
  1. 南宁最出名的小吃是老友粉。

    The very famous local snack in Nanning is Laoyou rice noodles .

  2. 老友粉是我们这的小吃。

    Laoyou rice noodles are our local snack .

  3. 十多年了,老友粉们一直盼着珍妮佛·安妮斯顿、柯特妮·考克斯、丽莎·库卓、马特·勒布朗、马修·派瑞和大卫·修蒙能再次聚首荧屏,但以前的尝试都未成功。

    Fans of the show have been hoping for more than a decade to see Jennifer Aniston , Courteney Cox , Lisa Kudrow , Matt LeBlanc , Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer back on screen together , but previous attempts have fallen short .

  4. 作为老友记的忠粉,杜鑫研究了上千遍老友记拍摄场地的图片,一遍又一遍重看剧集,还花了五个月时间和建筑商一起琢磨家具设计,终于打造出一个完美的复制品。

    A loyal and dedicated fan of the sitcom , Du scrutinized thousands of pictures of the show 's set , watched endless reruns of the sitcom , and spent five months laboring over furniture designs with manufacturers in Beijing to create his uncannyreplica .