
  • 网络Career Exploration;Career Exploring;Explore Careers;vocational exploration
  1. 羞怯与职业探索、职业决策自我效能的关系

    Relationship between Shyness , Career Exploration and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy

  2. 大学生同一性与职业探索、职业决策困难的关系

    The Relationships between College Students ' Identity , Career Exploration and Career Decision-Making Difficulties

  3. 职业探索期不同类型员工的心理契约违背感与离职倾向的比较研究

    An Empirical Study on Psychological Contract Violation and Turnover Intention of Various Types of Career-exploration Workers

  4. 结果,千禧一代的长期收入潜力和职业探索机会前景不妙。

    As a result , millennials ' long-term earning potential and opportunity for career exploration is suffering .

  5. 关心利益对职业探索以及职业目标和策略制定有显著预测作用。

    Concerning about the Interests has a significant impact on Career Exploration and Career Goals and Strategy .

  6. 采用问卷法对439名大学生的同一性与职业探索、职业决策困难的关系进行了研究。

    Questionnaires were used to explore the relationships among college students ' identity , career exploration and career decision-making difficulties .

  7. 高中生自我、职业探索以及职业成熟度之间的相关显著,子维度之间的相关也非常显著。

    The correlation among ego , career exploration and vocational maturity of high school students is significant . ( 3 ) .

  8. 职业探索是职业生涯决策过程中重要的阶段,职业探索的目的是为了更好的做出职业决策。

    Occupational exploration is an important stage in career decision-making process , whose aim is for better choice in career decision-making .

  9. 拥有安全依恋关系的个体能够更具有信心和勇气进行积极的自我探索和职业探索活动。

    Individuals who have a secure attachment relationship will be more confident and have courage to carry out a positive career exploration activities .

  10. 认同价值对职业探索、职业目标和策略制定、自我展示和注重关系有显著预测作用。

    Appreciating the Value has a significant impact on Career Exploration . Career Goals and Strategy . Self-presentation and Focusing on the Relationship .

  11. 研究发现:(1)工具性帮助可以分别正向预测教育探索/投入和职业探索/投入。

    The research finding was as follows : ( 1 ) Instrumental help can respectively positively predicted education exploration and careerexploration / commitment .

  12. 转专业大学生对转专业行为的自我评价与职业探索、职业决策自我效能均呈正相关,理性的专业选择有利于大学生的职业探索、职业决策自我效能的发展。

    College students who transferring specialities evaluationed the behavior of re-choosing specialities , which was positively correlated with career exploration and career decision-making self-efficacy .

  13. 许多部分职业探索班,高中学生和大学开始学生往往需要写职业生涯参考项目。

    Asp art of many career exploration classes , high school students and beginning college students are often required to write a career reference project .

  14. 自我同一性各维度均与职业探索的两个维度有显著相关,自我同一性对职业探索有显著的预测作用。

    Attachment can predict career exploration . ( 4 ) There are remarkably correlation between each dimension of ego-identity and the two dimensions of career exploration .

  15. 自我、职业探索、职业成熟度的发展之间关系密切,良好的自我和职业探索可以预测良好的职业成熟度。

    The relationship between ego , career exploration and the development of vocational maturity are close , good ego and career exploration can predict career maturity .

  16. 我国中学生正处于职业探索和初步定向阶段,处于个体职业生涯发展的一个重要时期。

    In China , secondary school students are on the stage of career exploration , which is one of the important stages in one 's career development .

  17. 毕业生正处于从学校迈入社会的转变,在自己的人生发展的阶段恰好处于职业探索与职业建立的重要时期。

    The graduates are in the period of transforming from the school to the society , and are in their significant time to establish and explore their life career .

  18. 结果发现自我分化、自我同一性和职业探索均存在性别差异,男性普遍高于女性。职业探索在年级间存在差异,年级越高职业探索活动越多。

    The results revealed that there were significant differences on differentiation of self , ego identity status and career exploration between male and female . Males have higher level than female .

  19. 对职业探索预测起积极作用的是问题解决和行为方式,而角色分工起到消极的预测作用。

    Problem solution and behavior style in the family system , plays a positively forecasts role to the college student vocational exploration , but division of roles plays the negative forecast role .

  20. 研究结果显示,职业探索期大学毕业生总体离职意图处于中等偏上,人口统计变量与离职基本无关。

    The results indicate that the total willingness of university graduates ' voluntary turnover during the occupation exploration stage are above average , and the demographic variables have nothing to do with turnover .

  21. 职业探索是指增加对自我和环境的认识和了解以促进个体职业发展的活动。

    Career exploration is defined as encompassing those activities , which directed toward enhancing knowledge of the self and the external environment , that an individual engages in to foster progress in career development .

  22. 结合本文实证研究的结果和职业探索期大学毕业生的特征,从人力资源管理角度提出了减少离职意图的管理对策与建议。

    Combing the empirical results and the characteristics of university graduates during the occupation exploration stage , kinds of managerial countermeasures to ease the turnover willingness are proposed from the standpoint of human resources management .

  23. 自从1999年大学扩招以来,大学生数量逐年增加,大学毕业生的就业压力不断升级,而与此同时处于职业探索期的大学毕业生跳槽现象也一直呈上升趋势。

    With the enrollment expansion in the universities since 1999 , the quantity and employment pressure of university graduates both boost year by year , while the job-hopping phenomenon around the university graduates have been presenting obviously .

  24. 本文从个体因素和环境因素影响职业探索这个前提出发,选取了依恋和自我同一性两个因素作为自变量,探讨二者对大学生职业探索的影响。

    In this study , individual factors and environmental factors affect the career exploration of this premise , select the attachment and self-identity of the two factors as independent variables and explore their impact on the students ' career exploration .

  25. 西部农村经济条件下的职业教育探索

    An Exploration into Higher Vocational Education under Western Rural Economy

  26. 综合职业能力探索与培养

    The Exploring and Cultivating of Comprehensive Vocation Ability

  27. 职业生涯探索的结构、方法及影响因素

    Structure , Method and Antecedents of Career Exploration

  28. 接下来你便需要对名单上的职业进行探索了解了。

    Explore the Occupations on Your List Now you need to learn about each of the occupations on your list .

  29. 主要得出以下结论:1、青少年对个人未来教育的探索和投入最多,其次是对未来职业的探索和对未来婚姻/家庭的投入。

    The exploration and commitment related to future education was the highest , and then were exploration related to future occupation and commitment related to future marriage / family . 2 .

  30. 城乡统筹发展战略下的职业教育改革探索

    Exploration of Vocational Education under the Urban and Rural Development Strategy