
  • 网络Vocational Higher Education
  1. 该文件指出,深圳市的普通和职业高等教育体系将扩大,并希望一些院校能够进入全国50强的名单当中。

    The city 's regular and vocational higher education systems will be expanded , in the hope that some of these institutions will be included in the national top 50 list , the document said .

  2. 高等教育机构包括大学,学院以及艺术类专科院校,工艺学校以及职业高等教育学校。

    Institutions of higher education include universities , faculties , and academies of arts , polytechnics and schools of professional higher education .

  3. 随着职业高等教育的基础化、综合化、社会化、网络化和国际化,如何发展高职学生的个性,完善他们的人格,培养他们良好的心理素质,已成为时代性的课题。

    With the growing tendency of comprehensive , social , networking and international higher vocational education , how to develop the characters of the vocational students , improve their personality and train them to a good psychological health have become a research topic in modern times .

  4. 其中,发展高水平研究型大学和职业型高等教育是两个重要方面。

    To develop high-level research-centred and vocation-centred higher education are two important aspects .

  5. 在知识经济时代,学术工作已成为一种专门化的职业,高等教育学术忠诚分流逻辑终点在于:理性认识公平缺失,适度照顾弱势群体;

    In the era of knowledge economy , academic work has become a specialized profession .

  6. 问题的解决要依靠真正普及免费的义务教育以及将妇女教育延伸到职业和高等教育机构。

    The author considers that the solution depends on free , compulsory , and universal basic education and efforts should be made in vocational and higher education institutions .

  7. 为我国现阶段职业型高等教育经费筹集方式改革,政府在职业型高等教育发展中的战略地位、政府职能的转变等方面做出了有实际意义的研究。

    The article had the practical significance because of it stressed on reform of vocational higher education funds collection way in our country present stage , the strategic status and function transformation of the government in vocational higher education development so on .

  8. 高等职业院校作为高等教育的一个重要类型,进入高等教育行业才不过十多年的时间。

    Advanced vocational institutions are an important type of higher education .

  9. 高等职业教育与高等教育大众化进程关系的研究

    A Research on Higher Vocational Education and the Course of Popularizing Higher Education

  10. 教师没有根据职业能力和高等教育同时并举的原则传授体育知识;

    Teachers do not pass on the athletics knowledge according to the principle of employing both occupational ability and higher education .

  11. 近几年,我国民办教育迅速发展,办学范围覆盖基础教育、职业教育、高等教育等各个领域。

    The Chinese private education , including basic education , career education to high education , has developed rapidly these years .

  12. 在公共教育制度的发展过程中,政府干预首先表现为对基础教育的管制,即初等义务教育的形成,然后依次延伸至中等和职业教育、高等教育;

    During the development of intervention into education , government firstly regulated the primary education , which is the formulation of primary compulsory education .

  13. 这主要表现在高等教育职业化、高等教育多样化、高等教育国际化以及高等教育的质量保障体系逐步完善等四个方面。

    They have been mainly reflected in professionalisation , diversification , internationalization of higher education and gradually improved the higher education quality assurance system .

  14. 知识经济时代,高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,面临着巨大的挑战。

    In the era of knowledge economy , higher vocational education , as an important part of the higher education , is facing great challenge .

  15. 高职教育兼有职业教育和高等教育的双重属性,承担着为社会培养高级技术人才的重要历史使命。

    Higher vocational education with the features of both vocational education and higher education , shoulders the important mission of training advanced technicians for the society .

  16. 国家举办各种学校,普及初等义务教育,发展中等教育、职业教育和高等教育,并且发展学前教育。

    The state runs schools of various types , makes primary education compulsory and universal , develops secondary , vocational and higher education and promotes pre-school education .

  17. 教育券制度作为教育改革的方式之一,可在幼儿教育,职业教育、高等教育等领域进一步推广。

    Education voucher system as education reform one of the way , but in the early childhood education , vocational education , higher education , etc further promotion .

  18. 学术性和职业性是高等教育的两种价值取向,二者的融合是教师专业发展的价值追求。3.大力发展和规范证券市场。

    Academism and professionalism are two values pursued in the higher education , and the integration of both is a goal sought after the development of teachers ' specialization .

  19. 作为基础教育、职业教育和高等教育的延伸,继续教育为提升国民素质和构建终身教育体系发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As an extension of basic education , vocational education and higher education , continuing education plays an increasingly important role in enhancing citizens ' quality and building lifelong learning society .

  20. 高等职业教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,是培养生产、建设、管理和服务第一线需要的高级技术应用型人才,对我国的实现工业化、现代化具有重要作用。

    Higher vocational education which trains the front line needed person with advanced technology is an indispensable component of modern education , and it is very important for the industrialization and modernization of our country .

  21. 本文从职业技术高等师范教育的教学模式与特点出发,探讨了现代化教学手段在职技高师课堂教学中的应用方法。

    The article starts with an account of the teaching mode and characteristics of vocational and technological teacher-training education and mainly discusses the ways as to how to apply the modern teaching means to teaching in high vocational and technological education .

  22. 关怀普及的教育教学必须坚持面向全体未来公民的全面素质目标,必须着眼于不同发展水平地区的教育共同发展,必须关注职业教育、高等教育乃至成人基础教育。

    The educational practice full of care must adhere to aim of the all round development of every future citizen , aim at the harmonious progress of education in all regions with varied levels of economic development and emphasize vocational education , higher education and basic education for adults .

  23. 对高等职业院校举办成人高等教育的思考

    The Thinking on Continuing Education Held in Higher Vocational School

  24. 学术职业化与美国高等教育的发展

    Academic Professionalization and the Development of Higher Education in the United States

  25. 高等职业教育和普通高等教育的差异分析

    An analysis on the difference between higher vocational education and regular higher education

  26. 从职业性谈成人高等教育的改革

    Study on the reform of the adult 's higher education from the occupation

  27. 天津市中等职业教育与高等职业教育衔接的思路与对策

    Thoughts and Strategies of the Connection between Secondary and Higher Vocational Education in Tianjin

  28. 会计职业道德教育在高等教育中的实施

    Conducting accounting professional morality education in higher education

  29. 高等职业教育是由高等教育机构实施的旨在培养高技术人才的高等教育。

    Higher technical education aims at training qualified people administered by Higher Education Institution .

  30. 大学生职业生涯规划与高等教育人才培养模式改革的思考

    On Career Planning of University Students and the Mechanism Reform of Talent Train of Higher Education