
  • Beloved;deep love;CLOVE
  1. 嗯,深爱她的原因有四点。

    Well , deep love her reason there are four .

  2. 他们对艺术深爱不已。

    They 've got a deep love of the arts .

  3. 他们深爱着自己的孩子。

    They are devoted to their children .

  4. 功成名就之后她还是舍不得离开她深爱的利物浦。

    Fame hasn 't torn her away from her beloved Liverpool

  5. 她不愿看到她深爱的男友就这样不名誉地死去。

    She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonor .

  6. 50年过去了,这对夫妇仍然深爱着彼此。

    50 years on , the couple are still devoted to one another .

  7. 她深爱他的才华横溢和古道热肠。

    She loved his brilliance and his generous heart

  8. 当时我无限深爱他。

    I felt an immeasurable love for him

  9. 她深爱她的父亲。

    She loved her father dearly .

  10. 她的经历是一个妻子坚定地支持她深爱着的丈夫的感人故事。

    Her story is the touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved

  11. 尽管他们彼此深爱着对方,但经常激烈地争吵。

    They always fight like cat and dog though they still love each other very much .

  12. 过了这么久她仍然深爱着他。

    She 's still sweet on him after all this time ! 2 .

  13. 但后羿已和一个美丽善良的女子成亲,她名叫嫦娥,后羿深爱她。

    But Yi was married to a beautiful and kind woman , Chang'e , who he loved dearly .

  14. 你知道的,max和我深爱着对方。

    You know , Max and I love each other deeply .

  15. 听着,Blair是我最好的朋友,你是她的男朋友,而且她深爱你。

    Look , Blair 's my best friend , and you 're her boyfriend , and she loves you deeply .

  16. v.尊敬她尊敬她的祖父,他在作决定时虽严厉,但却深爱着她。

    revere She reveres her grandfather ; he is strict in decision , but shows great affection to her .

  17. 许多Java开发人员意识到尽管我们深爱Java编程,但也应该抓住开发领域中的新机会,并了解如何利用它们。

    Many Java developers are realizing that much as we love Java programming , it 's time to catch up to the new opportunities in our development landscape and see what we can make of them .

  18. 在他们各自深爱父母的葬礼上,悲伤、好奇加之荷尔蒙冲昏了头脑,小Ned和这个叫做Chuck的女孩儿初吻了,这也是他们俩唯一一次接吻。

    Narrator : At their respective parents'funerals , dizzy with grief , curiosity and hormones , young Ned and a girl named Chuck had their first and only kiss .

  19. 深爱你的教父C.S.路易斯

    Your affectionate Godfather , Lewis C.S

  20. 萨博汽车公司(Saab)的新主人没能顺利加速“起飞”并不让人意外,但这着实让世界各地的车迷痛心不已,他们深爱萨博的个性和鲜明外形。

    The failure of Saab 's new owners to gain take-off speed isn 't unexpected , but it pains car lovers everywhere who admired Saabs for their individuality and pluckiness .

  21. 那是一家典型的曼哈顿餐馆,DanDoctoroff身着牛仔裤和短袖衬衫,一边啜着无糖苏打一边赞美着这座他深爱的城市。

    SITTING in a booth in a classic Manhattan diner , Dan Doctoroff , clad in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt , is sipping a diet soda and musing about the city he loves .

  22. Merduk以一种奇怪的方式深爱着Perpephone,故而他决不原谅Innana揭露真相的行为。

    Merduk loved Persephone in a strange way and never forgave Innana for revealing the truth .

  23. 我们以你为荣,我们深爱着你,罗马尼亚!

    Romania , we are proud of you and love you !

  24. 我们要感谢深爱着我们的父母和老师。

    We 'd like to thank our beloved parents and teachers .

  25. 让深爱你们的人分享这快乐的时刻。

    This happy occasion is shared by all who love you .

  26. 过去,我们真的深爱着对方。

    Once upon a time , we really loved each other .

  27. 至于那个他深爱的女孩,她自杀了。

    As for the girl he loved , she committed suicide .

  28. 你和你深爱的人是不会各自单独扬帆出海的!

    The two of you won 't be setting sail alone !

  29. 我感谢她无条件地深爱着我的儿子们。

    I thank her for loving my sons fiercely and unconditionally .

  30. 我最深爱的人,你可以购买到17的门票。

    My deepest love person , you can buy tickets to17 .