
qún xióng
  • a large number of heroes;a group of independent warlords
群雄 [qún xióng]
  • [a large number of heroes] 旧时称在时局混乱中称王称霸的一些人

  • 群雄割据

群雄[qún xióng]
  1. 如今的平板电脑市场,有一样设备傲视群雄:它就是苹果公司(Apple)的iPad。

    In today 's tablet market , one device stands distinctly above all others : Apple 's iPad .

  2. 中国人群雄激素受体基因CAG多态性与前列腺癌关系的研究

    The relationship between CAG polymorphisms of androgen receptor gene and prostate cancer in Chinese patients

  3. 美国杜克能源公司(DukeEnergy)首席执行官吉姆罗杰斯(JimRogers)表示,他有意在群雄割据的美国电力市场达成更多交易。

    Jim Rogers , chief executive of Duke Energy , has said he was interested in more deals in the fragmented US power market .

  4. 其突破性的3D特效足以让其傲视群雄,但是英语母语的观众却在电影中外星人对话中云里雾里,因为阿凡达在香港上映时只提供了外星人对话的中文字幕。

    It may boast ground-breaking3D effects , but English-speaking viewers of Avatar have been left in the dark by the film 's alien dialogue after Hong Kong cinemas offered only a Chinese translation .

  5. 新疆维吾尔族人群雄激素受体基因CAG重复多态性与良性前列腺增生的关系

    Preliminary study of relationship between the CAG repeat polymorphism of androgen receptor gene and benign prostatic hyperplasia in Xinjiang Uygur men

  6. 当然,没人会指望它现在就能力压群雄。

    No , no one expects it to lead right now .

  7. 这时各地豪强也纷纷独立,形成群雄并起的局面。

    Almost immediately , the powerful lords rose one after another .

  8. 我们的产品在这个业界傲视群雄。

    Our product is in the lead in this industry .

  9. 它给予了我们在这群雄鏖战的市场一个决定性的先机。

    It gives us a decisive head start in a competitive and tough market .

  10. 他凭借自身才华,技压群雄,名列众演员之首。

    Thanks to his talent , he has an edge over the other actors .

  11. 从内部看来,中国烟草市场也已经形成了众多名优卷烟品牌群雄争霸的格局。

    Interiorly , all kinds of reputed brands are contending for hegemony in China 's tobacco market .

  12. 我们整理了好莱坞最会挣钱的年轻明星们,麦莉·赛勒斯独领群雄。

    We put together a list of Hollywood 's highest earning young stars , which Miley tops .

  13. 我们的专业与技术在群雄争战的市场有助于产品产握竞争的优势。

    Our professional and strong knowledge is helpful to the privilege of the products in this competitive market .

  14. 但是利润率如此之低,以至于即便在群雄割据的新兴平台中,其中的主要交易所也已开始进行合并。

    The margins are so low that even elements in the fragmented world of alternative platforms have started to merge .

  15. 第三,我们将重塑美国的竞争优势,如此,美国的企业和工人便能再次傲视群雄。

    Third , we are going to restore America 's competitive edge so that American businesses and workers can win again .

  16. 展望21世纪,20世纪那种战国群雄的面貌已经受到一种新的世界格局的冲击,民族国家及其文化的分化格局面临着如何在一个全球化的世纪中更新自身的使命。

    All the nations and their cultures have to take consideration into renewing their historic missions in the new century of globalization .

  17. 美国人民的喜爱证明了贾斯汀·比伯依然很强大:这位青少年歌手在上周日晚的全美音乐奖颁奖典礼上称霸群雄。

    Americans proved their Bieber Fever is still strong : after the teen singer dominated the American Music Awards on Sunday night .

  18. 她在2005年的时候达到人生巅峰,以令人印象深刻的能力、高超的政治手段和广阔的权力基础傲视群雄。

    She rose to the very top in2005 by outsmarting rivals with more impressive credentials , greater political skills and bigger power bases .

  19. 我国旅游景区由外事接待、无为而治的时代已进入到群雄并起,白热竞争的新时期。

    China s tourism scenic spots from the reception ," Inaction " era has entered into the new period and crowded , white hot competition .

  20. 1996年,为白酒业群雄并起阶段,产品文化由工业酒向品牌酒过渡,由自然消费向酒文化被动消费过渡;

    1978 ~ 1996 , featured by brutal market competition , industrialized liquor evolved into brand liquor , liquor culture transited from natural consumption to passive consumption ;

  21. 在霸权国家群雄割据的上海,这一群拥有特殊能力的人并没有在表面的世界有着任何的活跃,而在暗中有组织的进行着各种任务。

    In this cosmopolitan city of intrigue , there is a special military spy organization called " Sakurai Kikan " that has since been buried in history .

  22. 在技术世界更为宏大的群雄纷争中,谷歌决定推出自己的音乐商店则是最新的火力齐射。

    Google 's decision to launch its own music store is the latest salvo in a wider conflict being waged by the titans of the tech world .

  23. 一大群雄性聚集起来炫耀总体的最好形态&然后雌性会选择最突出的和看上去最兴奋的。

    This is when a host of males gather together to show off their best features en masse-the females then choosing the most dominant and visually exciting .

  24. 群雄争霸的时代风云造就了他们政治上积极进取的功利性,以天下为己任的社会责任心。

    The era of striving for supremacy hegemony situation created their politics positive enterprising utilitarian , caused them take the world as own duty social sense of responsibility .

  25. 韩非生活的时代是一个群雄割据、战乱频繁的动乱时代,所以寻求可以治国安邦的明主以期达到国家的富强与安定就成为其思想发展的必然。

    Han Fei lived in a frequent unrest war era so that seeking a wise monarch to develop a prosperous and stable country was a necessity of his thoughts .

  26. 以荷兰好声音为模版的中国好声音,一经推出便获得了超高的电视节目收视率,以超出5个百分点的收视率傲视群雄。

    Based on the reality singing competition " The Voice of Holland , " Voice of China immediately proved a TV hit , with ratings soaring over five percent .

  27. 仅仅五年之后,Opsware16倍历史营收的收购乘数就在10亿美元以上的企业软件收购记录中笑傲群雄。

    Almost five years later , the acquisition multiple of almost 16 times trailing revenue still far exceeds that of any other billion dollar-plus enterprise software acquisition & ever .

  28. 现代广告业,群雄并起,市场纷争,旧有领域的竞争方兴未艾,新领域的竞争又趋向白热化。

    In the industry of modern advertising , there are numerous companies competing for the market , with a mature traditional domain as well as an incandesced new one .

  29. 在周边有群雄并立的东南亚,探讨东盟小国依靠什么手段来实现地区安全,具有重大意义。

    It is very important to argue which kind of means ASEAN using to carry out the security aim in the Southeast region with several great powers surrounding it .

  30. 想逐鹿群雄,问鼎中原,你有英雄识英雄的慧眼,只有你最知道,什么样的选择最适合你。

    Would like to chase the deer warlords , won the Central Plains , you know there are heroes heroes eye , only you know what is best for you .