
  1. 我得带着我那小翘臀到schenectady去。

    I have to drag my well-toned ass up to schenectady .

  2. 看,那有一个翘臀美女在工作。

    Look , there is a hot-ass giri who works right there .

  3. 这种卷烟的广告,就是以翘臀、优雅的象模特一样外形的女性为特色。

    Ads for the cigarettes feature hip , sophisticated , model type-looking women on the go .

  4. 你是否拥有杰西卡·阿尔芭的美腿,金·卡戴珊的翘臀或是贾斯汀·比伯的手臂?

    Do you have Jessica Alba 's lithe legs , Kim Kardashian 's bottom or Justin Bieber 's arms ?

  5. 交通堵塞:你可以利用交通堵塞的时间来联系翘臀:每次刹车时都收紧你的屁股,坚持10秒钟。

    Tone in traffic Use the time spent bumper-to-bumper to develop your buns of steel : Squeeze your derri è re each time you tap the brake , holding for10 seconds .

  6. 不觊觎别的女生的发型、翘臀和睫毛,不在自己身上无节制的花时间试图让自己驾驭那些完全不适合的造型,这些也都太难了。

    It 's hard not to covet someone else 's hair or hips or eyelashes , and to spend inordinate amounts of time trying to achieve looks that we were never suited for in the first place .