
  • 网络laohekou city
  1. 老河口市冶金产业主要以有色金属冶炼为主,主导产品为电解铅和稀贵金属。

    Laohekou metallurgy industry mainly take non-ferrous metal smelting primarily , the leading product is electrolytic lead and precious metal .

  2. 北岗位于老河口市以北约22公里的纪洪镇纪洪村境内,是一处汉代中小型墓葬地。

    The Beigang site is a medium-sized graveyard dated to the Eastern Han dynasty and situates at the Jihong village , 22 kilometers north to Laohekou city .

  3. 以农兴镇,以镇促农&老河口市、襄阳县小城镇建设与农村经济发展探讨

    Building up the Town by Agricultural Industrialization and Promoting Agriculture by Urbanization

  4. 老河口市土地利用规划环境影响评价研究

    Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Land Use Plan of Lao Hekou County

  5. 城市滨水景观设计探索&老河口市沿江二期规划设计

    Exploratory study on landscape design of city coastal region

  6. 研究结果表明:老河口市复合环境朝着良性方向发展;

    The results indicate that the compound environment of Lao Hekou presents an upward trend ;