
  1. 美国联邦制的发展沿革

    Historical Evolution of American Federal System

  2. 美国联邦制是指由联邦政府和州政府共同组成并分享权力的制度。

    American federalism is defined by the federal government and state governments together to form a power-sharing system .

  3. 美国联邦制特点及其功能探析&以联邦与州的分权为视角

    Analysis of the Characteristic and Function of the American Federal System & Seeing in Perspective of the Separation of Federal and State Powers

  4. 论文摘要:“联省自治”作为一种社会政治思潮,它是仿效美国联邦制演变而来的。

    The provincial aut ( omitted ) a social and political ideas , it is to follow the United States evolved from the federation .

  5. 这些权力在不同层级权力主体间的相互关系,形成了美国联邦制下的复合性宪政结构、以及复合行政运行机制和复合司法体系。

    These powers ' relationships among the different levels of power subjects form a composite constitutional structure , and complex administrative operation mechanism and complex judicial system .

  6. 以联邦与州的权力分配为视角,20世纪美国联邦制的发展可分为三个阶段。

    From a perspective of the division between the federation and state , the development of American federalism in the twentieth century can be grouped to three stages .

  7. 美国是联邦制社会的典型。

    The United States is the archetype of a federal society .

  8. 詹姆斯·威尔逊与美国早期联邦制的演进

    James Wilson and the Development of Early American Federalism

  9. 由于美国属于联邦制国家,除了国际性的诱拐案件之外,还要处理大量的各州之间的诱拐案件,因此,美国这方面的司法实践非常丰富。

    U.S.A.being a federal country , besides international abducting cases , will deal with interstate abducting cases , therefore , the judicial practice in this respect is very abundant .

  10. 就易被误解的政治原则而言,美国的联邦制堪称首当其冲。美国的联邦制是一种基于各级政府间权力分享、重叠和相互牵制的体制。

    There is no more misunderstood political principle associated with U.S.government than federalism & a system based on sharing , overlapping and competing powers among all levels of government .

  11. 美国是实行联邦制的市场经济国家,其立法体制在西方国家也很有代表性,严格遵循税收立法程序立法的传统,在多年的税收立法实践中折射出许多特点。

    America is powerful in economy with federal system , its tax system is typical in the Western country . It follows the tax legislative procedure strictly in tax legislation for years which reflects many characteristics .

  12. 通过对美国和德国财政联邦制的分析,本文指出了俄罗斯财政联邦制的改革方向。

    Through the analysis of fiscal federalism in the United States and Germany , this paper presents proposals for reform of fiscal federalism in Russia .