
lǎo shù
  • old tree
  1. 老树让雷劈了。

    The old tree was struck by lightning .

  2. 车道绕过一棵老树来了个急转弯。

    The driveway makes a hook around an old tree .

  3. 这棵老树长进了建筑物的墙中。

    The old tree has grown into the wall of the building .

  4. 为了腾出位置建新图书馆,一棵五英尺合抱的老树被砍掉了。

    An old tree five feet around was cut down to make room for the new library .

  5. 火把老树烤干了。

    The fire thins out old trees .

  6. 赤壁在喉咙深处发出非常特别的声音来模仿老树末端上乌鸦的声音。

    Chibi made very special sounds deep down in his throat to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end .

  7. 那棵老树上有一个黄蜂巢。

    There 's a wasps ' nest in that old tree .

  8. 老树皮剥落下来。

    The old bark dropped away .

  9. 商容点点头,又说经过高大的老树要小步快走,老子回答说:“你的意思是说一定要尊敬老人?”

    Shang Rong nodded and added that when he passed an old tall tree he should walk fast in small paces . Laozi said , " Do you mean we should respect seniors ? "

  10. 所以,十五年了,我还是总得到那古园里去,去它的老树下或荒草边或颓墙旁,去默坐,去呆想,去推开耳边的嘈杂理一理纷乱的思绪,去窥看自己的心魂。

    And so , for fifteen years , I had to go to this old park , go under the old trees or next to the neglected weeds or beside the dilapidated walls , sit in silence or think blankly , break through the feelings of chaotic that were all around me , and peep at my soul .

  11. 老树茶与台地茶品质比较研究

    Study on Quality Comparison of Old Plant Tea and Tableland Tea

  12. 这棵老树每年都结很多果实。

    The old tree bears a lot of fruits every year .

  13. 成千上万棵老树在森林大火中被烧毁。

    Thousands of old trees were lost in the forest fire .

  14. 鸽子不作声了,它凝视着老树。

    The dove remained silent , gazing at the old tree .

  15. 他们也浇了原来的老树。

    They also watered some of the old trees , too .

  16. 菲比:你们把老树放在后面?

    Phoebe : You keep the old ones in the back ?

  17. 老树移栽活不成。

    Remove an old tree , and it will wither to death .

  18. 我们坐在一棵老树的树杈上。

    We used the branch of an old tree as a seat .

  19. 黄土高原人工林小老树成因分析

    An Analysis of Genesis of Small Aged Trees on the Loess Plateau

  20. 那棵老树被连根拔起。

    The old tree was born up by its roots .

  21. 一些稀有的鸟类在长有苔藓的老树上筑巢。

    Some of the rare birds built in the old mossy trees .

  22. 将良种苹果树的嫩枝嫁接到一株老树上去

    Graft a shoot from a good apple tree into an old tree

  23. 这棵老树被一根柱子支撑住了。

    The old tree is held up by a post .

  24. 嫩枝易矫直,老树难弯曲。

    Branches may be made straight , but not an old tree .

  25. 我把优美的舞姿献给慈祥的老树。

    I put the beautiful dances to kindly old trees .

  26. 熊猫正坐在一棵老树的树枝上。

    The panda is sitting on a branch in a old tree .

  27. 老树移种活不成。

    Remove an old tree , and it will die .

  28. 内蒙中部地区小老树成因及改造途径的研究

    Study on small - old trees and the transform methods

  29. 这棵老树有个动人的传说。

    There is a moving tale about the old tree .

  30. 枯藤、老树和正在安顿下来的乌鸦。

    The sere vines , the old trees , and nestling crows .