
  • 网络pro football;American Football
  1. 美式橄榄球大联盟(NFL)代表着美国最高水平的职业橄榄球联赛,而超级碗是NFL的年度冠军赛。NFL每个赛季从前一年的夏季晚期开始,到第二年的超级碗达到最高潮。

    The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League ( NFL ), the highest level of professional American football in the United States , culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year .

  2. 明尼阿波利斯警方表示,昨晚市中心一家夜总会发生枪击案,造成9人受伤,其中包括职业橄榄球运动员。

    And police in Minneapolis now say 9 people were hurt in a shooting at a downtown nightclub last night , that includes a Pro football player .

  3. 它是加拿大职业橄榄球联赛(CFL)、国际职业网球联合会(ATP)、NBA发展联盟(NBDL)还是美国职业足球大联盟(MLS)?

    Is it the CFL , ATP , NBDL or MLS ?

  4. 当然了,奥运会有诸多个人闪耀光芒的时刻,也有不少值得记取的团队比赛,而英超联赛(EnglishPremiership)、全美职业橄榄球联赛(NationalFootballLeague)和T20板球世界杯也莫不如是。

    Of course , the Olympics have moments of individual brilliance and some memorable team matchups , as do the English Premiership , the National Football League , the T20 cricket World Cup .

  5. 这是一场美国职业橄榄球队的冠军赛。

    The Superbowl is the championship game of American professional football .

  6. 她还执教过男子室内职业橄榄球球队。

    She has also coached for a men 's pro-football indoor team .

  7. 最初,我想当名职业橄榄球运动员。

    B : First , I wanted to be a professional football player .

  8. 你曾经是职业橄榄球明星。

    You being a ex-football player and all .

  9. 美国职业橄榄球包括全国橄榄球联盟(国榄联)中的31支队伍。

    American professional football involves thirty-one teams in the National Football League , or NFL .

  10. 英格兰职业橄榄球俱乐部协会

    English professional Rugby Union Clubs

  11. 职业橄榄球是美国最受欢迎的观众群的运动,职业棒球也很受欢迎。

    Although professional football is the nation 's favorite spectator sport , professional baseball is also very popular .

  12. 之前她曾向《国家询问报》详细描述了二人第一次约会、一同观看巴尔的摩乌鸦队比赛的经过(小编注:巴尔的摩乌鸦队是美国职业橄榄球联盟的美国联合会北区球队)。

    She had previously detailed their first date , to a Baltimore Ravens games , to the National Enquirer .

  13. 你能想象一年没有职业橄榄球比赛吗?就像生活在底特律一样。

    Can you imagine a year without professional football ? It 's like living in Detroit . – David Letterman .

  14. 作为黑人职业橄榄球运动员开拓者之一,弗雷德里克·道格拉斯·弗里兹·波拉德建立了一系列的第一次。

    One of the first black trailblazers of professional football , Frederick Douglass Fritz Pollard established a series of firsts .

  15. 这个星期天,世界各地的人们将见证两支球队争夺美国职业橄榄球总冠军。

    This Sunday , people around the world will witness two teams as they battle for the championship of American professional football .

  16. 22岁的内文斯宾塞是北爱尔兰阿尔斯特职业橄榄球队的中卫,今年参加了爱尔兰职业球队一场对阵野人队的表演赛。

    The 22-year-old Nevin , who played centre for Irish province Ulster , played an exhibition game for the Irish senior team against the Barbarians this year .

  17. 现在许多人看职业橄榄球赛、感恩节电视节目以及梅西的纽约感恩节游行来庆祝感恩节。

    Many people today observe the holiday by watching professional football games , Thanksgiving TV programs and the Macy 's Thanksgiving Day Parade held in New York City .

  18. 职业橄榄球,大学橄榄球,高中橄榄球,初中橄榄球,事实上,所有种类的橄榄球都有除了最原始的欧式橄榄球。

    Theres pro football , college football , high school football , pee wee football , in fact every form of football , except the original , European football .

  19. 美国职业橄榄球大联盟与腾讯的合作将为中国大陆数百万腾讯用户直播2017年常规赛季的比赛和非比赛活动。

    The NFL 's partnership with Tencent brought live NFL games and non-game content to Tencent 's hundreds of millions users across Mainland China during the 2017 regular season .

  20. 周五晚间的雄鹿与火箭之战在中国的电视收视率会让“超级碗”比赛(美国职业橄榄球决赛)黯然失色。

    In China , Friday night 's game between the Milwaukee Bucks and Houston Rockets is expected to draw TV ratings that would put even a Super Bowl to shame .

  21. 他效力于美国职业橄榄球联盟(1922年更名国家橄榄球联盟)亚克朗市职业橄榄球队并于1920年获得冠军。

    He played for the Akron Pros in the American Professional Football League ( which was renamed the NFL in 1922 ) and won a championship for them in 1920 .

  22. 北爱尔兰职业橄榄球队的球员内文斯宾塞及其父亲和哥哥在一次事故中遇难,事故是因为宠物狗掉进自家农场的粪坑。

    The accident that killed Irish rugby player Nevin Spence , his father and brother came about after the family dog fell into a slurry pit on their farm , it has emerged .

  23. 前职业橄榄球运动员将“人体旗帜”热潮带到英国。这组新奇的图片也许将引发最新的网络轰动。

    These are the amazing pictures that could be about to spark the latest viral internet sensation after a former pro rugby player has brought the ' Human Flag ' craze to the UK .

  24. 随着美国职业橄榄球大联盟着眼于全球扩张和全球粉丝群体的增长,在超级碗活动的节目中引入国际性音乐人对美国职业橄榄球大联盟和当地组委会而言具有里程碑意义。

    As the NFL eyes global expansion and growing its worldwide fan base , the inclusion of international musical talent in Super Bowl event programming marks a milestone for the NFL and local host committee .

  25. 短跑运动员、撑杆跳运动员和障碍赛跑运动员通常不会像职业橄榄球和篮球运动员那样从球队领取年薪。他们主要是靠奖金,以及和运动鞋制造商等赞助方签订赞助合同。

    Sprinters and pole-vaulters and steeplechasers generally do not receive annual salaries from teams the way professional football and basketball players do . Instead , they mostly rely on prize money and contracts with shoe companies , along with other endorsements .

  26. 美国国家橄榄球联盟是一个职业美式橄榄球联盟,有32支球队。

    The National Football League ( NFL ) is a professional American football league with 32 teams in .

  27. 它是美国篮球职业联赛、美式橄榄球联盟、国家冰上曲棍球联盟还是美国职业棒球联盟?

    Is it the NBA , NFL , NHL , or MLB ?

  28. 去年12月末,半岛电视台美国频道播放了一部长约一小时的纪录片,内容涉及美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)和美国职业橄榄球联盟(NFL)的顶级球星服用兴奋剂。

    In late December , Al Jazeera aired an hourlong documentary that linked some of the biggest stars in Major League Baseball and the National Football League to performance-enhancing drugs .