
  1. 网络秩序论

    On the Order of the Network

  2. 文章说,没有网络秩序,何来网络自由?

    If you don 't have Internet order , how can you have Internet freedom ? ' the commentary said .

  3. 我国已经制定的相关的法律法规和规章,建立了完善的计算机保护体系,对于保护和规范网络秩序,发挥了十分重要的作用。

    Our country already formulated the related laws and regulations and the rules and regulations , have established the perfect computer protection system , regarding the protection and the standard network order , has played the very vital role .

  4. 论网络社会秩序的维护

    Discussion on Maintenance of the Order in the Net Society

  5. 法制保障下信息网络的秩序和规范

    Order and Norms of Information & Network Under Law

  6. 网络社会秩序多元化治理结构的构建是建设和谐网络社会的重要内容。

    The construction of the network order monitoring system is the significant content of the construction of harmonious network society .

  7. 文章以公共治理理论为理论基础,提出了网络社会秩序治理的三三制模型。

    The article based on the commonality administer theory , proposes the " the triangular organization " model of network order monitoring system .

  8. 网络社会秩序监控的目的是为了最大限度地遏制网络失范现象的泛滥。

    The goal of the network order monitoring is for maximum limit to restrain the overflow of the anomie phenomenon of the network .

  9. DDoS攻击在互联网上的出现和泛滥,极大地影响了网络的正常秩序,给很多网站和企业造成了严重的经济损失。

    The appearance and spread of DDoS among the internet has greatly affected the normal running of the network , for the aspect of website and enterprise , it caused severe economic losses .

  10. 这一切引起了社会各界的广泛关注,人们基本上达成了一致的共识:网络社会需要秩序,网络行为需要规范。

    All of the problems give rise to abroad attention . People arrive at consistent views : network society needs orders .

  11. 它给了我们一次尝试,另一个改写经济权利网络和旧秩序的机会

    and it 's giving us another kick at the can , another opportunity to rewrite the economic power grid and the old order of things ,

  12. 在现代社会的法治需要和网络世界的秩序价值缺失的共同作用下产生了对法律干预的必然需求。

    The combined effect of the needs for the rule of law in modern society and the absence of online world order inevitably demand for legal intervention .

  13. 供应链网络中的秩序和控制是自组织和涌现的宏观表现,是不同企业根据各自的局部信息和行为规则而采取行动的结果。

    The orders and controls are macro-features of the emergence and self-organization and are the results of behaviors depending on the local information and the rules of the behaviors .

  14. 因此,络世界的自由是一种秩序的自由,这种由自然状态向社会状体的转变过程就是网络空间公共秩序的产生过程。

    So the freedom of cyberspace should be based on order and the transition from the natural state to the social state is the forming process of the public order in cyberspace .

  15. 第四部分是构建有序网络政治参与秩序的对策研究。主要针对上文中对网络政治参与的问题分析,从政治制度、法律法规、技术手段和伦理规范四个方面提出可行的对策。

    The fourth part is to build orderly political participation orderly countermeasures , include analysis of online political participation , and put forward feasible countermeasures in four aspects , such as the political system , laws and regulations , technical means and code of ethics .

  16. 为进一步规范网络音乐市场秩序,严厉打击非法网络音乐产品及其违法经营活动,中国文化部决定进一步清理违规网络音乐产品,并于日前公布了“第三批未经内容审查或备案的网络音乐产品名单”。

    China 's communist rulers have banned Lady Gaga , Katy Perry and the Backstreet Boys ' from their radio playlists ' to preserve national security . " The Ministry of Culture has announced Chinese music download sites must delete songs by the artists within two weeks or face the consequences .

  17. 资产专用性、网络扩展和私人秩序

    Asset Specificity , Network Expanding and Private Order

  18. 为了建立和维护网络交往的基本秩序,必须设定网络语言伦理原则及规范。

    To maintain the order of network communication , moral principles and norms should be set for network language .

  19. 对此,政府需要在海量信息的引导、网络立法、网络秩序的政府监控、网络传播的伦理管制方面进行有效管理。

    So the government needs to control the leading of the massive information , the Internet legislation , and the regulation of Internet order and the ethical supervision of network spread effectively .

  20. 文章主要分为四个部分:第一部分是对网络空间及其公共秩序的基础分析。

    The thesis attempts to discuss the regulation of cyberspace from the perspective of public law , which mainly includes four parts : The first part is the basic analysis of cyberspace and its public order .

  21. 此外,这一部分还详细探究了网络空间,触及了网络空间的秩序与活力。

    It also study on internet space , touch its order and vigor .

  22. 因此,应当对网络犯罪给予足够的重视,以确保网络秩序的正常发展。

    Therefore , we must pay enough attention to the cybercrime to guarantee the normal development of the network order .

  23. 所以,挖掘网络舆情,将对搭建文明网络,稳定社会秩序,促进国家发展做出贡献。

    Mining the Network public opinion is helpful in maintaining the social stability , promoting development and constructing a harmonious network .

  24. 摘要当前的网络社会面临道德危机,这严重影响了网络社会的正常秩序和健康发展。

    At present , the moral crisis of the network society is so serious that the normal order of the network society and its progress are badly affected .

  25. 而传统网络安全技术存在的许多缺陷促使研究人员试图结合其他技术来规范网络秩序。

    But , the traditional network security technology has many defects which prompt researchers to try to combine with other technologies to regulate the network order .

  26. 与现实社会相比,网络社会是一个更趋于自律型的社会,因而道德在维持网络秩序中将发挥更为重要的作用。

    In contrast to the real society , the network society is a self-disciplinary society . Therefore , moral is to play a more important part in maintaining the order of network .

  27. 网络社会已然形成,但其虚拟性、匿名性等特征,使得网络社会的秩序遵守,道德守卫,法律控制变得棘手。

    The network society , which posseses dummy and anonymous features and so on , has been come into being . The qualities are stubborn for the people to abide by the network social order , guard the morals and use laws to control .

  28. 加强对互联网的立法研究,尽快建立健全打击网络犯罪的法律体系,切实提高依法预防和打击网络犯罪的能力,维护良好的网络秩序,已是当务之急。

    In order to maintain a safe internet , it is of great emergency to strengthen the legislative research on the Internet , establish a sound legal system toward cyber crime as soon as possible and enhance the ability to prevent and punish cyber crime .

  29. 对意思表示及其瑕疵的含义进行了阐释,进而论述了网络中的意思表示的新特点、表现形式和法律规制,以期对网络交易安全和网络秩序有所裨益。

    Making some explanation about the meaning expression and its defects , fatherly expounding the new features , forms , and laws and regulations of it , hoping that it does some good to the network trade security and network order .

  30. 校园网络面临挑战,为在挑战中争取主动,需要立足于中国实际和全球意识,做出理性决策,规范网络秩序,发挥网络效能;

    Campus network is faced with challenge .