
lǎo shí rén
  • honest person;plain dealer
  1. 人,应当严守良知底线,做老实人,说老实话,办老实事,只有这样,才能活得坦荡、充实、自尊。

    One , should observe the conscience of the bottom line , do honest person , to be honest , do good thing , only in this way , can live magnanimous , enrich , self-esteem .

  2. 我看大庆讲三老,做老实人,说老实话,干老实事,就是实事求是。

    It seems to me that the call for the " three honests " the Daqing Oilfield workers ' exhortation to be an honest person , honest in word and honest in deed is identical with seeking truth from facts .

  3. 她是个地道的老实人。

    She is absolutely honest .

  4. 为什么他们不愿意作个老实人呢?

    Why they do not want to make an honest people ?

  5. 随便什么肤色都会有老实人的。

    a man can be honest in any sort of skin .

  6. 在我的印象里,他是位老实人。

    Deep in my book , he is an honest man .

  7. 收留一位老实人和他年迈的父母吗

    for an honest man and his ... uh elderly parents ?

  8. 按照他自己的标准他是个安分守己的老实人。

    He was an honest man according to his lights .

  9. 你为什么老是要欺负老实人?

    Don 't you just love to fool simple people ?

  10. 他说他的儿子不是一个老实人。

    He didn 't say that his son was an honest man .

  11. 或许我们是乡下老实人。

    Maybe , we 're just dumb country people but .

  12. 不行啦,他是老实人。

    We can 't do this , guys . he 's honest .

  13. 说完这话,这老实人走开了。

    And with that , the gallant lad went away .

  14. 他是个老实人,所以他不可能偷了我的钱。

    He is honest , so he cannot have stolen my money .

  15. 老实人说的话就是他的保证书。

    An honest man 's word is his Bond .

  16. 可是他们要吃人的,老实人。

    They 're cannibals even so , my boy .

  17. 他最著名的作品是1759年出版的《老实人》。

    Perhaps his most famous work is his novel Candide ( 1759 ) .

  18. 老实人干活,老大拿钱。

    The bear does his act , and the master takes the money .

  19. 他看上去像一个老实人,事实上他就是一个老实人。

    He looked like an honest man , which in fact he was .

  20. 他只是一个普普通通的老实人,努力挣足钱过日子。

    He is just an honest Joe trying to earn enough money to live .

  21. 他给我的印象是个老实人。

    He impressed me as an honest man .

  22. 杰夫一直是个品行端正的老实人。

    Jeff has always been a straight arrow .

  23. 应该保持谨慎。做老实人是件危险的事情。

    He should be careful . It 's dangerous to be an honest man .

  24. 我是一个老实人,至于有没有才另当别论。

    I am a veracity man , whether to have the talent as another matter .

  25. 他是一个直率的老实人。

    He is a downright honest person .

  26. 我保证他是个老实人。

    I 'll swear for his honesty .

  27. 他现在可是个老实人啊。

    He 's an honest man now .

  28. 有些是误入歧途的老实人。

    There were some honest misguided people .

  29. 到时候我就做得起老实人了。

    I can afford to be then .

  30. 他是个中规中矩的老实人。

    He seemed such a straight arrow .