
  1. 目的:了解老年人膳食中维生素K1的摄入量和主要来源。

    Objective : To investigate the vitamin K_1 intake in elders .

  2. 北京市东城区老年人膳食营养状况调查分析

    Nutrition Status Diagnoses of the Elderly in East City Zone in Beijing

  3. 中老年人膳食和体液免疫水平的调查

    Investigation of diet and humoral immunity levels in the middle-aged and older aged people

  4. 北京市50岁以上中老年人膳食营养状况调查

    Investigation of dietary structure and nutritional status of people aged 50 and over in Beijing

  5. 沈阳市社区营养健康教育对老年人膳食结构的影响

    Influence of Community Nutrition Health Education on Dietary Structure of Senior Citizens in Shenyang City

  6. 通过对上海市老年人膳食、体格状况的调查,评价上海市老年人的营养状况,为进一步改善上海市老年人营养状况提供依据。

    To evaluate the nutritional status of Shanghai elders through dietary interview and physical examination , so as to provide scientific bases to improve their nutritional status .

  7. 目的:探讨老年人的膳食及营养状况。

    Objective : In order to study elder people 's diet nutritional status .

  8. 中国不同菜系地区中老年人的膳食模式及食物摄入量研究

    Study on the food consumption pattern of elderly people in four cuisine areas of China

  9. 目的为了解北京市50岁及以上中老年人的膳食营养状况,对2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查北京地区的结果进行分析。

    Objective To investigate the dietary structure and nutrition status of people aged 50 and over in Beijing .

  10. 目的了解南京市中老年人的膳食健康状况,探讨复合式膳食干预对食物摄入和慢性病的影响。

    Objective To investigate the status of diet and health of elderly in Nanjing and evaluate multiplex intervention on food intake and chronic diseases .

  11. 老年人平均膳食能量的70.20%来自植物性食物,其中谷类占56.52%,动物性食物提供了22.76%的热能;

    In the source of energy , 70.20 % was from vegetation , 22.76 % from animal food and the rest from pure energy food ;

  12. 为研究膳食营养状况与冠心病及其危险因素之间的关系,我们对1187例不同职业、年龄在60岁以上的老年人的膳食营养状况进行了调查。

    To study the relationship between dietary nutritional status and coronary heart disease ( CHD ) or it 's risk factors , a survey was carried out among 1 187 persons over 60 years old .

  13. 老年人接受平衡膳食营养宣教前后的试验观察

    The effects of propaganda and education on acceptance of balanced diet in the elderly

  14. 目的对比食用富硒食品前后老年人血硒水平的变化,为老年人硒膳食营养提供参考。

    Objective Compared the change of blood Se level in the elderly people before and after taking food enriched-selenium , and provided references of meal nutrition for the elderly people .

  15. 老年男性的膳食营养状况优于女性。结论:南京市区老年人膳食结构不太合理,应加强宣传教育提高营养知识水平,合理调整膳食结构。

    Conclusion : The results indicate that the dietary pattern of the elder should be modified by strengthening nutrition education .

  16. 就老年人的生理特点及其对食品的需求,介绍了世界卫生组织对老年人的营养膳食标准,进而从营养和保健的需要,提出了对老年食品的研究与开发。

    In the light physiological characteristics and food demand of old people , this article introduces the standards of world health organization for nutritious diet of old people , so as to further put forward the food development necessary for their nutrition and health care .