
  • 网络Unified Combatant Command;Joint Forces Command;United Combatant Commands
  1. 由所有安全部高官组成的联合作战司令部可能在某些人眼里已经过气,但是依然强大。

    He now chairs the supposedly defunct but still powerful Joint Operations Command ( JOC ), composed of all security chiefs .

  2. 这是任务的受命于美军联合特种作战司令部。

    It was carried out under the leadership of the Joint Special Operations Command .

  3. 美国官员并没有就中情局和联合特种作战司令部合作进行的无人机袭击发表评论。

    U.S. officials are not commenting in the drone strikes which are carried out by the CIA in a joint special operations command .