
zhí shì
  • post;duties;job;occupation
职事 [zhí shì]
  • (1) [place]∶职务

  • (2) [occupation]∶旧指职业

  • (3) [duty]∶职务内的事情

  • 勤于职事

  1. 除皇帝例行的亲耕籍田之外,首次设立了劝农机构&劝农司,又在地方官的官衔上加上劝农职事。

    Besides the emperor cultivated in person on the field , had set up the agricultural organization of advising for the first time & Advise agricultural department , had in local official title of officer in addition , advise the agricultural post .

  2. 这个分赐的职事也是神的行政管理。

    This ministry of dispensing is also God 's administration .

  3. 神的国度讲到执行神的话和圣礼的职事。

    The kingdom of the Right hand describes the ministry of Word and sacrament .

  4. 职事也有分别,主却是一位。

    Now there are different qualities given to men , but the same spirit .

  5. 这个分赐就是管家职分,有神的执事分赐的职事。

    This dispensation is the stewardship with the dispensing ministry of the ministers of God .

  6. 他本来列在我们数中,并且在这职事上得了一分。

    For he was numbered among us and was allotted his portion of this ministry .

  7. 后来,我的母亲确实成了教堂中从事慈善事业的女职事。

    In later life my mother did indeed become a deaconess and engage in good works .

  8. 馆阁职事官的员数主要依需要而定,贴职则没有具体规定。

    The numbers of officials in Guange depend upon the actual need and Tiezhi has no actual principles .

  9. 神所制定与描绘的职事和教会法庭是存在的,它们具有教导、牧养、和司法的权柄。

    There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching , ministerial , and judicial authority .

  10. 若是定罪的职事有荣光,那称义的职事,荣光就越发大了。

    For if the ministration of condemnation be glory , much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory .

  11. 叫他得这职事与使徒职分的地位。这一分犹大已经离弃,往自己的地方去了。

    To take the place of this ministry and apostleship , from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place .

  12. 西四17要告诉亚基布:务要留心你在主里所领受的职事,好尽这职事。

    Col.4:17 And say to Archippus , Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord , that you fulfill it .

  13. 他整个职事和谈话,都以基督的样式为中心&因软弱被钉在十字架上,因神的大能却仍然活著。

    His whole ministry and conversation bore the mark of Christ 's likeness & crucified through weakness , yet living by the power of God .

  14. 弗四12为要成全圣徒,目的是为著职事的工作,为著建造基督的身体。

    Eph . 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry , unto the building up of the Body of Christ .

  15. 圣灵呼召,膏抹牧师们担任他们神圣的职事,并赐教会其他的职员其职位所需的恩赐和能力。

    He calls and anoints ministers for their holy office , qualifies all other officers in the church for their special work , and imparts various .

  16. 提后四5你却要凡事谨慎自守,忍受苦难,作传福音者的工作,尽你的职事。

    Tim . 4:5 But you , be sober in all things , suffer evil , do the work of an evangelist , fully accomplish your ministry .

  17. 提前一12我感谢那加我能力的,我们的主基督耶稣,因他以我为忠信,派我尽职事。

    Tim . 1:12 I give thanks to Him who empowers me , Christ Jesus our Lord , that He has counted me faithful , appointing me to the ministry .

  18. 圣灵的职事乃是彰显基督,一面是对你藉著把你从天然的改变为属灵的,一面是透过你向著这将亡的世界。

    The office of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ , both to you , by changing you from the natural to the spiritual , and through you to a dying world .

  19. 我们在天上的父,我们谦卑求你唤醒信徒,使他们的呼召乃是在信心的灵里为福音职事祷告。

    Our Father which art in heaven , we humbly pray Thee to arouse believers to a sense of their calling to pray for the ministers of the Gospel in the spirit of faith .

  20. 我们信主耶稣基督已升天,现今坐在神的右边,作大祭司,完成祂作代表、中保和保惠师的职事。

    We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God , Where , as our High Priest , He fulfills the ministry of Representative , Intercessor and Advocate .

  21. 宣武帝正始泛阶以后,北魏在考课制度和选举制度两个方面将地方官与中央官相区别,中央散官与中央职事官相区别。

    The Northern Wey differentiated the local officials from the central ones , the central officials at leisure from those at posts in the two systems of merit-testing and election after the emperor of Xuanwu 's awarding one grade to all the officials .