- 网络fcc;Federal Communication Commission;FCC Federal Communications Commission

Google proposes to FCC to become the administrator of a White Spaces Database containing geo-location information about devices using the free channels in the radio spectrum .
Methods The theoretical model of the radiated emission from computer system is given , and the measurement requirements and methods are discussed in detail according to FCC regulations .
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has kicked off its first major auction of wireless airwaves in six years .
As FCC for UWB system , the power spectrum were strictly limited , which leads to the UWB signal design problem .
The FCC ( Federal Communications Commission ) sets spectral masks or adjacent-channel-power-ratio requirements on some services , such as land mobile radio .
In the same time frame , the Federal Communications Commission hopes to wire most American homes with broadband Internet with speeds of at least 100 megabits per second , or roughly one-sixtieth of South Korea 's goal .
The simulation results show that the power spectral density ( PSD ) distribution of the UWB shaping pulse is accorded with the federal communications commission ( FCC ) mask very well , and also has very high spectrum utilization ratio .
In July 1996 US Federal Communication Commission ( FCC ) issued the E-911 mandate stating that all wireless carriers must provide the fast location of an emergency caller to the appropriate public safety answering point .
The urgency of the problem is underlined by the fact that US Federal Communications Commission and similar agencies in other countries have already started to auction off frequencies close to the 23.8 GHz frequency to future 5G network providers .
The Federal Communications Commission also has an investigative arm that you may forward the complaint to .
With the vote at the FCC close , there is still some serious lobbying going on behind closed doors .
The corresponding measured radio-frequency ( RF ) spectra meet the UWB criteria defined by federal communications commission ( FCC ) .
The F.C.C.says the court " in no way disagreed with the importance of preserving a free and open Internet . "
Is it : the Federal Communications Commission , the Federal Bureau of Investigation , Federal Trade Commission or Federal Reserve ?
In October , the studio told the Federal Communications Commission that " Star Trek " had become a hot commodity in piracy circles .
FCC thrown open the public frequency on 1999 , and subsequently Europe Telecom Association and Chinese Wireless Management Committee released respective public frequency .
The FCC has long barred profanity and nudity during waking hours , although it used to take a laxer attitude towards isolated incidents .
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will vote Thursday on a proposal that would ensure the nation 's Internet sector operates as a free and open marketplace .
Recently , US Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin unsuccessfully proposed a universal service fund to promote high-speed Internet access , similar to the one for telephone service .
The FCC in September projected that upgrading networks and building new ones could cost anything from $ 20bn to $ 350bn , depending on the speed of the networks .
On this basis , a two-source microwave photonic bandpass filter is designed to generate ultra-wideband signals , with which the generated ultra-wideband signals comply with the frequency mask defined by Federal Communications Commission better .
In particular , they object to the FCC 's rules about " fleeting expletives " ( isolated , and in many cases , unscripted swearing ) and brief glimpses of titillating body parts , which are subject to heavy fines .
Such a move by the Federal Communications Commission ( which is independent of the president ) would regulate ISPs like utilities .
The Federal Communications Commission , the US media regulator , is preparing to unveil its national broadband strategy next month .
The full-day webcast , including a town hall hosted by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski , showcases how technology can improve learning in the U.S.
FDA shares regulatory responsibilities for cell phones with the Federal Communications Commission .
Last month they heard arguments in cases involving two other broadcast networks , Fox and ABC , which are challenging the Federal Communications Commission 's restrictions on indecency .