联合创始人萨拉•戈德温(SarahGodwin)与两位职场朋友创办了一家企业。

    Sarah Godwin , co-founder of the legal recruitment firm , Law Absolute , started a business with two work friends .

  4. 图沙尔·阿加瓦尔(TusharAgarwal)�Hubble公司联合创始人兼首席执行官

    Tushar Agarwal , Co-founder and CEO , Hubble

  5. 加里·赫什伯格:石原农场联合创始人

    Gary Hirshberg : Co-founder , Stonyfield Farm

  6. 启明创投的美国联合创始人盖里-瑞斯彻表示,中国初创企业的工作文化甚至比美国硅谷公司还要苛求。启明创投曾投资智能手机生产商小米公司。

    The workplace culture in China 's start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon4 Valley , says Gary Rieschel , the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners , which has backed smartphone maker5 Xiaomi .

  7. 照片共享初创公司色彩公司(Color)的联合创始人彼得•法姆最近离开了公司,时距公司正式成立不足三个月。

    Peter Pham , co-founder of the photo-sharing startup color , recently left the company .

  8. T2VentureCapital联合创始人、首席执行长、董事总经理

    Co-founder , CEO and managing director , T2 Venture Capital

  9. •微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人比尔•盖茨,居住地:华盛顿麦地那。

    • Bill Gates , co-founder of Microsoft , lives in Medina , Washington .

  10. 联合创始人,Twitter公司;联合创始人兼CEO,移动支付公司Square

    Co-founder , twitter , founder and CEO , square

  11. 康韦和李以Facebook的联合创始人肖恩•帕克为例。

    Conway and Lee used Facebook co-founder Sean Parker as an example .

  12. 所有人:保罗•艾伦,微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人

    Owner : Paul Allen , co-founder Microsoft

  13. 伊利诺伊大学(UniversityofIllinois)学生、应用程序One的联合创始人科里•利维就曾在2010年亲身体会过这种人生地不熟的窘境。

    Cory levy , a University of Illinois student and co-founder of one , found that out for himself in 2010 .

  14. 当创业家发表失败剖析时,他们往往最青睐由Twitter公司联合创始人伊万o威廉姆斯参与创办的出版平台Medium。

    Medium , the publishing platform co-founded by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams , is the preferred medium .

  15. Twitter联合创始人比兹•斯通已经以战略顾问的身份加盟Twitter早期的投资公司星火资本公司(SparkCapital)。

    Twitter co-founder biz stone has joined early twitter investor spark capital as a strategic advisor .

  16. 这位游客就是雅虎(Yahoo)的联合创始人杨致远(JerryYang)。

    The visitor was Jerry Yang , co-founder of Yahoo .

  17. 著名的斯沃琪手表的联合创始人艾尔玛o默克说,AppleWatch可能将导致瑞士钟表制造商遭受重创。

    The co-founder of the famous Swatch watch says the Apple Watch could result in big losses for Swiss watchmakers .

  18. 职务:联合创始人,总裁兼CEO

    Title : co-founder , President and CEO

  19. •另外,Twitter创始人兼Square联合创始人杰克•多尔塞可能重返社交网络领域。

    • meanwhile , twitter creator and square co-founder Jack Dorsey could reportedly return to the social network .

  20. 点击图片查看详细代码是InfoQ中文站的联合创始人兼总编辑,有多年的软件开发经验和媒体从业经历。

    Click the images to see the code in more detail .

  21. 切尔西码头有限合伙公司(ChelseaPiersLP)总裁兼联合创始人汤姆•伯恩斯坦及和妻子安德莉亚。

    President and co-founder of Chelsea piers LP Tom Bernstein and wife Andrea .

  22. 刘晓(音译)是ToMyBill公司的联合创始人,也是资深商务经理。ToMyBill是一家电子商务公司,去年12月份在深圳创立。

    Liu Xiao is co-founder and senior business manager in To My Bill , an electronic commerce company launched in Shenzhen last December .

  23. Twitter联合创始人兼创意总监,34岁的比兹斯通在接受《金融时报》采访时表示。

    Biz Stone , 34 , co-founder and Creative Director of Twitter , talks to the Financial Times .

  24. 它说谷歌的联合创始人拉里·佩奇(LarryPage)约会自己当时的同事梅丽莎·迈耶(MarissaMayer)。

    It said Google co-founder Larry Page had dated his then-colleague , Marissa Mayer .

  25. 它只适用于PC,这对汉拉罕这位曾经为苹果公司联合创始人乔布斯工作过的人来说,似乎是个莫大的讽刺。

    The program is only compatible with pcsan irony not lost on a guy who used to work for Apple ( AAPL ) co-founder jobs .

  26. 帕特里克•克里森从小在爱尔兰长大,如今,25岁的他已是全球在线支付公司Stripe的联合创始人。

    Patrick collison , 25-year-old co-founder of global online payment company stripe , grew up in Ireland .

  27. 联合创始人GaryMoore悲叹最近零售销售额不佳。

    Gary Moore , the co-founder , laments that retail sales have been slow .

  28. •朱尔斯•皮耶里,TheGrommet联合创始人兼CEO

    • Jules Pieri , co-founder and CEO , the grommet

  29. 已故苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫?乔布斯曾经写过一封关于Flash缺陷的公开信,强调对其可靠性、安全性和性能的担忧。

    The late Steve Jobs once wrote a public letter about its shortcomings , highlighting concerns about its reliability , security and performance .

  30. •Last.fm的联合创始人理查德•琼斯说得更直白:“苹果对iPhone在线音乐服务宣判了死刑。”

    FM , put it more bluntly : " apple just ____ over online music subs for the iPhone . "